Wonshik's diary

Hotel Jiog

The maid brushes my hair happily, and applies my makeup. She was now in a much better mood, after I had slipped into the long silky velvet dress she had prepared. I felt like I would sink into the walls at any moment. She had even brought me golden stilettos to wear, claiming that she only had my best interests at heart.


I look at my outstretched arms, and see the bumpy scars on my arms. They came in different shapes and sizes. Some were lighter burns; others were caused by needles, some even by a carving knife. My body looked like a scratching post really.


I trailed after the maid as she leads me toward the festive banquet. The halls were filled by the booming and chipper voices of the guests. Where were they all this time?

“You will absolutely love it here” The maid gushes.

I smile at her weakly. I seriously doubt that.

“How is… Hongbin?” I ask her, before entering the ballroom.

She turns to me, her face blank.

“Find out for yourself”

I follow her eyes, and notice Hongbin chatting animatedly with other guests, but that couldn’t be possible. Last night… he was so injured… am I going crazy?


I push past the maid and rush toward him. My high heels click against the marble tiles, my dress flowing behind me. Sparkling chandeliers cast diamond forms on my skin. Jazz music soothes the room. I reach Hongbin, and pat lightly on his shoulder.

“Hongbin… are you okay?”

He turns to me and smiles brilliantly at me. His black hair was combed back neatly, his fringe up, showing off his handsome features. Deep dimples cut into his cheeks, and small crinkles appeared at the sides of his eyes.

“Hey! I’m so glad you made it”

My eyebrows knit together. How is he in such perfect condition?

“Are you okay?” He asks worried, his hand cupping my face.

“L-last night I hit you with my car…”

The room falls silent, and I look around me, but there’s no one there. All the guests have disappeared. The music has stopped and I was standing in the middle of the dust covered room, talking to air. I look down and realize that my velvet dress was torn beyond repair. My legs and arms were scratched badly, and blood trickled down them. The tables in the room were tossed over, the curtains were ripped and moth eaten. The only source of light was the dim rays of moonlight that trickled through the rips in the curtains.


I run up the stairs and into my room. What is wrong with me? All the rooms look like they’re falling apart, none of the majesty remains. Am I losing my mind? I sit on the bed and pull my legs up to my chest. I notice the diary in front of me… how did it get there? The diary suddenly opens and reveals the second entry.


Day 2:


Today is the day of the banquet! I’m wearing my to-die for velvet dress, and I have the most perfect man in the world as my date. I know the banquet is to celebrate my getting married, and my entire family is going to be there, but I do kind of want to leave early, just so that I’ll have a few moments with my love. I almost never see him anymore.


Wait… the banquet? Was it the same banquet? No that couldn’t be… I mean how would that even make sense?


I toss the diary back into the drawer. I hurry into the bathroom, and rip the dress off of me. My entire body was covered with cuts. I inspect my body in the mirror, my eyes filled with fear. Why can’t I remember getting these? I jump into the shower and wash the blood off. I need to get out of here.


There’s a knock on the bathroom door, and the maid appears.

“We missed you at the banquet”

What? But I was at the banquet… wasn’t I? I wrap my towel around my body and step out of the shower. My eyes lock with the maid’s.

“Where is Hongbin?”

“He’s still… recovering” She replies, after thinking for a while.

“Where?” I repeat.

She turns away from me, and walks out of the bathroom. Should I follow her? I toss my night gown on and pad after her, my eyes darting between the rooms we pass.

“Here we go” She whispers.


I enter the room and see Hongbin sitting on the side of the bed.

“Hello~” He greets me happily.

My eyes widen. Why is he wearing the same clothes he wore at the banquet? What’s happening?

“… W-what happened?”

He tilts his head and smiles at me in confusion.

“What do you mean?”

I stand frozen on the spot.

“At the banquet… what happened?”

“We danced, we ate, we drank, and then we sneaked out” He smiles.

He gets up and closes the space between us.

“I’m glad we did skip out” He grins, his lips nearing mine.

I shake my head, and step backwards, my back slamming into the room door.

