New Style

Forbidden Love
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Baekhyuns P.O.V

Baekhyun kept pretend that everything was normal between him and Chanyeol. Chanyeol kept boss him around like the little diva he pretend to be, but in between he invited Baekhyun to play video games with him. Baekhyun also got the chance to call Kris some days and help Chanyeol to plan some of his days. Some days he would work, some days he would go to this party thing.


Baekhyun begun to get used to master Chanyeol, and he begun to see the more natural him. Sure, Chanyeol didn't hit Baekhyun even one more time since the first time, and it's been, lets see, one and half month since that happened. Well, Baekhyun hadn't really seen all Chanyeols true sides yet either. Baekhyun though thought he had, until this very morning...






Baekhyun took Chanyeols tray with breakfast as usual, the chefs was as unprepared as him as they gave him the usual breakfast menu to Chanyeol. Baekhyun took the tray and walked up to Chanyeols room, knocked on the door and waited some few seconds before entering the room.


Baekhyun got so shocked when he entered the room, and also pretty scared if he's going to be honest, when he found a girl stand in just a towel and Chanyeol came just out from the bathroom after her, smirking big at Baekhyun who felt all embarrassed.



“Ah, there you are, is that the breakfast?”
“Y-Yes master Chanyeol-”
“Get another tray to my lovely friend here, she's hungry too.”
“C-Coming right up.”



Baekhyun put the first tray on Chanyeols desk as he literally rushed out from the room and hurried down to the kitchen. The chefs looked a little confused at Baekhyun who had to ask them to make another tray with breakfast.



“I need another tray with breakfast.”
“Did Chanyeol drop the first one?”
“He has... company.”
“Ah, take this tray then. Miss Yura is out already, she skipped the breakfast so you can take hers.”
“Thank you.”



Baekhyun took the tray and begun to walk up towards Chanyeols room and knocked light on the door and stepped in. He got all embarrassed once again when he found Chanyeol and the girl in the bed, and they was... doing stuff... Was they making out?


Chanyeol pulled out from the deep and almost disgusting looking kiss as he stared confused up at Baekhyun who held the tray all awkward.



“You're already back?”
“Y-Yes sir, here is the second tray. Y-You need anything else?”
“Nah, you can leave us. Make sure no one disturb us for a while, okay?”
“Yes sir, as you want.”



Baekhyun walked out and closed the door, hearing how the two of them in there begun to do stuff again. Baekhyun felt all disgusted as he told all the maids he passed to not enter Chanyeols room for now, and that they would tell everyone else in this household to not enter the room.


Instead Baekhyun walked down to the basement, starting to wash all Chanyeols clothes. For hand. He washed them carefully and hang them up. Then he would let the clothes hang there and get dried while he would go up and start look through Chanyeols schedule.


Chanyeol was supposed to be at work by now, and he told Baekhyun last night that he would go and work. Why is there a girl in his room then? And why was he doing... stuff with her? What are they actually doing? Baekhyun got both curious, but disgusted. Whatever they're doing, it's none of his business.


After a while, Baekhyun heard quick footsteps from the stairs as he watched the girl Chanyeol had been with in his room run down for the stairs, crying as she literally rushed out from the mansion. Baekhyun almost stared after her a little, wondering what possible Chanyeol did or said to make her cry and run out from the place.



“Baekhyun! My room! Now!”



Baekhyun heard Chanyeol shout as he woke up from his thoughts and hurried to begun to walk towards Chanyeols room. He carefully walked over to Chanyeols door, it was standing open as Chanyeol stood in his towel, looking displeased at Baekhyun who tried to smile a little careful.



“You called me master Chanyeol?”
“I'm not satisfied with that girl at all! She was so annoying!”
“O-Oh, well, I wish I could help-”
“Close the door, I want to talk more... private.”



Baekhyun didn't try to question Chanyeols weird behavior as he did as his master commanded him. As fast Baekhyun had closed the door and turned around to face Chanyeol, he felt a hand touch his shoulder and he stared up at Chanyeol who literally pushed him up against the wall.


