The Kim Jongdae Project


“I learned from him that often contradiction is the clearest way to truth” 
― Patti SmithJust Kids

What happens when Kim Jongdae tries to trick his best friend into thinking he's her boyfriend... 

She plays along, but for how long? She tries to pretend that the strange feeling she has is just because of the trick but what happens when they get too real for her to handle?



When an accident leads to lies, and those lies lead to more lies. Will those lies help to find the truth about Kim Jongdae?


Kim AhYoung had always been reckless but even so, she had never expected to die from being hit by a car. At least she though she was dead until she heard someone speak in a voice that radiated authority; one that had adopted a conspicuous vain tone which displayed certainty of their judgement. There was another voice too, one that sounded familiar. It took Ahyoung a moment or two but she finally came to the conclusion that it was her best friend - Kim Jongdae. 

"I'm sure she'll be fine. Just a slight head injury that's all," the first voice assured, "although she may experience amnesia she'll be able to regain her memories, i'm sure, if you're there to help her out."

The two voices sounded close by so Ahyoung stayed completely still to enable herself to eavesdrop for longer. 

"Yes, of course. I'll do anything as long as she's ok." Jongdae murmered. She could see him biting his lips in worry even with her eyes closed. Ahyoung smiled - although it wasn't enough to let people know she was awake - she knew she could count on her bestfriend to look after her when she needed him to. After all, they had been friends since their childhood.

The one thing that worried her was the prospect of having amnesia, she certainly did not want to have her memories erased just from one mistake she had made of running across a road when it was a red light, just because the ice cream truck had been friving away. Ah, I really wanted that flake cone, Ahyoung mused, already forgetting about the dangers that the ice cream cone had brought her. Ahyoung did a full scan of her memories, checking that each one was there nice and safe. She let out sigh of relief when she found that they were, all but the some moments before she had been hit by the car however those could be accounted for by the chaotic situation of being involved in a car accident and the pounding headache that Ahyoung found had taken root in her head to no great pleasure of hers.

"Well anyway, I better go. My presence is needed elsewhere" the first voice said. It was evident in his voice that he wanted to escape the room as fast as possible.

"Oh certainly Dr. Park, thank you for everything," 

Ahyoung tried to act natural; monitoring her breathing so that she would look like she was sleeping as Jongdae's footsteps approached. 

"Ahyoung?" Jongdae whispered, then louder, "Ahyoung?" He shook her gently and Ahyoung felt the need to aknowledge his presence. 

She opened her eyes slowly, faking her wake from sleep. Then, as Jongdae's face came into view, she had the most brilliant idea. It was slightly mean and wicked to even Ahyoung but she couldn't help herself. Her personality being playful made her a lover of pranks and jokes and she couldn't waste this perfect opportunity. 

Ahyoung blinked, then scrunched up her face in pain and confusion (her headache was doing her head in), "Who , who are you?" she stuttered. 

She waited for Jongdae's response, expecting him to try and persuade her that he was her bestfiend; even using events from their childhood to help her remember." 

But what he said next completely shocked her. 

"My name's Kim Jongdae, I'm your boyfriend."



Hello, this is -MissX, 

I created this fic because I've always read fics where the main girl/boy loses their memory and the boy/girl tries to make amends through this or tries to help the other remember their past etc. Well, as most exotics would know, Chen has a habit of being a troll and pulling pranks here and then and so I thought this fic would be perfect for him as its a fic where he will be paired with someone (his best friend) who's on the same level as him and so decides to counter him when he tries to play a prank where he pretends to be her boyfriend. Kim Ahyoung, being the prankster that she is decides that it would be fun to play along, and the rest?

Well I guess you'll have to read to find out.

This is my first exofic and I hope everyone enjoys reading it :) Well then, adios amigos (hehe, I'm not even spanish but meh...)


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awesomebear #1
OMGGGGG Nice plot!