Chapter 10

Little Luhan

None of these should happen, Luhan thought quietly to himself. They were supposed to be happy that he is expecting. They should be fine that Sehun decides to be responsible for the child growing inside of him. He watches as his mother started screaming on the phone, to which he assumed as Aunty Kyungsoo, he looked at his father as he tried to get the older man to calm his spouse down. The house feels so cold at the moment when he realises that his parents are not comforting him and telling him that they are supportive of his decision. It feels worse when they sent Yixing off to his room, not allowing him to meddle with their affairs.


“JUST GET YOUR ING SON OVER HERE THIS INSTANT. HE IMPREGNANTED MY SON, KYUNGSOO. MY ING SON!” Baekhyun screamed into the phone and tossed his phone on the couch.


Baekhyun stomped in front of his son and slammed the pregnancy tests on the table. He stood beside his son with arms crossed and glared at the other boy. Luhan looked down throughout the time when he feels his mother glaring at him. He was scared that his mother wouldn’t accept his child. He was afraid that he would tell him to abort it. And he was even more afraid to know that his mother would disown him if he decides to keep his child.


He heard his mother heaved a sigh as he ran his finger through his brown hair, “Why, Lu? Why now and not two or three years from now? Don’t tell me that Kim Sehun managed to plant his seeds inside of you. Don’t tell me his seeds have super powers that it’s fast enough to swim inside of you.” Baekhyun asked as he sat in front of his one and only son – not with Chanyeol.


“I don’t know, ma. It just happens. I don’t want it to happen either. I—the next thing I know, I am pregnant and Sehun is the father.” Luhan explained not looking at his mother.


“I am not angry at you, Lu. I just don’t expect to have a grandchild at the age of 40. And things are piling up right now. With your dad knocking me up,” Baekhyun said and the last sentence especially caught his attention. He looked up at his mother with wide eyes.


“Ma, you’re not saying that you—you know?” Luhan asked.


“I might. That of a father just had to knock me up and happily tell me to take the morning after pills and everything would be back to normal and I won’t be expecting.” Baekhyun stated.


The doorbell rang and it got the attention of the mother and son pair. Baekhyun sent his son off to sit on the couch in the living room. Both his parents went to greet the Kims and he noticed the glare that his mother had as he looked at Sehun. Once both families have seated, with the future parents in the middle, Baekhyun began his whole lecture about getting someone’s child pregnant out of wedlock. Chanyeol had to use all his strength to calm his lover down and prevent him from getting angry at something as small as this – because not all men are the same and Sehun, for a thing, would not leave Luhan once he knocked him up.


“Baek, just calm down, please?” Chanyeol begged once it was getting out of hand. “We haven’t listened to their part of the story. We should give them a chance you know. Just calm—“


“—calm down?! How do you expect me to calm down when this Sehun knocked up your son and you knocked me up too?!” Baekhyun snapped. His hand flew to his hand when he realises what he just said.


“You’re pregnant, Baek?” Kyungsoo was the one to break the silence.


“Just shut up. We will talk about that later once we are done with them.” Baekhyun said interrupting them.


“So, Auntie Baekhyun and Uncle Chanyeol, I was thinking that Luhan moves in with me in my new apartment so that I can look out for him during the pregnancy. And we also can prepare for the arrival of our child.” Sehun explained.


“And will you be here when he is in labour?” Baekhyun asked.


“I’ll try.” Sehun squeaked.


“And you are not going to marry my son. And he will be labelled as someone who is pregnant with no husband?!” Baekhyun continued bombarding Sehun with questions.


“I was thinking of proposing to him when we are both ready.” Sehun mumbled.


“Oh. I bet the both of you are more than ready because you’re going to be fathering a baby,” Baekhyun snapped as he stalked off to his bedroom.


“I guess. Baek’s okay with Luhan moving in with you then?” Chanyeol said which came out as a question.


“I guess so too,” Kai replied. “All the best, Park Chanyeol, handling a hormonal Baekhyun for the next nine months.” Kai snickered.







Luhan was fidgeting in his seat in the hospital as they waited for their number to be called. Sehun was beside him reading a pregnancy magazine, every once in awhile showing Luhan pictures of the swollen belly. Luhan glances at the pregnant women beside him and he was quite surprised that there was a pregnant male there too. He bowed his head respectfully when one of the women did the same to him. Luhan could feel himself shaking out of fear when the nurse came to him and telling him that it was his turn to be checked.


