
Teen Top oneshots!

author notes: writing this in the middle of the night for minsoo's birthday! happy birthday, love. you're one of my motivations to live the days i have, thank you for putting the smiles on my face ♥ this chapter will be a crack pair between minsoo and another group's member (hint: it's a boy!), but i left it before it went too fair just in case you guys hate it. let me know what you think of it! ;) enjoy this quick update!


This is his favorite time of the year. His birthday.
One full day, when everyone, even the hardcore fans of Byunghun, say nice things and wish him good stuff. One day, when everything he does become bearable somehow, whether it's sleeping like there's no tomorrow, or even taking snacks of Changhyun's hand. One day, when he can do anything he wants.

Like going to a place this late at night, like what he does now. It's not even his birthday yet, but he's able to get a quick start to do what he wants. He can't stop smiling throughout the entire journey to his destination. He feels a warm feeling in his heart somehow, eventho by now he has gone to that place so much he can make every turn needed with his eyes closed, the warm feeling is still there. He thinks he might be nervous, as he chuckles to himself at how stupid that sounds, but he's pretty sure he's just happy.

It's not like he doesn't want to spend his birthday with his own member. Actually, he felt bad when he told the young kids about his plan, seeing how Chanhee sulked at his broken surprise plan, and how Changhyun whined on how he keeps going there each and every year, and how Niel tried so hard to calm them down by saying he will be back first thing in the morning (and he will, like how he usually does), but there's something that keeps drawing him to the other place. 

A million thoughts come racing through his head; What if I can't get in? I haven't even texted to tell that I'll be coming over. What if they get sick of me? Ey, they love me. Everyone loves me. They won't kick me out. I might as well camp outside rather than going all the way back to the dorm.

The thoughts stops as soon as he reaches the building. He once again questions his own choice of crashing in someone else's dorm in his own birthday without even the consent of the dorm's owners, but he comes a long way so might as well try it out, and he pulls his phone out to send a text.

I'm outside the building. Come get me here.

He locks his phone and sighs at his own action. A minute turns to five, five turns to ten, and he unlocks the screen to see nothing pops out. I told you this is stupid, Minsoo curses to himself. As much as he wants to call and tell him to hurry, he's afraid that the other guy is sleeping and as someone who values sleeping a lot, he doesn't want to bother the quality time. It's insanely cold outside and he mentally makes fun of his own will to even sleep outside if this happens, because he believes he'll turn into ice cubes when he wakes up. Who would want a birthday boy in the form of ice cube?

And just when he's about to dials Niel's number to pick him up, he hears the voice he desperately wants to hear. Part of it is because he's dying of cold, but mostly because it's him. He's the warm feeling in his heart.

The short thin guy in brown hair walks towards him, closer and closer. He looks funny with the thick coat wrapped around his body, but it's extremely cute than Minsoo feels like it's his birthday present.
"You didn't even tell me you're coming over."
"You took ages just to come down here, I was about to go back to the dorm."
"Well how am I supposed to know when you didn't even tell me??"
"I sent you a text."
"No you didn't."
Minsoo raises his eyebrows and checks his phone again. The last text sent was to his noona at this evening, but the top text in his draft is indeed directed to Park Kyung, 15 minutes ago.

"Let's get inside. The other members have been waiting for you."
"Wait.. How did you know that I'm here then?"
"I just knew."

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sarah2616 #1
Chapter 3: I was so happy to see a fan fiction between Minsoo and Park Kyung! I wish there were more..
Chapter 5: Nooooo not changrick as well ;;-;; girl I hope you're doing ok because what is with the angst (/T^T)/

Na jk,angst is good to read once and awhile so it was nice to read something out of the normal ^^....but I do hope you're doing well and grateful for your updates knowing how busy ones life can get and all ^^ fighting !
Chapter 4: WAEEEEE? why so short, you can't leave me hanging like that, omg what backpack, did i miss something T^T?? this really has potential to be written into something bigger! I've been waiting for someone to write about Changjo's scandal and Ricky's opinion on it :o and made a wish come true :3 thank you for updating & fighting ♥
Byungchan_angel #4
Chapter 2: Wow, great story! >.< But I'm a bit confused with chapter 2 on the last part. Was that a flashback? and is Jonghyun actually Byunghun?
Songjiin #5
chunjoe feel :)
chunrick juseyo
tapi mom-son relationship.
like peulish.
capji juseyo pls tq.
Chapter 1: wheres the 2nd chapter
update ppali dear admin-nim