Close Enough
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The school tour I gave to Myungsoo was really awkward, all we basically did was walk around campus and he barely even said a single word the whole time. He was too focused on everything BUT my presence. At least he knows how to keep promises though, because after the tour, we went to get some Ice Cream.

For some odd reason, the streets weren't as busy today and we were able to get around without any noisy traffic. We decided to go to the closest Ice Cream Parlor around, which was conveniently right down the street from our school. 

The awkward silence between us grew with each step we took and I couldn't take it anymore- I felt like my head was going to explode. Say something Naeun, you stupid head. I coughed nervously and thought of what I was going to say to him. But my mind went blank and I was beginning to sweat bricks. 

"S-So uhm, Myungsoo...." I somehow managed to speak out. "How do you like it here so far?" 

Seriously Naeun? That was the best you could come up with? 

Myungsoo smiled, shrugging his shoulders just a bit. "Uh, it's great? It'd be better if I had a few more friends." 

"Is my friendship not enough?," I asked, sounding quite stupid if you ask me. 

"It's not that, it's just-," He paused for a moment. "I don't know how to say it, but trust me, I didn't mean it in a bad way." 

I kind of laughed, shaking my head. "It's okay, don't worry about it. Sorry for even saying that in the first place." 

Myungsoo just smiled, and then it grew silent again. Luckily, we reached the Ice Cream Shop within a few minutes and the awkward atmosphere disappeared. We walked over to one of the seating booths and sat across from one another. He handed a menu over to me and smiled, flipping to the first page. "Wow, there are a lot of flavors here that I didn't even know about." 

I looked up at him to watch in amusement, he was like a little kid discovering something for the first time. "Yeah, they don't call it an Ice Cream Parlor for nothing. Did they not have any Ice Cream Parlors where you came from?" 

He replied with a shake of his head, "We did, but never this fancy." 

"I see....," was all I could think to say. Dammit why am I so horrible with conversations? "So, did you find anything you like?" 

"Hmmm....," he said in thought while still looking at the menu. "I think so."

"You think so?," I chuckled a bit. "Well okay, let me call a waiter over." Raising my hand in the air, I shouted, "Excuse me! Park Chorong! Your service is requested at table 203!" 

"Uhm...," Myungsoo stared at me blankly. 

Before I could say anything to him, Chorong arrived with a somber expression. "You annoyingly rang?" 

"Unnie! Glad you're here," I smiled and tapped the table with my fingertips. "Can you take our order please?" 

"Our?," Chorong said confused and looked across from me to find Myungsoo still sitting there, wondering what the heck was going on. "Oh, I didn't even see him there. Hello, nice to meet you uhm...?"

"Ah, my name is Myungsoo," Myungsoo greeted to Chorong with a smile. "I'm Naeun's friend." 

"Oh, are you? Ha

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 5: Please update soon
Ydvvfjkch #2
Chapter 5: Apink ❤️❤️
Please update it...
koala_panda #3
Are u not going to continue the story?
koala_panda #4
Chapter 5: thanks for update hope u will update soon
yyryda #5
Chapter 4: complete it please .!!! really like it .
Chapter 4: i love the story and love myungeun please complite it please
Chapter 4: I really hope everything will go well with you author nim. Please update soon ~
blackCOUPLEII #8
Chapter 4: please update. ><
koala_panda #9
are u not going to update?