Sehun, who finally got to his senses, grabbed his hands and kissed them gently; “Don’t worry, babe. Everything will be fine and we will be meeting our little bean of life soon.” Sehun said softly.


Luhan nodded in response as he sat on the chairs. Sehun did not let go of Luhan’s hand throughout the wait for the doctor to arrive. Sehun asked about Luhan’s day before they came for their appointment, just to distract the other from the thoughts of seeing the doctor. Not long after, the doctor made their way into the room and smiled at the nervous couple.


“So, I guess the both of you would be Mr Kim and Mr Park right?” The Doctor who introduced himself as Doctor Lee later on asked.


“So, may I know who is the pregnant one between the both of you,” Doctor Lee asked as he took out a file with Park Luhan on it.


Luhan hesitantly raised his hand as the doctor smiled over at him. He went over with Luhan what are the common symptoms that he experienced before he decided to make an appointment. Luhan quietly answered the questions as Sehun massaged the insides of his palms. It has a calming effect on him and he was sure if Sehun wasn’t there, he would have been stuttering there. The doctor told him to lay on the bed as he took out a machine with a wand attached to it.


“I will be placing the gel over your stomach in order for us to get a clearer view of your baby. The gel will be cold but I need you to bear with it for me, okay?” Doctor Lee asked as Luhan nodded in response.


The screen of the machine lit up as Doctor Lee moved it around Luhan’s stomach in order for them to get a clearer view. The doctor pointer out to where their baby was laying which caused the couple to smile. Their child is only at its fifth week and it hasn’t formed fully yet. The only thing that was visible to the couple was that the shape of their baby was of a tadpole. The doctor explained to them that their baby’s heart is already beating by then and his spinal cord is forming. In the weeks to come, they learned that their baby would triple the size and it made them smile in glee.


Doctor Lee gave Luhan tissue papers to wipe clean of the gel and sat down on the chairs. He explained that Luhan would be experiencing more signs of pregnancy and it would be worse than the ones he felt the previous weeks. He prescribed Luhan with vitamins that he needs throughout his pregnancy and he prints a sonogram of their baby for them to keep.


Luhan looked at the sonogram of their baby as they walked to the nearest bus stop. Sehun’s hand is intertwined tightly with Luhan and he watched happily at the smile etched on his boyfriend’s face. It has been weeks since he last saw that smile and he was glad that the ordeal ended with a pregnancy. Even though, Sehun thinks that everything is going well with the both of them, he knows that he still needs to explain himself to his boyfriend.


“Where do you want to go, Lu?” Sehun asked.


“Home.” Luhan replied.


“Are you sure? Because I was thinking that we could head to town and grab something to eat.” Sehun continued.


“You would bring me out to eat?” Luhan asked timidly.


“I would, baby. Now that we have another one to feed,” Sehun stated.


“Thanks, Sehunnie.” Luhan thanked as he tip toed to kiss Sehun on the cheeks.


Sehun returned the gesture with a peck on the lips while they sat and waited for the bus. Sehun felt that he was blessed with this happiness that he has been waiting for all his life and he could not wait for his bundle of joy to arrive.







The couple sat in the café as they waited for their orders to arrive. Luhan admired the picture of their little bean of life while Sehun watched his lover quietly. Luhan has not spoken a word since the time they left the hospital and it worried Sehun because it would only mean one thing; Luhan has not forgiven him yet. Luhan took out the small photo album from the plastic bag along with colourful markers, coloured papers, glue, scissors and glitters onto the table. He hummed a tune that Sehun swore he never heard before – he thinks that Luhan sings it for their unborn child. Luhan pasted the sonogram in the middle of the second page and wrote a note.


Sehun placed his hand onto Luhan’s empty hand which caught the older male’s attention. Luhan glared at him as he took his hand away. “I am still angry with you by the way,” Luhan stated as he continued decorating the same page.


“I know. The reason why I brought you out for lunch is because I want to explain myself.” Sehun said as he grabbed onto Luhan’s hand and caressing the top of it because he knows it would soothe the older from all his anger.


“You can explain yourself without holding onto my hand you know,” Luhan said as he looked at the hand that was holding onto his.


“The boy you saw me with the other day is Taemin. Lee Taemin. He is the new choreographer who is working with the school now. I was assigned to him. Appa told me to guide him along through getting used to our school system and getting around the neighbourhood. So, I told him about our mothers’ café which is just across the street and I told him that you’re working there too and I want to introduce the both of you,” Sehun said.


