The Funeral and Inheritance

Mama of Exo



WHY? She gave me what i asked for.

You all are great. Saranghae! Enjoy!!!!!! :)






             It’s been three days since they left the hospital. Julie, the boys, her sons now stood at the cemetery, watching them lower Bambam’s casket into the ground (the hospital paid for everything as they were the reason he died. He was supposed to get another dose of his medicine, but they didn’t give it to him. He died). The boys openly cried, as did her sons, but Julie didn’t. It didn’t seem right…like this was all a lie. Even so, she remained calm, a frown on her face, as she hugged her boys (sons and the other five). Mark collapsed on the ground in front of her, but the others didn’t notice as their eyes were practically glued to the casket. Julie kneeled down, pulling her long black dress up a little so it wouldn’t get on the ground, and hugged him.

            “H-He h-had s-so much a-ahead of h-him,” Mark cried, his face in the crook of her shoulder. “He d-didn’t w-want to-to live thi-this life. H-He w-wanted t-to be a s-singer. W-We were g-going to audition, y-you know. Wh-when we h-had e-enough money.” He sniffled. Julie patted his back.

            “And you will,” Julie answered after a while. “When everything is back to how it should be, you will all audition. For Bambam. It’s what he would want…and, when you debut, you tell everyone what a hero Bambam, your secret member, was, and how much you wish he was there with you, performing like the star he was.” Mark quieted down and looked up at her, eyes wide and red, a small frown on his face. He looks just like my angels.

            “Th-this job took everything from us. His parents don’t even know he’s dead,” he whispered, laying his head back on her shoulder, hugging her harder.

            “Wae?” Julie asked, rubbing his back to soothe him.

            “Because they don’t know he exists.Bwo?

            “Omoni,” she heard Tao cry out before she could ask anything. She looked up at him, seeing him with wide arms. His cheeks were tear-stained, his mouth in a frown, and his eyes looking as if they were older than they should. She held out her right arm, watching him run into it, his face in her neck as well. “Where is uncle? Is he in that box?” She felt Mark squeeze her harder.

            “Neh, he is, sweet pea,” she answered. He looked up at her, eyebrows furrowed.

            “The box is closed, though. How will uncle get out?” Julie opened to explain the difficult concept, but Jackson butted in, squatting down with Chanyeol, Chen, and Beakhyun hanging on him, looking just like Tao.

            “He doesn’t want to come out,” Jackson answered, a forced smile on his face. Tao looked over at him, frowning.

            “Wae?” Chen asked, looking as confused as Tao.

            “Because uncle likes it there.”

            “Wae?” Chanyeol.

            “Molla. He just does. It’s closed off from bugs, he is sheltered from the weather, and, oh, look,” Jackson said seriously before looking up when he felt sap from the tree fall on him. He frowned, saying sarcastically, “there’s a tree who will litter his new home with sap and leaves. How lovely.” Julie smiled, the boys starting to giggle. Even Mark started to laugh, moving from Julie to rub the sap around in his hair.

            “Hyung~!” Jackson whined, eyes wide. He touched his hair, brought it out, put it back in, and pretended he couldn’t get it out. “Aish! I can’t get it out!” He pretended it to be stuck, making the boys (all of them now gathered around them) giggle. Chen and Beakhyun tried to get his hand out of his hair, giggling as they pulled with all of their strength. He made a constipated look and then let his hand fly out of his hair, with a grunt. He looked at it and his face went happy. Everyone just laughed, the boys out of the weirdness he displayed and the stupidity for the adults (and I write that lovingly).

            Mark laid back down in Julie’s arms, Julie now being his support he laid his back on. The movement caught Jackson’s eye and he raised an eyebrow, contorting his face at them. The boys turned from him to Julie and Mark, faces contorting as well at the sight for a different reason entirely. Xiumin walked up to them, pouting.

            “Yah! Uncle,” he said with a cute angry tone. “My Omoni! Off!” He crossed his arms to look intimidating, but Mark just laughed and hugged Julie like he did before.

            “Ani,” he answered, sticking his tongue out. Xiumin pouted, making all but Julie’s sons smile at the adorableness. Xiumin opened his mouth, taking a deep breath.

