Chapter Thirty Eight: Bubble

The Girl with the Perfect Mask

"Oh my gosh!" Baekhyun said.

"What?" Chen asked as he stopped in the hallway

"I told Lina to have a girls day and I'm glad I did but don't know what to do!"

Chen looked at the crying baby in Baekhyun's arms.

"No don't cry," Baekhyun cooed, "Daddy loves you,"

DO shook his head, "Is he hungry?"

Chanyeol popped his head out, "Give him to DO, he's good with kids," he said

"Maybe he's tired," Sehun said.

"Or bored," Kai said.

Chen shook his head, "Guys," he took Kyuhyun from Baek, "Now, I'm sure your mom gave your dad a bag, right?"

"Yeah here," Baekhyun said.

Chen rested Kyu on his hip as he dug around the bag with his free hand. Once he pulled out a diaper and some wipes, he easily cleaned him up, "There we go, all clean!" He gave him back, "Here,"

"Th-thanks," Baekhyun said.

Chen looked around at his friends, "What?"

"Do you have a child we don't know about,"

"Try five," he said.

"Five?!" Chanyeol repeated.

"I'm kidding, Haneul has five younger siblings. When I visited there was a baby," he explained.

Lay walked out of his room, "What is with all this noise?"

"Kyuhyun was crying," Baekhyun said.

"Welp did you try his diaper?" He asked.

"Yeah..Chen figured it out,"

Lay shrugged, "Its not hard to, they're either tired, hungry, or need a diaper change," He said.

"If they're hurt they cry differently," Chen added.

"Cry differently?" Sehun asked.

"Yeah it just sounds different," Chen shrugged, "See ya," but before he could go, Kyu started crying again. "He's hungry!" Chen said.

DO got the milk from the bag and gave it to Baek, "He'll probably fall asleep while eating," he said.

"Thanks guys," Baekhyun looked down at Kyu. "Aren't you hungry cutie?" He cooed.


"Mmm" you hummed as you woke up to trails of warm kisses on your shoulder. You turned your head and looked at him as he kissed you, "Well good morning to you too," you mumbled.

He smiled and the back of your neck one last time, "Sorry angel, you just looked so cute,"

"That you had to assault me in my sleep?"

"Mhm," he nodded.

You rolled over to face him as you pulled the sheets up higher.

"Now do you wish to tell me why you were crying yesterday?" He said.

"Oh," you suddenly remembered that you suddenly bursted out crying in the middle of dinner. Even you didn't know why you did, but you did. "I don't know," you said.

"Haneul," he said.

"I seriously don't know..." You said, "I was feeling bad yesterday but I honestly don't know why I cried," you thought about it, "Oh my gosh,"


"I'm getting weaker and weaker because of you," you pouted.


"I cry more and more now!"

"There's nothing wrong with that,"

"I used to be strong so that-"

"Baby," he pulled you close and wrapped his arms and legs around you, "Someone once said that crying doesn't mean you're weak, it means you've been strong for too long," he used one hand to tuck your bed head behind your ear, "You can be as strong as you like around everyone else, but me? You can cry all you want. Even the super sister needs a break babe,"

You scoffed, "Super sister?"

"Lame?" He said, "But its true you do take care of everyone but yourself," he nodded, "But thats why Ethan wanted you to go so badly,"


"You've finally done something for yourself," he said.

"It was for you too," you mumbled.

All he did was laugh before asking, "Can I have a kiss?" He said as he puckered his cute lips.

You were literally two centimeters away so there really was no point of trying to push him away, not to mention the fact he was holding you so close you could barely breath. Just thinking about that made you wonder what happened to your bubble. He was part of your bubble. "You know, I have a bubble," you said.

"Mhmm, I have to stay in the bubble and everyone else has to stay out,"

You laughed and pecked his waiting lips, "Thats right,"

"Thank you~" he cooed.

The blanket was suddenly slipping off of the two of you. Chen propped his body onto his elbow to find Pianissimo and Fortissimo pulling on the blanket as hard as their tiny bodies could.

"Nooooo," Chen whined, "Mommy and Daddy want to cuddle!"

You laughed and sat up, "Come here babies," they jumped onto the bed and you readjusted the sheets. "We can cuddle together,"

"Sounds good to me," Jongdae agreed.


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so sweet like sugar sundaes after a storm
or maybe so much fluff like a cotton candy tornado
Okay I have bad similes, you have a great story
spaghetti_soda #2
Chapter 54: It's a good story ^.^
Jadeee12 #3
Chapter 2: Exactly act and think the same way with the whole "annoying talking about how ugly you are so I act overly confident instead". Though, it's insensitive since some people truly think they are ugly and express it verbally
Chapter 53: Ashduhrhdiwbcsgl!!! AHHHHHH!!! Yes you wrote the scene I wanted most! Thank you author-nim!
MinMin_HanHan #5
Chapter 52: wow O.O
New reader here :DD But I finished it off now! Wow. I really love this :DD
spadeangel #6
Chapter 52: Thanksss for the story I loveddd it so muccch those feels ah cant hold it back