Discovering An Angel Or Not .

Discovering An Angel .

Minhyo's POV

I will and must find someone by today! By hook or by crook! Or I'll die in the hands of my mother's evil clutches.  I turned my head around and saw a guy squatting down and playing with a cat. 

*Long legs, young and cute face. A perfect guy for the concept! This could be it!*

'Hello there. Do you wanna be a model?' I asked, giving him my best smile.  He looked up at me without saying anything. Gosh, even if he's wearing that spectacles and has that uncombed hair, he look like an angel already. 


'Minhyo-ah! I told you to scout a talent not a street bum!' 

'But mom-' 

'I know today is the due date but still!' She placed her hands on her waist. 

'Mom, listen! He can and will be the next model. I know the concept is Angel but with the help of the make-up artists, he can turn into one! Trust me on this one, mom!' I reasoned out. 

'Fine. I'll trust you.' She turned her gaze on my model, 'You, what's your name?' 

My model looked up, 'M-me? O-oh, I-I'm Dongho. Shin Dongho.' 

'We have lots of things to do. Call the hairstylists, make-up artist and everyone up here now.' She ordered her secretary. 


'Okay, smile a little bit now!' The photographer said.  'Okay! That's a wrap! Thank you everyone!' 

'That was great, Dongho-ssi! Your modeling skills are the same as professionals!' I complimented him.  I unlocked the door and let him in first before closing the door. 

'Since you helped us out, I should probably treat you to dinner.' I said as I placed all the documents on the table beside me. 

'Well, what do you want to eat?' I asked. 

He didn't answer me but he kept walking nearer to me. I backed away from him until there was a ball behind me. I was trapped.  'Do-Dongho-ssi?' I stuttered.

His face was especially close to mine that I could hear him breathe.  He cupped my face and crashed his lips onto mine. Forcefully.  My world stopped. My heart almost stopped beating. I didn't react fast enough to protect my first kiss.  I pushed him away from me. I couldn't say anything and just pointed my finger at him in anger.  He devilishly his lips and smirked at me. 

I didn't scout an angel. Instead, I scouted a devil. 

The door slammed open with my mother, smiling and skipping around like a fool.  'Minhyo-ah! I'm so proud of you! I knew I could trust you!' She hugged me tightly.

But I was still pointing at that devil. My gaze never leaving him.  'Whats wrong? Why are you pointing at our angel?' She asked, in that happy tone. 

'I-I don't know... D-does Minhyo-ssi hates me?' He innocently asked. 

H-how does he change back into his angel mode so fast?! Th-that two-faced devil! 

'No way! Oh! Dongho-ssi, do you want to sign with our company? As a permanent model?' My mother asked. 

'N-no mom. He's a-' 

'I-if it's okay with you, then I don't mind...' He put on that angel face again and temporarily put my mom into fangirl mode.  He turned around to face me and smirked at me. 

My jaw dropped. How in the world did I scout a devil?! Th-this isn't supposed to happen! 


'Minhyo-ah~' He called out seductively.  I should probably run away now or he's gonna do something again. Run,  Minhyo! I was about to reach the door knob when he turned me around. He put his left arms beside me to prevent me from escaping. 

'Y-yes?' I asked. 

Note to self: I shouldn't be in the same room as him. 

'Where are you going?' He asked, caressing my face with his slender finger. 

'No-nowhere...' I replied softly. 

Mum! Where are you when I need you?! Help me mum! The door slammed open with my mum standing there.

I quickly pushed away so as to not cause any misunderstanding.  'Mum! Oh god you're here!' I hugged her tightly. 

'You're getting a little weird these days.' Mum cupped my face and examine it like I'm some toad to be dissected.

I gave her a poker face, 'Okay. I get it. You don't need to tell me.' 

No mum, you got it all wrong. Damn, did I put on the wrong face? Mum, why do you have to be so clueless now out of all times?! 


'Quick! Take the picture!' 

'Dongho-ssi, could you tell us about your upcoming movie?!'

'Is the rumor true that you are dating Minah of Girls Day?!' 

Why are the reporters asking ridiculous questions? Why are they interfering with Dongho's personal life? Why won't they leave him alone?

A girl suddenly trip and fell down somewhere near Dongho. Dongho, being the (fake) angel, he rushed over to help. He touched the girl's knee and smiled at her. 

*Th-that! Ugh! Why am I even getting mad in the first place?!* I puffed out my cheeks in anger. 

Dongho stood up and hold out his hand to help the girl stand up. Dongho put his arms around her waist.  I don't know why but it feels like my heart is squeezed. Like my world suddenly turned dark. Like the world would rain any time soon. 

*inserts lightning sound*

I said that to express my pitifulness but I didn't expect it to rain seriously.   Oh, why is life like this?! Why won't you give me a break?! 

The reporters scattered around to find themselves shelters. I was the only one left in the rain, drenched.  The only reason why I like the rain is because no one could differentiate between tears or the rain. No one can see me crying.  I don't know where that devil in disguise went. Probably sweet talking to her.