            “Uh-oh,” Julie said, covering her ears.

            “AHH~!” Xiumin let out a scream – war cry more likely – and all the boys surrounded him. He stopped and pointed at Mark. “Our Omoni.” All the boys jumped on Mark and Julie, pulling the two away from each other with all their strength.

            When they were apart, all the boys surrounded Julie, smug looks on their faces while Mark was shocked. He was all messed up. His hair was now out in every angle and now contained dead leaves, dried pieces of grass from the recent mowing, and dirt. His clothes were all messed up and had muddy handprints on them. Julie, however, was totally different. She had no leaves, grass, or dirt on her at all, her hair was still neat like when they arrived, and had no mud anywhere on her. Even the boys had no mud on their clothes or hands as they had wiped them on Mark’s clean clothes.

            Julie covered , trying to cover half of her shocked and amused face. Jackson, Youngjae, Yugyeom, and Jr. couldn’t hold it, though, and openly laughed. As Mark glared at them, shocked and a little embarrassed that little kids (that aren’t even near two years old) could do that to him, Julie started to laugh as well. Mark turned to glare at her, too, but he couldn’t hold it either. He burst out laughing like a hyena, shocking almost everyone as no one had heard him laugh or smile for the past week. The twelve boys looked at them, confused. Julie stopped laughing after a while, looking at her sons with a disappointed look. They either looked down or away from him.

            “Wae?” She asked. Sehun answered.

            “Xiumin hyung said so.” Xiumin glared at him, pouting. She looked at him, eyebrows raised.

            “Wae, Min-Min?” He tried not to look at her, but couldn’t help it, spilling the beans the instant he looked right at her eyes.

            “Omoni is our Omoni. Omoni isn’t uncle’s Omoni,” he answered. Julie smiled at how cute he was. She rubbed his head.

            “Of course, angel,” she answered softly. “But that doesn’t mean you can push uncle away from Omoni and get him all dirty. That’s rude.” The looked down. “I don’t want you doing that to Uncle Mark – anyone else for that matter – ever again unless it is in self-defense. Arraso?”

            “Neh,” they said, looking down. She smiled.

            “Good, now give Uncle Mark a hug and tell him you’re all sorry for being so mean to him.” They gathered around him, following her orders. “Now, let’s go home.”



            They piled out of the two cars at the house, the five boys walking to their respective rooms, Julie’s sons dazedly walking into her bedroom for a nap, and Julie at her desk in her room. She made sure they would sleep and finished her homework. She felt herself grow tired around two. Resting her head on her arms, she fell asleep.


            “Omoni,” Julie heard a voice whispered. She opened her eyes and looked around, expecting it to be one of her kids. She looked at the bed, counting all twelve laying there, fast asleep. Julie shrugged and laid her head back on her arms.

            “Omoni.” There it was again. She looked up again, seeing no one. Looking back at her bed, her sons weren’t there.

            Panic. Julie felt the sharp stab of it. Standing up instantly, knocking the chair back onto the floor, she looked around. The room was relatively dark, only the moonlight shining through the windows with the open curtains.

            That’s odd, Julie thought. It was only two o’clock when I fell asleep. She rubbed her head and looked at the clock. 9:05 P.M. She sighed and walked out of her room to look for her sons.

            Walking down the corridor, she noticed things looked different, but since she couldn’t see that well, she figured it was a part of her imagination. She walked into the kitchen, switching the lights on. They didn’t come on. She kept trying, but they didn’t budge. She sighed and lit a candle.

            She heard a noise in the living room, only a door, wall, and table from the kitchen.

            “Hello?” She asked hesitantly, walking into the living room. “Babies? Where are you?” She tried the light switch. The lights . She set her candle down, sitting down on the couch. Where are Mark, Jackson, Youngjae, Jr., and Yugyeom? Where are my sons? Did they take them out somewhere? She looked around, seeing her laptop. She opened it up and saw a picture of her kids as babies, Mark, Jackson, Youngjae, Jr., Yugyeom, and herself smiling. She opened her word documents and saw one that was labeled inheritance. She opened it.