“But that does not give you and him a reason to be shamelessly flirting with one another.” Luhan huffed as he crossed his arms across his chest.


“I am getting there right now, Lu. Can you listen to my whole explanation?” Sehun begged.


“No! I am not going to listen to you and I am going to continue doing this for berry and tell him or her that—“


“—as I was saying Taemin saw you and he told me that you’re a wonderful and beautiful lover anyone could ask for,” Sehun interrupted which causes Luhan to blush. “And I was lucky to have you with me. He understands that we are a couple. He is in a relationship too, Lu. His boyfriend is Choi Minho and he lives about a 15 minutes’ drive away from school. He comes to pick Taemin up from school sometimes. I’ve seen him before and I have got to say that they make a wonderful couple together,” Sehun finished off.


Luhan had tears in his eyes when he sees the sincerity in his boyfriend’s eyes. The guilt starts bubbling up in his body and he feels like flinging himself onto his taller lover. “I am sorry, Hunnie.” Luhan sobbed into his hands. “I didn’t know that you weren’t lying.” Luhan continued as he went on a full force crying fit.


Sehun was at a lost when he sees his boyfriend starts wailing in the café. He got to his lover’s side and pulled the other into a bone-crushing hug. Luhan buried his head into Sehun’s chest, muttering apologies over and over again. He labelled himself as dumb enough to think that Sehun would leave him now that he’s pregnant. Luhan expressed all his feeling for the past three days since the fight and it amused Sehun to know that his boyfriend had thought that he would leave him because now that he’s pregnant. Because why would he leave Luhan when the other is carrying his berry?


Sehun grabbed Luhan’s face into his palms and dried the tears that rolled down the cheeks. Luhan’s eyes were red and puffy from the crying and his nose red – with snot coming out of it. Sehun kissed Luhan’s eyes and finally his lips and smiled down at the smaller man. “Have I ever mentioned about leaving you, Lu?” Sehun asked.


“I have never mentioned about leaving you. I am happy in fact when I found out that you’re carrying my child inside of you. And yes, I am not able to achieve most of my dreams now that I have a bigger responsibility but you and berry are my top priority right now. So, don’t feel down okay?” Sehun said as he held Luhan’s hands.


Dinner was spent quietly between the couple. Sehun would mention or share some of the things that happened within the weeks that they missed one another. Luhan listened intently and once in awhile he would avert their topic to their berry. Luhan would mention how he did not notice that he was pregnant and how he was afraid that his mother would disown him because he wants to keep it. Sehun stood up to pay for their meal and get more bubble teas for themselves. He felt Luhan tugging on the hem of his shirt and the other looked up at him shyly.


“Do you want to take a photo so that I can paste it on the first page of berry’s album?” He asked shyly.


“Yes, I want to, babe. I am involved in the making and he or she has to know his or her other daddy,” Sehun said as he passed the Polaroid camera to a waiter.


They are just one step before beginning their journey as parents.

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yousra_ #1
I remember stopping reading for no reasons in the middle of the story gonna re read this now!
Chapter 16: It's late... But why only Sehun is the one to blame for everything what ever is happened???
Minseok is enjoying everything like family love and care, while Sehun is left alone to sulk... Even Kai ignore him for good three months... In some way it shows double standards... From Soo part too
If you says it's Sehun’s anger, jealously or over-protectiveness... Then it's Minseok who provoke him in everyway possible... Minseok is one who bring dads and Luhan in between... Sehun just simply says stay away from Luhan....
It really make my eyes sweating... From personal experience it feel like hell to be left alone....:’(:’(:’(
Chapter 22: So late but really loved the story. Though, I would make Minseok less evil, I felt like his evilness gave them the opportunity to breathe and think carefully of their decisions. The break contributed to their happy life.
Chapter 22: This was a very emotional story... Beautifully written..... I enjoyed every chapter of it! Thank you so much authornim!! Keep up with the good work!
Chapter 14: I dont like minseok here. he is plain evil!!
I'm going to re-read this <3
leeleeloveskpop #8
Chapter 22: I really love both of your fics in this series
leeleeloveskpop #9
Chapter 14: I love Minseok in real life not so much in this fic! Yes he has feelings for Luhan everyone can see that but he went too far when he said those things to Sehun calling him extra baggage and things like that. Thats cruel especially to do that to your own brother. While Sehun should not of hit Kyungsoo it really was an accident. I didnt like how everyone began to turn their backs on Sehun making him out to be the bad guy when Minseok was the one that provoked him in the first place