
Kyungsoo Noona

Long time no see my dear readers~ As the title says, I have a surprise for those of you who have been wanting something very much regarding this story. A mini sequel will be done after 5 years! I recently opened the sequel that was stored in my writing folder and I read the first 800 words I had written almost 4-5 years ago, and as I was reading it, I thought, "Why not finish this?" Thus, I am giving this small update. If any of you are miraculously still here then I hope you look forward to the sequel. I hope to upload it soon, and I promise I will not take years >,,< 


Bye bye for now~ ^^

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As promised, the sequel to "Kyungsoo's Noona is officially now out! I hope all of you enjoy reading it~ ^^


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noemimart #1
Chapter 2: Please continue the story.
joohyun007 #2
Chapter 2: please update for the sequel yay
Chapter 1: Gdi you have to make a sequel this is too good just to end it like this
Love-rocks #4
Chapter 1: I know you said you decided not to do a sequel but I really honk you should cause this is too cute to just stop there anyway I hope you do a sequel though and great job! I love this story!!
Chapter 1: Sequel please
mayo_25 #6
Chapter 1: /camping inside ur aff waiting for sequel/
Chapter 1: I enjoyed this very very much~ thank you author-nim! LOL
I thought there would be a plot twist about Jongin already knowing Kyungsoo's gender QuQ
and as the other do say... I really.. want to read a sequel of this lolololol
but if you dont... oh well :')

thanks for this story anyway! ;)
daeshi1661 #8
Chapter 1: sequel pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) it's so good author-nim!!! :3
Chapter 1: wahhh i wanna know more authornim~~ pleassseeeee, pretty pleasseeeee with kaisoo on top?
kaistal_hunhan #10
Chapter 1: S.E.Q.U.E.L