            ‘Inheritance: No one.’ Is that it? Julie scrolled down to the second page.

  • ‘House sold.’
  • ‘Money sent to charity.’
  • ‘Give-away trucks coming on Monday to pick everything up.’
  • ‘Putting self into a home.’

‘Tell boys and their ‘girlfriends’ and ‘wives’.

            “Meow.” Julie jumped, startled. She looked over to see a black cat with a white streak, white whiskers, and white eyebrows, its bright blue eyes shining. It walked to her, putting its head under her hand. She started to rub it, smiling.

            “What’s your name, sweetie?” Julie cooed, shutting down the computer. She reached under its neck at its black collar. She looked at the nametag. ‘Name: Ace. If lost and found, please call this number: (209) 747-9087. Kamsamnida.’ Julie’s eyes went wide. That’s my phone number…I don’t have a cat. Before Julie could talk herself into any random scenario as to why a random cat was in her house with a nametag saying her phone number, the phone rang. Automatically, she picked it up, pressing the answer button as she put it to her ear.

            “Yoboseyo?” She asked. She heard a sigh.

            “Finally!” She heard a man exclaim and then a sigh on the other end. “About time you picked up!” His tone was sharp and he sounded really angry at her. She frowned. Why is he mad at me? Do I know him?

            “Um-,” she was cut off.

            “We’ve been calling you for a while. We were hoping something bad happened to you,” another unfamiliar male voice said. She looked at her phone, seeing the number saying how many people were on the same line. Twenty-five people on the same line! This has never happened on a phone like this…what is going on?

            “Yeah,” another male said. “You said we get your 998.9 million inheritance when you die. Die soon, jebal, Julie.” Julie’s eyes went wide. More voices came on the line.

            “True, you did say that, Julie,” another male said. Are all of them males?

            “Yeah, hurry up and die soon,” another (male) said. “Yoon Hee wants an expensive dress for our wedding.” Julie heard a female as well.

            “Yeah! Palli!” Her nasally voice said over the phone.

            “Yah! Take the damn phone from the ty !” A different man yelled over the phone, agreeing voices following him. The voice was so loud, Julie had to pull away from the phone, still petting the purring cat. When the voices finally agreed, they quieted.

            “Are you still walking, Julie?” The, technically, first female asked. The others yelled at her to get off the phone as well, but she didn’t, saying she locked herself in a room so she will be staying on until she heard what she wanted to.

            “Well? Are we still coming over for that talk you are supposed to give us, Julie?” Another different voice.

            “Oh, yeah! You’re making us food, Julie. Cook fast. We’ll be there with in thirty minutes.”


            Julie looked at her phone, seeing everyone besides one person (her) hadn’t hung up. She sighed, rubbing her head, and got up. She walked to the kitchen, tried the light switch again, and frowned when it didn’t come on. She went to the front door, the front light, and turned off the alarm, still keeping the door locked…just in case that man came. She quickly made the stew her sons liked, got twenty- five bowls ready with soup and bread and cups with water in them, and set them on the table. She then walked around the house, even checking the play room, for her sons and the five others. It was just her and Ace. She sat down at the head of the table, waiting.

            “Where are my babies?” She whispered feeling dejected. “Did they leave me? Did those five boys take my babies from me? Did I do something wrong?” Julie felt a tear run down her face. She sniffled and wiped the tears away, feeling motivated. “Those people must know where my babies are. I’ll ask them.” Julie stood up and walked down the corridor to the front door to wait for them.

            Along the hall, she saw pictures of men and some women she didn’t know. These weren’t here earlier. Finally, she saw one with her sons, her five boys, and herself, smiling and happy above all the other pictures. She looked at the rest to see pictures of what looked like an older Mark, Jackson, Jr., Youngjae, and Yugyeom married to pretty girls. She saw twenty or so teenagers standing there as well, looking bored out of their minds. She saw herself there, too, smiling a forced smile.

