The Betrayal and the Truth

The Hopelessly In Love.

"Sarah, Cinci's heartbroken because you and Jeran are nearly an item!" Miyo said excitedly

"O.M.G.!! I can't believe that a stupid girl like her would ever dream of such a wonderful guy!" Sarah said

"That girl is just so .... ARGGGH!" Fira said.

"Hahahahaha! My plan is working. Cinci's heartbroken, and now, her life will be worse than the worst." Miyo said to herself

"Oh well. That's it. Sorry guys. Gottagobye!" Miyo said so fast that she hung up the phone before her friends could even say goodbye.

As she started doing her assignment, she decided to look for her old books so that it may help her in her studies. She she saw the particular one that she was looking for, she picked it up and at the same time, a picture fell out of it.

It was the picture of Cinci and Miyo together.

"I miss these days. What ever happened to us? Our strong friendship, our memories, ALL gone! But why??" Miyo thought.


appx. 2 years ago

"Hahahaha! Go Cinci Go!" Miyo said as she cheered for her friend on the running contest held in their school.

As soon as the race finished, Miyo raced up to me to congratulate her.

"I just won because my best friend was cheering me on!" Cinci said.

appx. 1 year ago

"I have a boyfriend now, Cinci! Imagine!! <3" Miyo said excitedly

"Oh... Well, good luck! But remember, focus on your studies!" Cinci said disapprovingly

"You're not my mother, Cinci. .But yeah yeah yeah studies first blah blah blah." Miyo replied

Later that year:

"I thought that you're coming to my sleepover tonight? I've been planning this for weeks!" Cinci said sadly

"C'mon Cinci. Be understanding. I have a date tonight. Just .. plan another one!" Miyo said annoyingly

appx. few months ago

"Miyo has new friends now, she doesn't have time for me anymore. They've broken up but she still not talking to me!" Cinci said to herself, while looking at the mirror of the girls' bathroom. "I have to accept it. I have other friends. I'll have a new best friend in NO TIME at all!" 

She didn't know that Miyo was there, listening inside a bathroom stall, but before she can react, Cinci left the room.



All of a sudden, all their memories came rushing back to her. 

"She's been such a good friend to me. How could I have left her like that? It was all my fault! And now, I've betrayed her when she started trusting me again! I have no lovelife, and now I've lost the only friend that loves me more than I love myself!" Miyo cried. "I have to make it up to her! I need to do something!"

Meanwhile, at Sarah and Jeran's date.

"Did you know that Cinci fell in love with you?! And now, she's mad because ... well, you chose ME!" Sarah said.

"Where did you get that kind of information?! I don't want to talk about it now. We're on our date..." Jeran replied

Sarah blushed and thought "He loves me he loves me he loves ME! Hah. What will Cinci do now?!" 

At Miyo's house.

"Cinci, please answer the phone, answer the phone, answer the--. Hello? Cinci?" Miyo said

"Oh, hi Miyo! What's up??? .... THE SKY! Hahahaha!" I said happily

"Oh... erm.. hahah." Miyo faked a laugh and acted normally

"Miyo, I can tell that you're hiding something. We've known each other for so long. Please tell me." I said thoughtfully

And Miyo told her about her betrayal (telling Sarah and Fira about her problems)

"HOW COULD YOU, MIYO?! OF ALL PEOPLE, WHY YOU?! You're the only person whom I trusted with my problems! And what do you do?! You go to your friends and tell them about it!" I shouted. "I HATE YOU! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you again, not when you left me for your so-called-friends!" 

And then I hung up.


Hi readers! We, my family and I, have to go somewhere this weekend a vacation! It's only for two days. What I mean to say is, I won't be updating this weekend. Please understand! Thank you!! :)

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pomiloli #1
I really like your story ^^
Their lives seems so complicated >.< I hope Cini will end up with Jeran and that Miyo will be punished for what she did and that Sarah will burn in hell ( ̄ー ̄)
But i think that Fira is hiding something from Sarah ._.
Carlaa #2
Hahahaha! :)) Thank you! I will update the story as soon as I get home and rest. <3
Carlaa #3
I will! ;) Thank you!