Part 1.



“Wha-what ?” I blurted out, to no one in particular. But my best friend, who was apparently standing in front of me the whole time, responded.“Are you alright? You seem to have zoned out when you saw me washing my hand to get rid of the red paint.” She asked, in a worried tone.


Oh yeah. I’m in art class right now.


I looked around the class. Everyone has gone back to their own work, probably relieved that I haven’t turned into a statue or whatever. Ugh, my head still aches.

“I’m fine, I think. It’s just you had red paint on your hands and it reminded me of blo- “ I couldn’t finish my sentence. I instantly felt sick.

Luckily she was Park May. Luckily she’s my best friend who immediately made me sit down on a chair and put her hand on my forehead. “Oh God, Rin. You’re starting to warm up. Think of happy thoughts, babe. Happy thoughts. Think of Mrs. Lucia.” And she pulled my head on her shoulder and my hair.

I smiled. Lovely Mrs. Lucia. The poor woman was standing on her doorstep, calling out to her dear cat for lunch. Then it came and presented her with a dead mouse.  She screamed and plopped straight to the floor, rolling down on her pathway and stopped right in front of a sprinkler that went off. We couldn’t help but laugh. May and I were just 10 at the time. Playing with homemade slingshots, flinging small rocks at unsuspecting birds from my tree house.

Thinking of that made me feel a bit better. Then our arts teacher Mr. Chiwon came up to us. “Is everything alright, Miss Kim? Miss Park?” he asked. Forehead creasing, revealing wrinkles that signifies his age.

“Yes, sir. But I think we should send Haerin to the nurse. She’s feeling a bit off today.” Says May. Her hand landed on my forehead again. I didn’t want to speak. Instead I continued to rest my head on May’s shoulder, keeping my eyes on Mr. Chiwon’s leather shoes. “Well, okay then. But I must say, Miss Kim. You look really pale. Perhaps you need some colours on you.  Good thing I have my palette with me now.” He jokes.

The three of us laughed. I look at his face, his friendly smile soften his face. Eyes disappearing into thin curved lines. Typical Asian.

I started to stand up, only to stumble back a little. Fortunately, May has her hand on my shoulder, helping me to steady myself. Mr. Chiwon patted my head. “You be careful now. Make sure you listen to the nurse and do exactly as she says so you’ll get better.” He says.

I smiled again. He can be like a father to me sometimes. Well, he is my favourite teacher anyway. “I will, sir. Thank you.” I replied. Then May and I went out the class and headed towards the nurse’s office. When we arrived, the nurse was talking to a guy about my age or older seated on a long, white table. The kinds you use when treating a patient’s wound or to do a surgery.


Oh, surgery. Reminds me of b-


“Excuse me, Miss Hyushin. I have a friend that needs some help. She’s feeling light headed.” May explained and moved me towards the table. The guy glanced at me. The first thing I noticed was his hair, which was obviously dyed light brown as streaks of black appeared on the top of his head. The bottom part of his left arm is bandaged. He has a slight cut on his cheek too. Hmm. I wondered what happened to him… I thought.

“Oh is she? Sit her on the table. Hold on, I’ll be right back.” Says the nurse and she disappeared into the back of the office. I looked at May. “Thanks, May. You don’t have to stay with me. I know how much you love to paint and you’ve been dying to get your hands on a brush for quite a while now. Go.” I said. Her expression was a combination on worry, excitement and annoyance. She opened to protest but was cut off by the sound of the nurse coming back to us.

“Okay, sorry for the hold up. I went to get a few things.” In her hands are two bottles of water, a pen and a packet of tissues. She put them down in between the guy and me. Then she turned to me and gave a warm smile. “So what seems to be the problem?” she asked while taking off her white, rubber gloves. Slightly stained with b l o o d.

I choked. Eyes widening. “I-I am-“ I cant say it. From the corner of my eyes, I saw him looking at me. I can tell his eyebrows were narrowed, like he was concentrating on my face.


May came to my rescue.


“She has a phobia of seeing blood, Miss. Just now during art class, she saw me rinsing red paint off my hands and it reminded her of it.” She says. I couldn’t breathe properly. But the pressure of the nurse’s hand on my shoulder seems to make me relax a bit. “Hmm… phobia.  She just needs some rest. You can stay here until you feel better. Here have some water.” And she offers me one of the bottles. I unscrewed the cap and took a few sips. Feels good. Then I took huge gulps of it and wiped my mouth. Such a relief to feel the rush of water inside my throat.  Miss Hyushin rubbed my back and turned to May.

“Thank you for bringing your friend to me. I can take care of her now so you best get going to class.” She says with that same warm, smile that she gave me earlier. “Yes, Ma’am.” May bowed to her and headed towards the door, stopping briefly to speak to me.

“You’re right about the brush thing, Rin.” She says with a smile. I smiled back. “Of course I am. I know you too well.” She gave a small laugh and closed the door.

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i can't wait to see what happens next :D
i wannna a sequellll!
TyniNightmare #3
Sequellllll ;D
flabbycow #4
Wow. That cannot be the end of such an amazing story! Sequel~ :D
b1a4cnblueblockb #5
b1a4cnblueblockb #6
lol.<br />
<br />
love and comment c:
OHMYGOD. I'VE BEEN TRYING TO UPLOAD FOR DAYS NOW UGH OTL. Why does it keep saying 'something key character' blah. I WILL TRY TO UPLOAD AGAIN NOW. Maybe I should upload some parts of it because its kinda long. Or maybe I should create a new story but of this story o_o . WAIT LET ME TRY FIRST. SABAR PEMINATKU harharharharhar. Hold on okay :>
b1a4cnblueblockb #9
kyaa~! update soon please.^^