Baekhyun felt his cheek redden fast when Chanyeols face was so close to his, only some few inches away. Baekhyun don't know what happened to him, he froze and got totally dazzled by Chanyeol, literally. Baekhyun couldn't move, he just couldn't.



“M-Master C-Chanyeol-”
“I said I wasn't pleased, didn't I?”
“Y-You want m-me t-to pl-please you?!”



Baekhyun asked more shocked and almost nervous as Chanyeol just smirked and lend in even closer, making Baekhyuns face explode in to the red heat. He was blushing like damn. Chanyeol let his mouth get closer to Baekhyuns ear, letting his hand Baekhyuns hair away from his face as he let out his warm breath against Baekhyuns ear. Baekhyun shivered, he admit he did, but he was still so nervous and he has no idea what was going on nor what Chanyeol wanted.



“Baekhyun... I want... you to... please me.”
“H-How am I supposed to do that?”
“It's pretty... easy... You just... have to...”



Chanyeols warm breath hit Baekhyuns ear all the time, even if he was whispering to Baekhyun. Baekhyun shivered, like a fool. He's so paralyzed, and he barely knows what Chanyeol is talking about, but he felt so... weird. Chanyeols hand slowly Baekhyuns cheek and went down for his throat and Baekhyun almost closed his eyes in pleasure, when Chanyeol stepped back and smirked.



“Dress me.”



Baekhyun woke up from his trance, staring right at Chanyeol who smirked big and held his arms out. Baekhyun suddenly blushed more, h-he wants Baekhyun to dress him?! Baekhyun thought he got a heart attack, just the thought about seeing Chanyeol totally... ... was almost killing him!



“I want you to dress me, now. Get my clothes and start to dress me.”



Baekhyun felt how he almost fainted, he couldn't believe it. With almost unsteady steps Baekhyun walked in to the closet, feeling how his hands had already begun to shake. What is this for weird feeling? Baekhyun grabbed some clothes and walked back to Chanyeol who smirked at Baekhyun who wanted to faint already.



“C-Can you a-at least p-put on your underwear by yourself?”



Baekhyun felt how he stuttered as Chanyeol sighed almost disappointed and held out his hand.



“Fine, since you're so sensitive and a coward, I will.”



Baekhyun felt at least a little relieved after Chanyeol put on his underwear by himself as Baekhyun walked over and begun his work. He first had to ask Chanyeol to sit down on the bed as he got his pants on, buttoning them as he watched Chanyeol smirked down at him when his hands was near his master's private area.


Then Baekhyun almost jumped away from Chanyeol to get his shirt and it was annoying enough a shirt with at least ten buttons he had to button. Baekhyun put on the nice shirt on Chanyeol who watched Baekhyun as Baekhyun now stood in front of the tall boy. His small long fingers were busy with buttoning Chanyeols shirt nicely.



“So, tell me, are you up for some shopping today?”



Baekhyun looked shocked up at Chanyeol who smirked at him, and Baekhyun wasn't sure what the word “shopping” actually meant.



“S-Sorry for my stupidity, but what does shopping mean?”
“You don't know? It's when you go to a store, mostly a clothes store, and buy a lot of things. Shopping is like buying a lot of things.”
“Oh, then I can come along and carry your things for you master Chanyeol.”
“That was exactly what I was thinking. I'm going to walk with Tao and Xiumin today, they're shopping freaks, so I need someone who can help us carry all our things.”
“As you please master Chanyeol, I will just go and change clothes. Please excuse me.”


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Haah that was a rollercoaster. Finally they're together and I hope they will be happy. Thanks for writing.
Chapter 24: Omg this is one hell of a story!~~~ it's really good!
Chapter 22: Noooo I can't stop my tears
Chapter 19: My babies
Chapter 18: Aww
Chapter 16: Oh my god!!! Wtf was that man?!?!
Chapter 15: Omggg yasss they finally did it
Chapter 11: Noooooo
Chapter 9: Love god lulu has his next mission
Chapter 7: Omgg