Diary 1st day: the meeting…seems so….complicated??!!

{HIATUS!} Key To My Soul




                               "are you serious?"




"can't we rent a smaller house or even an apartment instead of moving there?"




It seems that this girl doesn't look tired at all by following her father left to right! My head hurts and my ears seems to be eaten up by her continues nagging! Ugh!

This girl whose name Taeyeon is seriously so stubborn! Should I step and make her my solution? Ugh! I would sigh nonstop thinking and searching for those couple who will rescue me! Its been weeks since I wandered the city observing people relationships and their personalities! But non really have the specifications that will help me to return back as normal girl who will live peacefully again!

Oh yeah, I'm Choi jung won, the witch…till this moment I'm still a witch! I don't remember how I became one but what I know that living like one started to piss me off!! I want to return to jung won who can do whatever other girls do~ sigh~ including falling in love~ which is obviously forbidden for witches!

I thought about writing a diary includes my final days, weeks or even years being as a witch! Wait! YEARS??! IMPOSSIBLE! This is so…..!!

I should write down my abilities so that I won't forget it in the future…oh! Maybe writing it will make me regret returning normal? Who cares!

1-I can disappear! Walking like a shadow~ or to make it much zoom in, I'm like a GHOST! Ugh, this sounds so…..scary! but I'm not!!

2-I can read people's mind! I know who ever curses me which I can punish them easily~! They think I'm easy huh! But not always, there will be always an elimination.

3-I can change my voice…well this isn't a witch like ability, it's more like a talent! But I will count it down.

4- I can make people change….soulely. this is the most amusing thing I can do!!

Reasons why I don't want to live as a witch ANYMORE:

      1- I can't befriend with anyone unless they are witches, or even if I do become a friend of some, they should not know about my real identity! Like I can keep my mouth shut forever!! -.-!

2- I can't fall in love!! Seriously! Why CAN'T I??? *crying river*

3- I can't walk out through the day~ like a vampire! I don't know what my real identity is?! Am I a vampire or a witch? Maybe both! Well I can walk if I hide myself!

4- if someone senses me while I'm around in disguise….I'll gradually lose my power which I started to hate! I fell sick like most of the year because of my reckless action!!

Ok, enough talking about my pathetic life, I should focus on who will be my heroes!

Upon observing this girl, I feel something strange! And what happened to her seems so amusing as well. I will wait and see where are they going to stay at the remaining days since they can't stay no longer in their rent home~ I pity them! Her father finance condition seems so down these days, beside, his restaurant seems to stop gaining more costumers which drove his financial to drop down rapidly and led him to leave his rent home. Maybe his friend who he will live with him 'temporarily' will help him out!

Anyway, it seems she's the key to my problem!


The result is…


Why are they walking so slowly? Can you move a little bit quickly? You just make me feel old while am still pretty young!


OH! I shouldn't shout!~~~~ please don't come near me, don't feel me, I'll end up losing my power! Please please pwetty pweeeeaaaaase!!

"dad!" This girl has sense of hearing really high!


"didn't you hear anybody's shouting?!"

"no! don't make up excuses now! We will reach soon!" he said firmly to her. He seems so into the idea of moving to his friend's home!

She paused as if she wanted to make sure of her ears…but please don't turn more..I look stupid turning around behind you while in fact you can't see me! But…don't sense it I'll lose my power! Can't you hear this IMPORTANT sentence?!

"dad…seriously! My hair seems to freeze each second!"

Taeyeon…I'm not a ghost, you have to deal with it if I'll end up being with you!

Her face paled through each second! is she….afraid of ghosts? That makes sense though!

"we arrived!" her father said cheerfully. As if we didn't walk like a whole hour!

Wow! The house is pretty big…with a small garden outside, an European design like house….it's so perfect! I'm guessing that the owner is quite rich! Why this girl is opposing coming here? She will live happily ever after!

YES! He rang the bell….now I'll decide….I'll decide if I'll choose her, to pull me out from the messing life I'm living!


Am I hearing her heart beating like there's no tomorrow? Is she really hates this place to that intense! Who lives here? I wonder!

"pleaaaase!" she prayed inner her while curling her hands down together.

