
All's Fair in Love & War


(Two months later)

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

“Jongdae-yah~” I sang, sitting beside him in the ice cream parlor. The rest of the guys had either gone to get food, to talk to cute girls, or to the washroom. He looked up at me pleasantly, turning his phone off. “Yeah?"

I nodded with an awkward smile. Chanyeol had dared me to tell Jongdae about my former crush on him, and I had scoffed incredulously. I mean, what kind of boyfriend did that?

“Oh, by the way- I have to tell you something,” he told me with a small smile, and my stomach churned. What if he says that he liked me? Oh my god what if he still does-

“My girlfriend and I were actually shipping you and Chanyeol together,” he said casually, and I nearly choked on my spit. “W-what?!” He had a girlfriend?!

“Yep. My girlfriend’s in your grade. We even had a ship name for you two: Sooyeol,” he remarked, and I laughed in disbelief. “T-thanks,” I managed. “And why didn’t you ever tell us about your girlfriend? When did you guys get together?”

“Rina-yah and I were together for more than a year,” he informed me innocently. “I really love her, and I hope we stay together forever.”

I laughed weakly in response. “Ah, is that so? That’s… cute.”

“And what do you mean? I told Chanyeol before I even confessed to her,” he frowned with a confused tilt of his head. My blood boiled, and I killed Chanyeol in my head a dozen times. I’m going to kill that tree. He had probably never told me, just to get me to help him. Although, I was kind of grateful. I mean, look where we are now.

“So, what did you want?” he questioned, and I shook my head wildly. “Nothing! It’s nothing.”

Life had… certainly unexpected twists…?

~ * ~ * ~ * ~



I couldn't help myself

I love plot twists ^^

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ouuuu thanks for all the subs and upvotes! i went on and saw like ten more votes since the last time i went on and i was just like :O wat but like thanks!!


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Chapter 2: Oh my this is really really really cute! I want to put hundred really to express how cute it is! Love ♥
Chapter 1: omg i love this oneshot thanks for writing it ^^
cloudsFLY09 #4
Chapter 2: kkk.... really love love love loveeee park chanyeol... its cute ans very nice story. you should write more with chanyeol... hehe
keep writing!! fighting!!!
Chapter 2: this is so cute! and chanyeol is likely to do that lmao
Chapter 2: woaah it's super long. i needed an hour to finish reading this in one sit. it's cute and chanyeol had a lot of nicknames lol my fav is dumbyeol. i laughed so hard. you have a good sense of humor lol
ame_the_unicorn #7
Chapter 1: AWW!! Your story is really adorable~~
jessi828 #8
Chapter 2: bwahahaha funny and so sweet.
bushra #9
hey there
i just finished your "All's Fair in Love & War" , i love it
so , want to ask you ... can i translate it to arabic ? with credit of course !
waiting for your reply