
It's You... (I Like You The Best)




Sungyeol struggles on his sit. The Tao boy is apparently as strong as a beast. No less than that. Yeah, of course, even if he is tall, he must be robust to able to carry Sungyeol and his chair. Sungyeol is not that light to that anyone can just carry him. Seriously because that’s why his parents gave up carry him anywhere since he knows how to crawl (Yeah, that early).


Sungyeol will be pleased if they actually in different situation. Maybe with that Tao boy carry him bridal style (like in the manga) where they actually had a feeling for each other. He will be contented with his life, really. Not to add that he’s feeling special when everyone had their eyes on him. Face it, Tao is tall, strong and handsome despite that (charming) eye bag he owns that resembles panda according to Sungyeol himself.


But of course, Lee Sungyeol had a weird imagination that never tired running in the messy brain he had. And when his chair is been put on the ground, he just stood silent. -eating-grin adorns his dreamy state. That is until a certain giant snap his giant finger in front of him. Successfully woke him up from his imagination. His big eyes wander around despite the puzzlement. Thinking hard where the hell he was that time. Lots of door, sink, urine---


Toilet? Toilet!! They bring him to the toilet,??!!


And Sungyeol couldn’t help but face palm and sigh dramatically.





[Sungyeol POV]



They said they are kingka. A powerful one and yet this is the only things he can do to make me feel intimidated. Sigh,,. Too much,. I’m ashamed.


“What’s with the sigh,??” the giant – wait, what’s his name again grease, cheese, Kris,. Yeah,. Kris asked.


“No,. You sure you are kingka,?? Doesn’t you should lock me in an abandoned classroom or rooftop or anywhere else like in the manga.? You guys are ruining my imagination,. You failed me,..”


“You,…” the Kris guys almost get to me if not for another boy that I don’t even remember exist hold him.


I mean, that Tao did carry me. Minseok did follow us with two boys that had a grip in him like they life depend on him. I swear the two boys are all over him. One of them had a camel eyes and the other is,. I guess God can’t decide either to make him boy or girl. But either way, it is unfair for girl all around the world as he had the most feminine face I ever see. And this boy, he just charmingly watched everything.


“Let me go, Lay.” Kris said to the boy. His eyes pierce menacingly in mine. Oh,. As if I care. But I silently thank him for the information. Lays,. Even if it’s a name of chips, I guess it suit better for him. Without the ‘S’ letter, it’s perfect. Just like him. Lay – the manhwa prince….   


“Don’t scare the kid. We need to go,..” Lays – I mean Lay say charmingly.


Ohh,. God, is this my destiny,? Did this boy the one for me?


Surprisingly?? The so- called EXO follow his word. One by one move and leave the not-so-perfect-place-to-torture-the-new-kid.


“Come Minseok hyung,. Let go and get you coffee,.” The camel boy drags Minseok with him. 

“Wait up Chen,. You’ll hurt him,..” the shemale try to swatted the camel boy/ Chen boy hand from Minseok’s with him pulling the latter other hand. Not that helping if I may say.

“Luhan,. It’s you who hurting me,..”


See, I say so. Minseok is trying his best wriggle both the boy hand from him. They are seriously all over him. I’m suffocating just looking at him.


“Hyungs,.. Wait for me,.” Tao whine? While following the boys. Seriously,? He whine,? Where the hell did that cool boy who just carry me,?? Tch,. I’m tricked.


“You,. One more time you get on my nerve, I’ll never hesitant to do something worse than this,..” Kris said threateningly in front of me before resume walking. That boy really doesn’t know what personal space is. And something worse,? *rolled eyes 360 degrees* what can he do for real,? Putting something on my locker,? Lame~~~


The chips boy aka Lay stop and squat in front of me. His eyes meet mine. Then only I realise I was sitting on the chair in the toilet all the time (Seriously Sungyeol, seriously,??).


He smiles that dimple smile of him and I swear in a matter of second I can turn into a puddle of urine (pun intended). Cuteness overload,!! I CAN’T,!!!


“Then, Sungyeol right,??”


I nodded. Thank God my head not attempting to embarrass me the way my voice did. I love you,. I mentally kiss my own head.


“I’m sorry for Kris behaviour. I’m Lay,. Nice to meet you,..” he smile that ing dimple smile again.. Oh, poor my heart,.


“So,. See you around then, Sungyeol,..”


 And he left. AND THAT’S IT,!! I now officially declare Lay as my prince.


Sungyeol + Lay = SungLay / LayYeol~~~~~~


Yes,. My feels,…



[End of Sungyeol POV]





Hello there loves,.. I’m back~~

Yeay for that, I’m very thankful for everyone who subscribing and commenting also upvoting (if there is, that’s it).. This is originally my one shot Malay fanfic that I never upload. So no worries, the (cliché) story line is already there but I just need my sweet time to type everything.


For Muslims over the world, have a happy Eid. \(^_^)/

Sorry for any mistakes and of course do comment. It makes my fingers dance faster to type this story. ((^_^))




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TEENTOP10031996 #1
Chapter 5: please update
popyheman #2
Chapter 5: please continue...the best story.. update please
Chapter 5: Please update soooooon
Chapter 5: Woaah finally. Update soon
Askmenot #5
Pls update!
Chapter 4: Yay yeollie the sleeping princess!!! Luhan the forgetful exo!!! Minseok so cute!
Chapter 2: Omg that was so hilarious! Sungyeollie so cute and adorable!!! Yeollie wants to pair himself to each of exo mem!!! Lmao!
Chapter 2: omg I can't hold back my laughter anymore. Thanks, author-nim. Thanks. You fulfilled my wish.
Continue pls! Thnx!