

"I don't want to go! I don't want to die yet! Please! Don't take me with you!" 

A 34 year-old man cries in pain as blood drips from his head sweat slicked hair. My eyes glaze over him as he kneels before me shamelessly. I shake my head, crouching, and tip his chin up with my finger, his face pounded with tears while his mouth quivers. I look straight into his eyes and smile.

"Just can't do that honey."

 A scream rakes the abandon alley-way and he begins to run away. A chuckle crawls out of my throat and I snap my fingers. The man trips over a non-existent rock and tumbles across the gravel, his blooding dripping every step of the way. He looks up in fear as I stare down at him and stomp me feet onto his core. 

"You know, it's people like you, that make this job so annoying. Why can't anybody just accept the fact that they're dead!? When you're supposed to die, you're supposed to die. Is that so hard to understand?" I swivel my heel deeper as he tries to crawl away, his nail scratching the pavement and his weeps filling my ears. 

"Didn't your mother teach you better? It's disrespectful to run away when someone is talking." I  scoff "Can't even finish a sentence for God's Sake, what happened to the generation?". Suddenly, a bell tolls and I begin to loosen the pressure on his stomach.

Looking down at him again, my short hair falls across my face and I sigh.

"Well, I guess time's up. Now, don't squirm too much because from here on out I won't be able to help you. I hope you won't cause any more trouble." I smile and snap my fingers as a large white hole swallows the man up into The Passage. White-like vines begin to circulate around his body and in a blink, the hole is gone and everything else with it. I look at my watch and secretly cry because I have another assignment coming up. Hopefully it won't be as annoying as this one. Suddenly, I hear a door open behind me, and I already know who's going to pester me.

"Minhee! You really should be nicer to you souls. It makes it harder for us down at the Sanctuary to send them off into the next World." A blonde woman with lucious locks frowns in agitation as she scolds me. I sigh and look up to my superior, her white gown just ghosting above her body. I on the otherhand, like to rock a sweatshirts and jeans. 

"Well I can't help it if they keep running from me ma'am.  They don't they realize that when they die, they're supposed to die? I can't just be like 'Oh? You want to livea bit more? Okay, I'll let this slide then.' No! That would upset everything the book has taught us to do." I cross my arms in frustration and blow my bangs out of my face.

"Yes, I understand that this is what you're assigned to do but really, at least make it easier to them. Not everyone can accept the fact that they have to die." 

"Well sorry I can't be as nice as the FLove Walker, when all they do is make one of their potential spouses meet. A bump there, a missed bus there and ta-da, they're done. The Flove walkers can literally be friends with the humans, and they wouldn't know. Then it's on to the next Walker, and the one after that and blah blah blah.  I'm sure that after all we've done for them, we've treated them with enough kindness, now they have to face the cold fact that they die Shinhan!" I coldly spat

"Now I see why the book chose you as one of the few Death Walkers." Shinhan mumbled "You know, you were once a soul too. You should understand what it means to die.  All you have to do is drop them to the Passage, you don't even have to talk to them. Please, just be nicer to them before I have to suspend you."

"I will not treat them with kindness Shinhan, if I show any signs of weakness, they'll take advantage of me." Again... I shudder "I will tell them the hard truth that they have to die." I hear a bell ringing in the distance,

"Sorry Shinhan, duty calls." I wink and jump over the fence into the glittering door waiting below. I land in a pristine white palace. The columns tower over me as I walk down the single hallway all leading to the book. I look at the book again, it's covers radiating an alluring glow. The title Omnisci burning across the front cover. As I lean forward, the pages immediately flip and see my next target name. 

Byun Baekhyun





I'M SO SORRY I CAN'T UPDATE AS MUCH. I PROMISED YOU ALL A CHAPTER OF DISAPPEAR, but some family issues came up and I couldn't update. I decided today I would at least upload something, but it wasn't even that long. I'm so sorry. I really hope I could update more, but highschool is a pain in the . 

I hope you at least enjoyed this prologue. :DDall 







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