Slowly, an old man, as old as Taeyeon's father opened the door. He was so pleased to see Taeyeon's father as well as the girl herself. He has a soft face with a gentle expression. I wonder among the three of them, why only Taeyeon has a rough expression…ugh!

"nice to see you again, Young Hee-sshi!" the man greet Taeyeon's father wholeheartedly with a warm smile…he was like waiting for them to come by. It was so sweet from him!

He gave kim Young Hee a light hug then stared at the girl who was apparently showing nothing but a poker face to him~ easy girl!

"woaaah! She's Taeyeoni, right?" the respond was a nodding from Taeyeon's father which led the man to continue his praising on. 

"How did you manage to grow up so fast like that?! Look at you, you're so pretty!"

The awkward girl didn't know how to react to his praising…I should give her some lesson! How stupid she looks like when she just bowed slightly to him with a fake-cute-smile!

"and you still so wary around strangers…but…… keep that in mind I'm not a stranger anymore!" the man said, his voice held a deep emotion within it as if he was hurt by her dry greeting!

Should I really go on with her? But…still so confusing, why she is so cautious around him if she already knew him?!

"don't worry Tae Kyung…she needs some more time to adapt to you since it's been so long since she last seen your face" Young Hee said, patting Tae Kyung shoulder.

"sorry for keeping you out, come in!" Tae Kyung said trying to carry their luggage and help them out…..until this moment I haven't seen the one who will be the other half solution for me!

Is this man single?? I don't think so! Wait jung won…just a little bit.


Huh! Hohoho!! Did I hear him shouting for his son? YES! *dancing around* *praying that his son isn't younger than Taeyeon*


her heart, again….it's beating crazily inner her!

I stopped my crazy dancing and just focused my eyes on her…she was bowing her head, biting her lips…am I hearing her right? She was…

CURSING HIM!! OMG!! Is she for real?!

"that stupid jerk, freaky guy who I don't want to see! DAMN IT! JUST DON'T COME NEAR ME…YOU ERT! DAAAAAD YOU JUST LIED TOOO MEEEE!!!"

She was like boiling while cursing inside herself, it was funny yet scary how the aura around her changed from just a poker face to deep hatred! Her eyes was sharp while aiming it to the floor, her hands were curled up and fisted them while holding her bags…the rope seems to be cut off soon….easy GIRL!!

The question is….what did the guy do to her???

The mysterious guy finally appeared!

With his white tank shirt, blue jeans…soft brown hair, with a gentle expression, he broke the place! Handsome~~~~

"oh! We have company here! You haven't mentioned that to me beforehand!" the guy whose name Jung su apparently not 'happy' for appearing in his so casual appearance! Geez…guys are all the same when they see a girl….!

She was still bowing her head, more likely didn't want to have an eye-contact with this guy!

"hey Jung su! Can't you greet me properly?" Young Hee said while punching Jung su's head jokingly then gave him a man to man hug.

"I'm sorry uncle! glad to see you again after like…umm….4 years?"

"5 years and 4 months exactly" Tae kyung interrupted them.

"wow! Such a long time!" Jung su exclaimed then diverted his attention to the girl who seems like a zombie standing there! So scary~ just move a bit can't you!!! What a hard-headed you have!

"who is …. Oh!" Jung su froze his words and enlarged his eyes when his eyes met her death glare~

"T-Taeyeon?! HUMPTY DUMPTY?!!" he added when he gulped and inhaled some fresh air then shouted while pointed out his finger at her face!

"Don't drop formalities…Park Jung su-sshi YOU FREAK!" with her low tone, death stare, and non-move body…you can imagine how the aura is so deep to be a scary movie!! Even my hair froze up! Ewww~ she slapped his hand away aggressively.

"can't you guys get well together just for once!" Young Hee commented while patting his neck.

Jung su's shocked face slowly relaxed to replace it a calm one. He was staring back at her like challenging her! No one dared to drop the war down till their parents cut it off! And I can still hear Taeyeon's cursing and shouting inner her!

A kick was a response on how Jung su greeted the girl, his father wasn't amused by Jung su's reaction AT ALL!

"how could you say something like that to her?" Tae Kyung said while punching his head roughly leaving the guy to lose his balance and rubbing his head from the strong hit.