“We didn’t sneak out! We didn’t do anything! Where did I get these cuts?” I cry, stretching my arms out.

“What cuts?”

I look down at my exposed arms, and there are no cuts, only my old scars. Am I going crazy? I feel around for the door handle and sprint out of the room, I spin around, which way is my room?


I stop, my eyes locked on Hongbin’s room number. 417… but that’s my room? I step forward, my hand taking hold of the handle. I open the door, expecting to be greeted by Hongbin, but there’s no one? My room is exactly how I left it… except there is a sheet of paper pinned to the wall. I take it off - it’s a page from the diary.


Day 3:


Today Kenny showed up at the hotel. I’m so glad he’s here, I really don’t know how I would’ve gotten married without my best friend by my side. I mean yes my soon-to-be husband is my best friend, but so is Kenny. He’s my childhood friend, who has always been there for all my big (and small) moments, it just wouldn’t have felt the same without him.


I walk through the corridor, following the man’s voice I keep hearing. I turn and face his room door. I knock three times and just wait. But there’s no answer. I open the door, and slowly enter the room.

“H-hello?” I call.

“Oh hi!” A bright voice greets me.

The door is pulled open and I’m greeted by a man who might have the biggest nose I’ve ever seen. He smiled at me goofily. His eyes almost completely shut due to his huge smile. His black hair looks like ramen.

“Are you ready?”

“For what exactly?” I reply uneasy.

He smiles at me slightly confused.

“Wonshikkie, have you started drinking already?” He jokes.

He stands to the side, allowing me access into his room.

“Wonsikkie?” I echo.

Who the hell is Wonshikkie?

“Wonshikkie sounds cuter than Wonshik, and there’s nothing you can say to make me stop calling you that” He grins.

What is going on? Why do these people think they know me?

“Are you okay?”

I look up, and smile at him. I nod slightly, and look around his room. There was a photo of him and a girl together. They looked so happy, her beautiful long black hair framed her face perfectly, her golden eyes sparkled brilliantly.

“That’s a good photo of us” Ken points out

Of us? Does he think I’m that girl?

“Ah, but then Hongbin had to ask you out, and ruin everything” Ken sighs grumpily.

Hongbin? Does he know Hongbin?

“You know him?” I ask.

“Uh yeah, we three are childhood friends after all” He laughs


I turn around to face Ken, but there’s no-one. Was he a figment of my imagination as well?


I lurk through the corridor, my eyes searching for any sign of the maid or clerk. Today is the day I find out what’s going on. I notice the clerk going down a flight of stairs, toward the basement. Silently I walk after him, who knows the answer might be there.

“Where are you going?” A voice asks from behind me.

I spin around in surprise. My eyes become even wider when I realise that it’s Hongbin. He looks so healthy. Even better than when I saw him at the banquet… well I think I saw him.


“Who else?” He chuckles, flicking my forehead.

“Last night…?”

“Wonshik… do you feel okay?” He asks, slightly worried.

He thinks I’m that girl too?

“Are you worried about the wedding?” He guesses.

The wedding? My head snaps back to the diary, that girl… Wonshik, it’s her diary? What happened to her? Why am I here?

“I have to get out of here” I whisper.

My stomach churns uneasily. Am I in a horror movie?

“Where are you going?”

“I need air” I reply, running toward the front desk.

Where the hell did that guy put my keys?

“Honey, please tell me what’s going on”

I ignore Hongbin, and continue to tear around the clerks desk, seeking my keys.

“Ravi! Look at me”

I snap up, my eyes locked on Hongbin’s.

“My name… you just said my name”


There’s a loud sound behind me and the next thing I know Hongbin’s gone. Where did he go?

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5friesofharry #1
amarsyazz #2
Chapter 5: *sniff soooo good!!!
lazyoongi #3
Chapter 5: oh.my.god. this was so good. I can't explain it in words how good it was. hope you will make another one soon!
VioletLily #4
Chapter 5: Oh God this is awesomeeee ♥♥♥
kpopluver4 #5
Why make me cry?????!!?!!!!
kpopluver4 #6
Chapter 3: This is cool!
I like it very much.
Please update soon.