Death Interval

Death Interval (Oneshot)

  Jinyoung wakes up and looks at the wristwatch o his bedside table. 8:00 a.m. 8 May.  Wait, it's 8 already? Damn! I'm late!  Jinyoung quickly dresses up, picks up his backpack and dashes out of his house. Instead of walking, he runs. The bright, breezy morning made him felt cold. The road to college,which was just five minutes away, suddenly felt further. I'm almost there! Jinyoung stops his step at the busy road that was the only thing seperating him to his college. When less cars travelled the road, Jinyoung runs acroos when suddenly...... CRASH!

  He hears people screaming but he could not see anything. Did an accident happen? His vission clears up and sees a ceiling. Then he sees a familiar wall colour.Wait 4aminute... I'm still in bed. The penny drops. Whew, it was just a dream. He sits up and looks at his watch. 7:30 a.m. Phew, I got time, I got time. So he goes to colllege

  When he arrives at his college, he feels invinsible. Everyone just walks pass him. Everyone ignored him. AS if he wasnt even there. He became puzzled. People would usually say 'HI!' If they saw Jinyoung. Especially girls. But today..... He sees his close friends and goes to them.

'SHINWOO!SANDEUL!' Jinyoung called them but they didn't even respond. Jinyoung comes closer to them and overheard their conversation.

'*SIGHS* Shinwoo hyung.... it feels so empty without Jinyoung hyung with us....' Sanduel says. Shinwoo just nodded and closes his eyes in agreement.

Sandeul sighs.'Jinyoung-hyung....' Shinwoo snaps 'enough Sandeul! Stop talikng about hyung.'

'Guys I'm right here...' Jinyoung whines. He waved in front of both their eyes and still no response. He sighs in depression and looks at the hallway in confusion. He decides to find his girlfriend

He finds her sitting on the bench outside the college building. He calls her but like everyone else, she did not answer. Jinyoung sighs. He gives her a backslap when his hand, as if it was plain air, suddenly fades away.



the cake was a lie!

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Chapter 1: interesting

found this in the 'random story'
where's my name??????? did u cut it?