
Because I miss you today

Are you that stupid ? Cant you realize my feeling ? It was so obvious yet you still it was just an act of friend . Silly you . I hate you . -----------

    "Yah ! Careful with the stone ! What if you stumble and fall . Yahhhhh !!" I screamed the top of my lung . She just wouldnt listen to me . Aishhhh . Why did she just out of the blue fast today ?

I run to get her . What if she fall and shes hurt ?! Ohh em gee cant imagine it . With that I run to her with full speed .

"nu'uhh . I got you . Dont run away again . " I catch her body and because of the momentum our body was thrown together to the ground and lay on my back . She's on top of me smiling . Her long black silky hair covering my face . Her scent running through my vein . Its the scent that make me go crazy . The scent that I miss when missing her . I dont know . Its my favourite scent

. How I wish this moment will last long . Can I ?

"hey , next time listen to me . What if you got hurt ?" with 'stern' voice I scold her .

"eishh .. You are no fun . You are here with me . How can I got hurt ? You are my angel guardian . " she playfully kissmy cheeks . And smile There again .

You tease me !! How can I resist this ? This kind of thing drive me crazy . Its feel like my heart will stop working . My heart were beating like crazy . The tingling feels on my stomach was my friends . The butterfly will not just stop flying inside me . Seeing her smile make my day . Its perfect . Shes just didnt know . Ist it too obvious ?


"heyy .. I love you" I said

" I love you too ." flashing her smile and roll then laying beside me .

Hmmm ... How I wish the thing she said was real to me . Not as friends but as lover .


: angel ^_^ morning ^^v how ya doin' pretty girl ?

: Not waking up beside you ? What a bad way to start my day . :/

There she goes again . With that simple reply just make my day even brighter . 

 : Poor princess , <3 its okayy princess .. ;* dont you miss me ? I miss you like crazy here . :'(

: nahh I dont . xP . Kidding .. Missing you like crazy too . :3

: Then open your door . My leg about to fall off if I wait a little more . :3

After 30 seconds. ---

The door opened like it was about to fall off . I even heard someone fall on the floor after opening the door of her room .

" Hwaaaaa .. Love of my life !!!! When did you comeback ?!?!? Why didnt you tell me ? I can fetch you at airport . " she hugs me or should I say squeeze me .

" aii ... Stop squeezing me . You gonna make the 'love of your life ' die ." *pout*

" Sorry .. " she let go of the hugs .

"puahahahahajajaahhahat !! " I laugh aloud when I notice something .

" What are you laughing at ?"

"looook at you . Still wearing your pj's with your messy hair and not to forget to mention your drool over here ." pointing over at the edge of her lips .

She brings her hand to her face and hid it behind it .

"Yah ! You're embarassing me ." she say it behind her hands .

I just ..... Its too cute ! Kyaaaaaak !! Hold your hormon .:3.

"So , are we gonna stand here till dawn ?"

"Awww , sorry darl . Forget for a sec . Come in ."

Darl ? Seriously ? Did she called me her darl .. >_< Eventhough she always call me that hunny-sweety-darl thing . And tho she didnt seriousl mean it . I always have that horse in my heart will jump out from it anytime . Yeahhh . Seriously -_-'


"So , what are we goin' to do today ? I ask her after cuddling with her for I dont know how many years .. Ahaax kidding I dont know .. Maybe 3 hours cuddling at the sofa .

"Lets have a date today !" she stated enthusiastically

"Date? " I asked her

"yes .*nod her head* date ." she said .

" I mean .. Like date ? Dating ?" while showing her the sign my index finger being together .

"yes baboya .. Aigooo . You are a late timer one . I forgot about it . :3" she knocked my head

Of course I am panicking when she said 'date' because before, if we had a 'date' I just call it an outing . Yeahh , outing .

"but isnt that just only for lovers ? " I ask full of anxiousness . Want to know what her reaction .





"ermmmm .. Then you will be my lover for today ^_^ " she said without hesitating

okay , lover .

"okey then hunny . Go take a shower . We will have our date today . " I state .

She give me weird look . I know what is it . It is the why-call-me-hunny? Look.

"you said that I am your lover today . Thats why . Aigooo , my love a slow one . I forgot about it " I patted her head . >_< getting a revenge I am .

-------- I will post later chapter tonight .

:D bare with my grammartical error ;)

English is not my language Soreyyyy^^v

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