            She looked at the other pictures, seeing frowns and scowls on every picture. There were a couple marriage ones as well, but Julie didn’t know who they were…or why she was in them with at least twenty other girls and boys she didn’t know. Just who are these people? She was lost in her thoughts for a while, until the doorbell brought her out of it. She put on a smile and walked to the door, opening it wide for the person.

            What she didn’t expect for an endless parade of boys and girls walking in as if they owned the place. They didn’t even acknowledge her, walked right to the kitchen. They were all in there, sitting all around the table. She sat in her spot, somehow still empty, and counted the eating horde of people. There were seventeen boys and seven girls, hanging on a man next to them and flirting “subtlety” with the other males around. She watched them eat, eating her own stew, as well, but slower than the rest of them.

            All finished, they looked at her, the only one still eating. They glared at her, the girls playing with their hair.

            “Well, Julie?” One girl (with too much make-up and a nasally voice) asked rudely. She’s the girl from the phone. The one with the nasally voice. Julie looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

            “Well, ma’am,” Julie answered, feigning innocence. She felt smug when she saw how angry the girl became. “I was hoping for a little explanation.” They all snorted, rolling their eyes. “The minute you all walked into my house, you’ve been very rude.” They all looked at her, eyes wide. She assumed it was because of how her tone sounded. What can I say? I hate people who disrespect me as a human being. My house, pabos, my ing rules. Grow up. “Yet, I don’t care about that. All I want to know is: who the hell are you?” Their eyes went wide.

            “You don’t know us?” One male asked like a snob. Julie nodded. He snorted in distaste.

            “Ha!” A rather tanned male said, a girl hanging off his arm; a girl Julie knew came with the other guy sitting next to her. “That’s rich, Julie. You’re right, you are funny. Our bad. Now, you said you had something to talk to us about our inheritance. What is it?” The boys and girls seemed to perk up at that, each putting in a word.

            “The house?” The one male from before with the snobby tones.

            “Your clothes and jewelry?” The girl to his left asked.

            “How about all your money?” Another male asked, arm around a girl. “We deserve it. After all, we’re having a baby. And, no, you don’t get to be there when he comes or get to see him.” Julie frowned as laughter rang out around the table. Julie stood up, feeling angry. She scowled at them, watching their eyes grow wide.

            “The only thing any of you will ever receive from me is my own pile of ,” she sneered at them. Their mouths dropped open.

            “Umma, what the hell!” One male yelled, standing up. He looked familiar to Julie. He was tall, lanky, and seemed…derpy. Just like Chanyeol, my precious baby. She looked around, feeling shocked after a while. Wait a second. That is Chanyeol. And Xiumin; Suho; Lay; my baby, Sehun…my Tao. My Kris. What happened to all of my babies? Are some of them already married? Who are the other two men I don’t know? What the hell is going on?

            “You promised to make up your mistake to us,” Suho cried out, standing up with an angered look. Julie’s frown deepened.

            “I don’t know what problem I made, but all I remember is falling asleep after Bambam’s funeral. You were all babies, but now you’re all grown up and are being, frankly, total s to your mother,” their eyes went wide, disbelief all over their faces. “So, I hope you enjoy nothing after I die. I took you in as babies, endured all the pains of having people laugh at me and call me a for taking twelve kids in, and I wake up to find my sons, my babies, are married to girls that think it’s okay to flirt with other family members that aren’t their own husbands. And that thing-,” Julie pointed at the make-up girl with the nasal voice she assumed was Yoon Hee, feeling smug at her shocked and angered face, “-already pissed me off. So, no. If this is all about an inheritance to cover a problem I supposedly did, you all are not getting !”

            “But-,” Sehun began, standing up as well. She glared at him, silencing him instantly.

            “I am so upset to see my kids such…,” Julie trailed off, sighing as she shook her head. “I would not have raised my sons like this.” Julie stepped away from the table, pushing her chair in. “In fact, you aren’t my sons.” That was the coldest thing a mother could have said to her kid(s). Julie could feel the sharp pain in her heart for saying that, but she was too angry at the people who were, supposedly, her sons. “If you were, you aren’t anymore.” Julie watched as the ones standing sat down with a thump, a tear running down Kai’s face as he looked at the food with a dazed look. Yoon Hee looked at the two men she sat between and, instead of being a comfort to her husband or brother-in-law, she stood up, glaring at Julie.