Taeyeon the latter, stared at her father while speaking through her eyes leaving the father to burst into laughter from her expected reaction!

"don't worry, it's ok since you know each other~"


"are you okay Taeyeon-sshi?" Tae kyung asked when he saw the scene before him. He scanned Taeyeon's unhappy face and could figure out that she wasn't 'glad' to meet them.

"ugh! YES! AM FINE…sorry" she bowed after her father giving her a strict glare but she pouted even more…couldn't you hide your upsetting? How unprofessional from you~

"it's ok…go son carry her bags and show this pretty girl her room" Tae kyung added.

"I can carry it by myself! DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!" Taeyeon turned around so that he won't touch her stuff! Can I seriously hit this girl?!

"see dad…she didn't want my help! It isn't my problem though~ carry your luggage and follow me…AAAAAAAHHHHH!! THAT'S TOO MUCH FOR A DAY!"

Jung su's father hit his son again on his head…but this time was stronger than ever! I swear that I was able to her his bone that was about to crack!

"you deserve much more~" Taeyeon smirked and said beneath her breath.

"IF SHE TOLD YOU SHE DOESN'T NEED…DOES THAT NECESSARY MEAN SHE DOESN'T NEED A HELP?!" Tae kyung seems lost his patience~ his son embarrassed him to no end! I need now to hit this guy instead.


"you stupid son who doesn't know how to treat our guests!" Tae kyung covered his face and bit his lips trying to control himself from hitting the seriously freak-as Taeyeon named him- guy!

It makes me so curious about their relationship!! I feel like a real dump standing here didn't know what all this fuss about~

But…I've made up my decision….they are my destiny, and I'll help Taeyeon!!


"this is your room" Jung su opened the door and showed her an elegant with a modern design room. OF COURSE SHE WOULDN'T GO WOW AS WHAT I JUST DID! Ugh! Even though I could tell that she was amazed by it.

"where will my father sleep?" she asked dryly with her STILL expressionless face and non-soul like voice! Totally like a live zombie!

"my dad and yours are downstairs, our rooms are upstairs!" he said dryly, treating her the same way…!

what the hell is wrong with them?!


After shouting and breaking her calmness that she tried hard to contain, she tried to escape and to go to her father but he grabbed her arm and paused her moves~

"there's no enough room here! And it's not like I'll break your room at night Humpty Dumpty~!"

The thought itself froze her seconds and made her cheeks turned bright red! It took her forever to defend herself.

"YAAAH!! D-D-DON'T CALL ME THAT Y-Y-YOU BEAST!" she pushed his hand again away.

"SHOCK!" he said with his so calm face while hitting his palm as if he remembered something important!

"what?" she frowned her eyebrows over the scene before her trying to comprehend what this freaky guy said.

"I remembered one of their songs..!"


he laughed but then shut his mouth when he saw her poker face again.

"weirdo!" she thought.

"whose room is this?" she asked trying to break the awkward mood that suddenly covered up the place.

He gave her a look that froze her up, I could tell by her swallowing! He gave her the answer after like couple of seconds…

"we prepared this for you…"


The only thing I'm wondering right now why can't I read his mind?! It seems he is one of the exception -.-

It's like a wind slapping their faces and their hairs were like flying at the same direction! Ok…so, what after this sentence?! SPEAK MORE!!!

I smell something after his gaze…is he trying to tease her?! WOW!

"can you leave me, I want to arrange my clothes" she said while turning around. I think I understand NOW why she called him ert! So he has this kind of sides huh!

He shrugged his shoulders then moved 2 steps to the door but she stopped him when she opened …

"be sure that we'll be here for a couple of days and soon we are leaving!"

"it's ok with me…! you look super pretty today unlike how you always look!" he raised his eyebrows..aww...awww HE'S TEASING HER! What the hell was he thinking off?

Taeyeon shocked expression was obvious as a day light! Seriously he is pushing her buttons! Please GOD let this night end safely!

He walked till his face was inches away from her then he grabbed her chin and raised it gently with a smirk…and she wasn't resisting~

"but…the truth is….."

She bit her lips… and cracked her nails together……not a good sign!

