The sorting hat

Hogwarts: the first year

“Wow” exclaimed a wide eyed Luhan as he stared at the huge castle, school, amazing piece of architecture in front of him. Behind him Jongdae let out a small laugh.

“It is amazing isn’t it!” Jongdae said to Luhan from his spot next to Baekhyun. They sat all together in a small boat that was slowly floating towards Hogwarts. Jongdae and Baekhyun had let Luhan sit in the front, holding the lantern. All three were amazed by the sheer size and beauty of the building they would be spending this year and many more to come in.

Even though Jongdae and Baekhyun had explained how the Hogwarts system worked to Luhan, neither of them had ever seen or been to Hogwarts so they were in just as much awe.

Glancing back at the two best friends behind him, Luhan smiled. They had both been so nice to him on the Hogwarts express and they had both told him to stay close to them and that they would look after him. Luhan found it funny that they were looking after him as he was the oldest of the trio but he didn’t mind. Baekhyun seemed so excited at the prospect of looking after him that he just let him do what he wanted.

Breaking out of his musings, he realised that they had approached the shore. On the shoreline stood the large form of Hagrid, the man who had led the first years to the boats then wandered off, promising to meet them on the other side.

Luhan watched; amazed as the boats parked themselves on the shore before he disembarked. He just stood on the bank and stared at everything around him, amazed by what he saw. He wasn’t really paying attention because suddenly he felt a force on his back and saw the ground coming at him fast. Before he face planted he was caught by Jongdae and Baekhyun.

As he was helped to his feet he caught site of two boys making their way past him laughing. They were both tall, one with hard eyebrows and blonde hair, who sort of looked like a dragon, the other who was shorter than the first, was also blond but he had softer features. The shorter one glanced back at Luhan and he found himself enchanted by the other boy’s eyes.

The other boy flashed Luhan an arrogant smirk before he turned away and continued walking towards the castle. Then, Luhan realised, that that boy was the one that had pushed him. Cheeks heating up in embarrassment Luhan glared at the retreating back of the boy.

“Merlin’s beard! That is not good” murmured Jongdae as he also stared at the two retreating figures.

 “Yep not good at all” replied Baekhyun from Luhan’s other side.

“What’s not good?” Luhan enquired as all three boys started walking with the rest of the first years to Hogwarts.

“The tall boy that looks like a dragon that walked past us, that was Kris Wu, pureblood. The other boy was his cousin, Oh Sehun, also a pureblood. It is said that they are descendants from the Malfoy line. They are definitely Slytherins,” Jongdae elaborated.

“They are also part of the muggle born hating group of purebloods, so you had better stay away from them okay Lulu” Baekhyun said as he pinched Luhans cheeks but quickly hopped away when Luhan tried to hit him.

“Ya! Don’t call me Lulu Baekhyun! I’m your hyung! Where is my respect?”

“Ah sorry Lulu hyung but I left that on the Hogwarts express and by now it’s probably on its way back to Hogwarts”, Baekhyun replied, sticking his tongue out at Luhan.

Jongdae just laughed at the antics of his best friend.

Luhan decided that because he wasn’t going to stop Baekhyun or get any help from Jongdae, he just continued forward and tried take in as much of the beauty of Hogwarts around him. But then again that is kind of hard to do if you have a boy clinging to your side, arguing with a boy on your other side. Maybe there is some merit in Jongdae saying that Baekhyun was clingy.

Entering the castle, Luhan’s senses were assaulted. It was so much brighter than outside and he could smell some of the most amazing food. So, with a watering mouth, and a very whiny Baekhyun, Luhan continued to the great hall.

“Can you smell that Luhan? I swear I can smell gravy and chicken and oohhhh corn and carrots. Maybe a roast lamb. Ah Jongdae I’m so hungry!”

“Shut up Baek. And seriously stop making up stuff. You totally can’t smell all that stuff.”

“I so can!”

“You totally can’t!”

“I can”




“Ya both of you shush.” Luhan said as he elbowed them both of the arguing boys in the ribs. “We are about to enter the great hall”.

Those words shut both boys up as they eagerly began to look around, excited. Luhan could understand why. Once they were in the great hall, they would be sorted into their houses. Luhan really hoped to be with both Baekhyun and Jongdae. He really didn’t want to be separated from his new friends.

Upon entering the great hall Luhan was stunned the massive amount of floating candles. Jongdae had told him about them but he was still not prepared to see them. Spinning in a small circle as he continued to walk, Luhan saw the enchanted ceiling that shows the night sky, that Baekhyun told him about.

 There were five long tables that filled the room. There was one at the end of the room where the teachers sat and four long ones where students in robes sat. Luhan, using the knowledge he had acquired from Jongdae and Baekhyun, knew that the people in red were Gryffindor, the people in blue Ravenclaw, yellow Hufflepuff and lastly in green were the Slytherins.

Luhan knew that he probably looked like a fool, or an excited tourist but he really couldn’t bring himself to care. What he had seen so far of Hogwarts has been amazing. Slowing to a halt, Luhan stood alongside Baekhyun and Jongdae as they stared up at the long table, where all the teachers were seated.

A woman was standing next to a stool with a hat on it. When all first years were gathered around she cleared .