I ran away from there. I didn't want to be there. I don't care if I was the manager of Dongho, I just want to run away. 

'Oh my goodness! What happened to you?!' My mum shrieked when she opened the door. 

'Nothing mom. Just let me rest. I don't want to eat dinner. Goodnight.' I said flatly. 

I took a quick warm bath and lied down on the bed, trying to figure out my feelings.  My feelings are like in a murky water. It's blur and I don't know what I'm feeling. 

Memories of me and Dongho flashed through my mind.  The time where he took my first kiss out of nowhere suddenly made me blush.  And a secret between us. Only I know his secret. The fact that he isn't that of an angel. It made me feel special. 

That was when I realize. When I realize that I fell for him. 


'It's a new day, Minhyo! Forget about yesterday! And mostly forgot about your feelings...'  I decided to stop liking him because it'll bring me no use. He's a hot shot and I'm nobody. I just found him. No big deal. 

Okay! From now on, I'll earn more money and bring more fame to the company rather than depending on Dongho alone. 

'Hi there. I'm Park Minhyo from *** Company. Would like to try to become a model?' I smiled, passing the guy my name card. 

Dongho's POV

I was in the car going to the next location when I saw someone familiar. Way familiar. 

Those ponytails, fashion sense and smile, I figured it out. It doesn't take a genius to recognize Minhyo. 

'Stop the car.' I said. 

'We can't. You're late for the next schedule.' The driver said. 

'Either you stop the car or you won't live to see the light the next day.' I said sternly. 

The car stopped and I walked over to Minhyo. The driver do know how to save his own life.  I put on my sunglasses in case some paparazzi and fans hunt me down. 

'... Are you sure? I mean I don't think I have the looks or anything.' The guy rubbed his neck. 

I smiled, 'With the help from-' 

'Come here.' I grabbed Minhyo's wrist. 

'Hold up. We're talking to her-' The guy argued. 

'No. She's talking to me.' I turned behind and pulled Minhyo with me to the nearest alley. 

'Ya! Let go of me! It hurts!' Minhyo struggled to get her wrist out of my hand.  But I pulled her even harder.

I don't like her looking at other boys just like that. I feel jealous.  That's right. I like Minhyo. 

I slammed her on the wall and pinned her hands on the wall. I threw my sunglasses on the floor and looked at her in the eye. 

'Wh-what?' She asked. 

'What were you doing?' I asked. 

'It's none of your business what I do. In case you don't know, I have other things to do too. I need to earn money too. I don't always have to look after you.' She replied with full of confidence. 

I scoffed the turn back to her. I forcefully kissed her. She tried to struggle away but I kept my lips on her. 

Minhyo's POV

He kissed me forcefully. He slipped his tongue in. I tried to back away but he was too strong.  I couldn't fight anymore and I allowed my feelings to overtake me. There's no point of denying what I truly feel for him. 

I slipped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He s his arms around my waist.the kiss turned from a passionate into a sweet kiss.   We finally part from each other. I leaned my forehead on his. My lips curved into a smile. 

'Don't look at other guys. Just look at me. You only have to look at me. Just me.' He gave me a small peck on my lips. 

What we didn't realize was a photographer that took a picture when we were kissing. 


Not such an angel anymore. 

An angel or a devil?!

Devil in disguise. 

My mum slammed the newspaper on the desk. 'Huh?! What's this?!' 

'M-mum-' I tried to calm my mom down. When she's mad, the whole world can turn upside down. She's fiercer than any other creatures out there.

'I really thought that you were an innocent boy! Why did you deceive me?' She shouted at Dongho who was looking around the room. 

'Well now you know. I'm not that innocent. You can ask Minhyo. She knows everything. And about the scandal, don't worry because I'm going to tell everyone the truth.' He grabbed my hand and walked out of the door. I smiled at his warmth of his hand. 

Once we were at the lobby, the reporters were swarming and asking questions about the scandal. 

'Is she the girl that was on the other side of the kiss?!' 

'Will you still continue your career?!'

'Who is really the girl in the kiss?!' 

I hold my head down. I don't like the noise. I was getting a headache when Dongho suddenly start to say something. 

'The girl beside me is the girl that was on the other side of the kiss. She is the one who found me. About me continuing my career, the company will decide it.' He tightened the grip on my hand.  'And I'd like to say that this girl beside me is my girlfriend. Whether or not I'm still a model. I love her.' He gazed into my eyes before kissing me in front of those reporters. 

'I love you too.' I whispered. 


'What should we do about Shin Dongho?' Mrs Park asked. 

'I think we can still keep him because he's gaining more popularity for being a devil instead of an angel. I think more people will like it that way.' The secretary said. 

Mrs Park smiled, 'I'm glad Minhyo finally found someone.' 

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=))) baby dongho as a devil! very interesting :D
great fanfic<br />