HOWEVER, This scene….THIS SCENE!!! KISS…KISS….KISS!! YAAAAY! Way to go Jung su to create another awkward mood and hatred for you!! -.- but I wouldn't mind it!! GO GO GO!

"there are lots of pips on your skin…"

HOLY….CRAP! this wasn't what I'm looking for!

"what did you just…..say?" she was boiling while her cracking started to increase, oh no…please GOD, end this mess quickly!!

"don't forget whilst you're here, you ought to call me boss~"


She pushed him roughly away from her, then pushed him further till she kicked him out from the room and locked it and slid down the door!



"honey, it's dinner time" Tae kyung came to Taeyeon's room and knocked it twice.

"I'll be there in a span of time"

After 3 minutes, she joined them at the diner room.

Oh! There was a new face there!

"TAEYEONII!!" she is absolutely Jung su's mother! She looks like him!

"I missed you sweety! Sorry because I wasn't here when you arrived cause I've a meeting! How have you been? Are you alright?" she touched her face and patted her shoulders. The warmness was covering her expression, she was delightful and the smile wouldn't stop appearing on her flawless face.

"I'm fine and I miss you too…."

"come on! Call me mom!"

Taeyeon lowered her head moving her sight left to right. Seems she was still not adapting to this place even though her father has a bold bond with them! I wonder!

The disappointing was written on Jung su's mother's face but she kept on smiling for Taeyeon's sake.

"it's ok…don't force yourself for something you don't want to…come and join us"

She followed her silently and sat next to her. Jung su was facing her, he put his palm beneath his chin and was observing Taeyeon….and I could tell he was doing that for sake of teasing her!!! Geez!

"be careful~" he said while holding in his laughter.

"OF WHAT?!" she replied aggressively forgetting all the people around the table.

"Taeyeon!" Young Hee exclaimed firmly.

"Young hee, they used to be like this since….forever! it's ok! Leave them bickering alone!" Park Jung Ran said while smiling ear to ear at the scene happening before her eyes and admiring them.

How long do they know each other?! It seems like it's a long time…

"you've lost a lot of weight, why?" he asked while raising his both hands and cupped his face while scanning her face a bit closer.

H-O-L-Y C-R-A-P!

"JUNG SU…STAY AWAY FROM ME! OR…DO YOU WANT ME TO LET THE CATS OUT FROM THE BAG? DON'T FORCE ME TO SAY WHAT YOU HAVE DONE THAT NIGHT!" she raised an eyebrow challengingly then smirked mischievously at his stunned expression.

"w-w-what do you mean?" he turned his head left to right scanning the people around him who were enjoying their foods.

"what did this guy do again?!" Tae kyung asked, his voice seems to boil up from his sudden risen of anger!

"I'll keep that as a secret…no one needs to know right, Jung su?" Taeyeon said.

"yah! Talk straightly to me! I hate hearing riddle words…what do you know?"

"secret~ shhhshshshsh, let's enjoy the meal, shall we?" she put her index finger on her lips with a mischievous smile that told Jung su he was in a big danger to play with the fire!

She wasn't thinking about anything that I could at least know a hint about the secret! Ugh! Really tough girl!

 The silence covered the place, the only one who couldn't enjoy the various food was Jung su! He was waiting Taeyeon to finish her plate off to ask her, I could tell by the way his leg was shuddering.


The day of meeting….seriously…….not a good a beginning for me, but I'll choose them despite this awkward meeting. I'll discover everything slowly…and they will be my Key…!

While they were having their meal, I threw the fragile stones in their rooms~ tomorrow, they will live a completely different lives!

A completely different life!


sorry for the late update, I'm trying to adapt to my new schedual ><"

hope this chapter is quite good to your expectation T_T I'm still not sure about it but it still the beginning right? 

thanks for you subscribers and readers for the support <3

...sorry again for the mess my browser is messing with me -.-

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oriteuk #1
love it! update soon
i imagine you as the narrator here. this story is written from the heart. :P and the plot is written really well. hope you update in the near future :)
nerdscandy #3
NICE! I really like the first chapter :)
Shira-chan #4
chapter is updated <3 thanks so much, waiting to see your respond though ^_^
i really love it.. *hits subscribe* update soon!