            “You ing ,” she snarled at Julie, walking towards Julie. The others looked up instantly at them. She got up in Julie’s face. “You think you get to tell my husband that and get away with it? You aren’t even their real mother!” She pointed a finger at Julie. “You owe us that money after everything we’ve done for you. We got you out of the cops’ hands even though you killed Bambam, their real uncle, so you could adopt them, and then drive away their other uncles. You’re lucky we took care of you as well when you went around sleeping with men, having two more sons who hate you just as much as everyone else here does. All you did was bring them down in their lives. You’re nothing but a , a , a worthless piece of .” Julie’s eyes went wide, shocked.

            “Me? Kill Bambam?” She laughed. “Sorry, , but I didn’t kill Bambam. He was found tied to a tree. He was the last person supposed to bring me Tao, Kai, and Sehun. From the orphanage. And, pardon me, but aren’t you married to Chen? Yet you hang on Kai as if he was your own husband and not my Chennie.” Her eyes narrowed while the other’s eyes widened, all of them standing up.

            “Bwo?” Suho asked, eyes wide. “So, you didn’t kill Uncle Bambam?”

            “No,” she snorted unattractively. “He wasn’t even your real uncle.” Their eyes went wide. “Do you even know what orphanage I got you from?” They slowly shook their heads. Julie sighed and sat down, telling all of them the story of how she was living with all of them up until the point she fell asleep after Bambam’s funeral. “You aren’t getting the house or anything. I would say I was sorry, but I’m not. You have been such s to me, so you can work for your vanities.” She looked at her other two “sons”. “I’m sorry that I don’t know who you two are, but, I assure you, you two wouldn’t be some jackass from the club’s kids. That’s for damn sure.” The two of them smiled, looking relieved.

           Julie tried to say something else when wouldn't open. Her sons and their female friends faded away from Julie’s sight. She was trapped in a dark room, now. There was no light whatsoever. Julie felt her fear, but it wasn’t worse than what she felt when she couldn’t find her sons.

            “You have shown great courage,” a heavy, deep voice boomed. “You are a good mother for my sons. I have been watching you; looking at your memories. My sons are now our sons. Treat them well. I will be coming along in a while…wait for me, my love.” Julie felt at ease, as if someone touched her head and heart at the same time, easing her scared thoughts and calming her fear.

            Julie opened to answer, but there was a bright light and Julie’s feet fell out from under her as if the floor was brought out from under her. Julie screamed, sitting up with a start. She sat still, staring straight ahead. She noticed the light in the room and then the cries from her bed.



            Kamsamnida, Tree of Life.

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Chapter 36: I loved this story so much.. I don't know if it's finished or not.. But if it's still not then I hope you will come back one day and complete it.. Will wait for that as long as I could.. Thanks for this awesome story.. Stay safe :)
Taz_27 #2
Chapter 36: I really love this! So it ends with JB and his sister meeting again. So now she has a total of about 27 children but only 19 are babies and newborns. What if her herself gain power from her children. Since she was always called shield maybe it's something like that or maybe she has the power of a shield and since her children are really loving her and most the time listen to her. She like a leader/mother of supernatural babies. What if.. she's starts running a house/orphanage for supernatural babies??? Like they live in her house and maybe the built another smaller house next to main one? JB said they are there to fight a how is that going to work when these cute small babies with supernatural powers that can be nice, but mess with mom you'll die. What exactly are they? demons are they trees as well or maybe just random supernatural beings
Chapter 36: Please update!!!!!
Chapter 36: Oooh this is really good, although some parts were a bit odd for me, like the constipated babies >.> wasn't ready for that
Chapter 36: Please update soon. I will be waiting. Fighting.
Chapter 29: noooo
Chapter 36: Please update soon!!!...
Animaripali2005 #8
man it would've been cool if i showed up with bts
like bruh 7 boys and 1 girl
anyways it was good
update sooon
Chapter 35: BAMBAM Alive!!!... Omg please update soon!!!!....