“Welcome first years. My name is professor BoA, and this” she said gesturing to the hat next to her “is the sorting hat. I will call you up one by one and place the sorting hat on your head, and you will then be sorted into your houses.”

Professor BoA then proceeded to unravel her parchment. Looking at the first name she raised her head “Byun Baekhyun”.

I squeezed Baekhyun’s hand and Jongdae gave him an encouraging smile as he made his way through the crowd towards professor BoA. He seated himself on the chair, and Luhan, who knew nothing of the sorting process, leaned forward in anticipation.

Professor BoA placed the hat on Baekhyuns magenta hair and everybody waited with baited breath. Then suddenly, a loud voice came from the hat upon Baekhyun heads.


Luhan and Jongdae both clapped along with the table in red, who were cheering loudly. Baekhyun made his way down and joined the crowd of red. He looked at Jongdae and I and gave us an encouraging smile. I smile back before I returned my attention to Professor BoA, who looked down at the parchment in her hands before calling out another name.

“Park Chanyeol”

Jongdae and I saw a tall boy with copper noodle like hair make his way up the podium. With a large idiotic grin on his face the sorting hat was placed upon his head.


Jongdae and I grinned at each other as we saw the lanky boy stumble to sit next to a shrinking Baekhyun.

“Kim Jongdae”

Luhan gave Jongdae and encouraging smile as well and a small pat on the back as he also made his way up to the sorting hat. Luhan closed his eyes and prayed that both he and Jongdae made it into Gryffindor but his pray was cut short by the shout of,


Luhan eyes flew open as he stared in horror at Jongdae, who looked so shocked and upset. He was going to be in a different house to Baekhyun, his best and closest friend. Luhan found himself feeling upset. Although he had spent only a short amount of time with Baekhyun and Jongdae, he could see the bond and connection between the two.

Luhan watched as a dejected Jongdae walked in the opposite direction of Baekhyun, towards the cheering table of green and silver.

Luhan didn’t really pay attention to the couple of sortings, his mind elsewhere, but he did see that there was one dark skinned boy sorted into Gryffindor, Kris sorted into Slytherin as per Jongdae’s prediction. Another boy with large eyes was sorted into Ravenclaw and lastly a boy who had a faraway look was sorted into Hufflepuff.

“Lu Han”

The loud voice of professor BoA broke Luhan out of his musings. He started to make his way up the podium. As he nervously seated himself on the stool next to professor BoA, all he could think was ‘please Gryffindor, please Gryffindor, please Gryffindor’. As he felt the weight of the hat on his head, Luhan held his breath, waiting for the verdict.

“HUFFLEPUFF” came the loud cry from a top his head.

Upset that he wouldn’t be with Baekhyun or Jongdae; Luhan resolved that even though they were in different houses, they will still be friends.

Luhan made his way to the cheering table of yellow and seated himself opposite the stoned looking boy that was sorted just before him. 

“Cool…. Another hufflepuff… we can be friends…. My name is Lay…. You are Luhan…. We are going to get along so well…”

Luhan just stared at Lay. Well, that’s one way to make an impression on someone. Sighing to himself he decided that it wouldn’t hurt to have friends in his house so he tried to talk to Lay.

“so um Lay, where you from?”

“my father and I live together somewhere in England… we have a nice house in the country side… we go hunting for Crumple-Horned Snorkacks together…. I enjoy it.”

Luhan understandably had never heard of Crumple-Horned Snorkacks so he asked the increasingly bizarre boy in front of him what they were.

Attempting to listen to Lay ramble on and on, Luhan immediately noticed when the rest of the Hufflepuff table stood up and cheered. Knowing that this meant that another person was sorted into Hufflepuff, Luhan twisted to regard the boy heading over.

Taking a seat next to Luhan, the boy let out a nervous laugh.

“Is it okay that I sit here? I mean, if you don’t want me to then that’s fine, I could always find somewhere else.”

“Its fine” Luhan cut in as the boy started to ramble on. “My name is Luhan, and that boy over there is Lay”, Luhan said as he pointed to Lay, who had started to make a tepee out of the cutlery on the table, but waved a hand in greeting.

 “My name is Suho. But if you want you can call me whatever you like, if my name inconveniences you, it’s totally your choice if you want to call me by my name or not, but if you don’t-“

“Suho. I like your name” Luhan cut in again as Suho started to wring his hands nervously.

Suho smiled at Luhan and opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by Professor BoA tapping her glass. As the entire hall quieted down, the head master stood.

“Let the feast, begin”

Teehee! poor Baek and Jongdae. and Luhan too being stuck with Lay.i really wanted to model Lay off Luna Lovegood because seriously, the connection between the two. Like i could swear that if luna were a guy she would be lay.

but here is just a quick run down of the houses and who is is who

gryffindor- baek, Chanyeol and Jogin

Hufflepuff- Lay, Luhan and Suho

Slytherin- Jongdae, kris and Sehun

Ravenclaw- Xuimin, Kyungsoo and Tao

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. And if you see any mistakes please tell me :D


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Galaxy_30 #1
Chapter 2: Was kina hoping Luhan would be in Gryffindor but oh well! Great start!
JDHismine #2
Chapter 1: I like the start~ please continue it!