First Meeting

Your not my Noona!

Chunji's P.O.V



"Yah Changjo, your phone's ringing" I called without looking up from my book. Changjo rummaged around the living room, panicking over the persistent calling.

“Hyung, can you help me find it?” I sighed unreluctantly, put my book down and carefully listened for the source of the annoying buzz.

“Try that pile of clothes,” I pointed next to the table. He flipped though the clothes and finally pulled out his tiny phone.

“Thank hyung” he smiled brightly. I simply shook my head at the clumsy maknae and returned to my book.

“Hello, noona. Oh you're here...Ok. Yep...No problems.... I'll come down to get you now. See ya later.” he ended his call but didn't seem happy.

“Argh the place is a mess, she'll be furious when she sees I'm living in a place like this,” he screamed pulling his hair out. “Yah Niel-hyung, come and move your mess, at least get it out of the living room!” he yelled.

“Aww man, I still have my own stuff to move” he whined. He then caught me in his sight. I could feel his pleading eyes on me. I put my book down and gave him a blank stare. As I thought he was on his knees pleading with his puppy eyes. I knew what it meant.

“Fine I'll go get your stupid sister just cause you can't handle your own mess.” standing up from the warm and comfortable seat I was in.

“Thanks hyung” his eyes lit up. “I owe you one.”

“You better remember it.” I called closing the dorm doors behind me.

I casually stepped into the elevator when I remembered, I've never seen Changjo's sister before so how was I going to differentiate her from the fans that crowded around the front foyer 24/7. Oh gosh, I haven't even met this girl and she's giving me headaches. I figured that since I was already in the elevator I might as well go and see which one she is.

The elevator came a to a halt as the doors slowly slid open. There was no surprise when I heard the familiar fan screaming, I automatically smiled and gave them a small wave. The screams grew louder but now wasn't the time for fan services. I searched through the crowd for any peculiar looking girl, however there was none. Just as I was about to give up, from the corner of my eye I saw a strange girl dancing with her ipod in, next to her was a luggage bag.

“That must be her.” I approached the red-brown haired girl from the back and slightly tapped her shoulder.

“Omo” she turned around shocked. “Sorry , do you need anything?” she asked me. I just laughed at her ridiculous question to which she responded with a tilt of her head with a strange look. Suddenly my heart skipped a beat.

“Come on, we're going.” I said coldly ignoring my un-sync heart. I turned around and headed for the elevator but noticed the girl stood her ground.

“Did you not hear me, I said we are going.” I repeated more slowly.

“I'm sorry but who are you? I'm waiting for my brother right now.”

I couldn't take this girl any longer, I face palmed my forehead. I needed to get this girl to Changjo and I wasn't in the mood for explaining things. Out of nowhere I grabbed her luggage and walked quickly towards the elevator.

“Hey! That's my stuff, give it back!” she started to run after me. Finally she's moving. I quickened my pace and pressed for the elevator.

“I said give it back,” a soft yet hard thing hit the back of my head. I turned around to see a red frustrated face, standing on one foot with a shoe in her hand. She was about to hit me again when I grabbed her hand. She stared at me with shocked eyes. The elevator doors finally arrived. I took her shoe from her hand and threw it in.

“Hey what's the big id...” I didn't even bother to listen to her whine as I stepped into the elevator. As I was about to close the door, she stood in the doorway, still standing on one foot.

“”My stuff,” she pointed to her bag “Give it back.”

When was this girl going to shut up. Suddenly I grabbed her hand and pulled her in quite forcefully making her land on the bottom.

“Ouch, that hurt” she rubbed her backside.

“Sorry,” I replied, soon the elevator started moving. The girl retrieved her stuff and dusted herself up whilst I stared outside the moving buildings.


Somewhere within the small proximity of the lift I heard whispering. “ guy..” The girl was on her phone and seemed to be dancing furiously on he spot. Silence had once filled the elevator again but it wasn't before too long when I heard shuffles of sounds. I glanced in her direction and saw the girl stretching her elongated body. What was this weird girl doing? I asked myself but didn't bother to look for an answer.

The elevator doors opened, the girl quickly ran out to the scenic view in the lift foyer. Her eyes glittered with excitement but I just thought it was another ordinary view of buildings.

“This way” I called, she nodded her head and followed in my footsteps.

Every once in awhile she would stop to admire the passing window views before following my steps again. The titter tatter of her uneven steps slowly rose my blood pressure until I bursted.

“Would you stop it!” I shouted, she stopped in her tracks and gave me a confused look.

“Sorry I don't know what your on about, I haven't done anything to you.” she answered me.

“Whatever,” I wasn't bothered to deal with her now.

When we reached our dorm, swiftly I entered in the passcode yet I didn't open the door.

“Just a word,” I looked into the green eyes of the girl “Don't get attached to any of the members. Ok?”

She nodded her head “Don't worry, I won't go falling for young boys.” she smiled.


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