This is Real Basketball

I will be number 1!!!!

At the sudden member change, it put the opposing team of guard, why decide to change this late into the game, 7 minutes until the game finishes. 

Taehyung walked onto the court, tryung to not let his nerves get the better of him, he knew what he had to do to win and thats score 7, 3 pointer baskets. He knew this is proberally making the impossible possible, but if anyone can do it's Taehyung.

He walked up to Yoongi and whispered in his ear "I'm doing this for Jimin, I'm using it to make up for the past few days, listen just follow my lead from know on, we need 7 3 pointer baskets, leave them to me" He waved at yoongi and stood in his place, for the match to continue.

Yoongi didn't know wether to trust him or not, but after seeing Jimins face seem hopeful, he decided to trust him.

So the match continued with  the opposing team starting again, and had the upper hand, because Yoongi's team was all exhausted. Taehyung saw an opening and directed Yoongi where he wanted him to go, and for the first time, he actually followed Taehyung's instructions, this never happened before and Taehyung nearly lost focus, when Yoongi got to the place Taehyung told him to go, he stole the ball from the player and imediatly passed it to Yoongi, who then passed it to Hoseok missing two more opponments, then Hoseok passed the ball back to Taehyung who threw the ball into the basket, scoring his first 3 pointer.

The hall erupted with screams not only from the crowd but from Yoongi's team as well, all the members ran up to Taehyung, high fiving him, telling him that was an awesome shot. Taehyung didn't really know what was going on, he never had this before, this must be what a real team is like.

The whistle blew to start the match again after the shot, and for the first time the whole match, Yoongi's team ended up with the ball straight away, with Taehyung pushing the ball too Hoseok as it bounced out of the oppoinments hand. Hoseok dribbled with the ball, but came to a stop, two people had gathered infront of him, he looked around no one was free, he considered Yoongi, but that was risky, he scanned around for an opening and that was when he saw Taehyung, he was gestering him to throw the ball down the middle to the centre of the court, Hoseok couldn't inderstand why, no one was there, and then it hit him, how is this frickin possible.

He threw the ball to the centre, and yes just like he thought, Taehyung moved like lightning and caught the ball and threw in into the basket from the centre spot, scoring his second 3 pointer. 5 minutes left to go and the score 50-36. Hoseok ran up to Taehyung first and gave him a hug, "that was amazing, how do you do it" Hoseok said, and Taehyugn blushed a little.

The match quickly started again, and the other team were getting frustrated with the new player Taehyung, so they started ganging up on Taehyung, making sure no one could give him the ball, and that he wasn't able to steal the ball. Of course Taehyung saw this coming, it always happened, so he knew how to deal with this, and he had to, he could see the other memebers panicing because Taehyung was blocked and the opposing team was dribbling with the ball  to thier basket, hoping to shoot, but out of nowhere,  the ball suddenly came flying into Hoseok's hands, and before he could think how it happened he was about to get tackled, and imedidiatly threw the ball back at Taehyung, who without catching it pushed it to Yoongi, causing confusing from the oppoising team.  

He saw his opening, he dribbled the ball down the court, spun on his left foot round the first player in his way, then bounched the ball low too the ground and through the another players legs, and caught it after dodging past him, he got to the position of the three pointer, and took his third shot, scoring his third basket, 4 minutes left.

Yoongi and Hoseok and the rest of the team were speachless, they have never seen a player so good before, and seeing how there chances of winning became more and more real, they got there energy back, and their playing increased, this time causing the opposing team the be exhausted. 

In the next 3 minutes Taehyung scored another 3 baskets, each time reciving cheers and high fives from s. Taehyung was enjoying himself without realising it, this basketball was different to how he played before, and he wanted it to stay this way, but he was over  doing himself, his memories where starting to flood back, he's been holding out the whole match, not showing how scared he was, not showing that he was about to pass out. 1 minute remaind, he could do this, and then never play again.

The opposing team started with the ball, and they saw an opening and took the chance, of course making it through, they were just about to shoot, but this time Hoseok came out of nowhere, and pushed the ball to Taehyung, just like how Taehyung did to Yoongi. Taehyung was impressed, Hoseok had skill. Now Taehyung had the ball in his hands, the clock was ticking, and the opponments where ganging up on him. 10, he smiled 9, he looked up at the players hovering over him still smiling, 8, He scanned the court and his players, 7, he found his opening, 6, he escaped the block, 5, he dribbled the ball down the court, 4, he got blocked again, 3, he jumped from a standing position and shot, 2, the ball traveled through the air, 1, hit the back of the hoop, and went in the hoop a second before the whistle blew.

Taehyung had done it, the score 50-51, he made the impossible possible, and he was not expecting what came next. He saw all his team  memebers come running up to him and they, all launched themselves onto Taehyung causing him to  fall to the ground, nad causing the players to doggy pile ontop of him, tears pouring from each of there eyes. 

Taehyung was too shocked to even say anything, never had he ever had this happen to him, he finally felt like he was part of a proper team.


Everyone got themselves off Taehyung, Hosoek held out his hand to help Taehyung up. "Wow, just wow, just how?" Yoongi said "This is the first time we have ever beaten this team, and it's all thanks to you!" Hoseok continued. "Thank you" "Well done" "you where awesome" the other member said, patting Taehyung on his back and then leaving to go get changed.

At that moment Jimin cam running out onto the court, and directly threw his arms around Taehyung, giving him the most massive hug. "Tae! I knew you could do it, you played again!" Jimin said nearly in tears. Taehyung pulled Jimin of him "You know i'm all sweaty right?" Jimin face dropped as he forgot about that before he went and hugged Taehyung. "Yuck! yuck! ew! ew! you could of said before, Tae I hate you" Jimin pouted and Taehyung, Yoongi, Hoseok and Yano (who just appeared out of nowhere) all laughed together.

"We better go get changed, meet you outside" Yoongi said to Jimin, and him, Hoseok and Taehyung went to change.

Outside Jimin was waiting, and Yoongi came out first, followed by Hoseok, but Taehyung didn't follow "Hyung? where's Taehyung?" Jimin asked Yoongi "Oh, he was right behind us, maybe he forgot something and went back to get it."

Back in the changing rooms, Taehyung did infact leave something behind, but he was stopped before he could go out, by no guess Yano. Yano had Taehyung pinned to the wall, his face inched from his. "See, V, you like basketball, you should play again, I would love to see more." he was about to lean in to kiss Taehyung, when Hoseok burst in, "Hey Taehyung you..." he stopped, Yano looked at Hoseok, dropping Taehyung from shock, he blushed slightly, and ran out the room, leaving a Taehyung, startled on the floor.

"Hey, are you okay, what was he doing." Hoseok asked, helping Taehyung to his feet. "Oh, nevermind, i don't really know" Taehyung lied, he finally figured out why he knew this person, and it was not in the best of ways. "ok, well i came here to see what took you so long, were waiting to go to the pub to celebrate our win today" Hoseok said, Taehyung just nodded, he was excited, the first time he'd been to celebrate with his team members.

Hoseok and Taehyung came out the building and joined Yoongi, Jimin, Yano and the rest of the basketball, and headed off to the pub.


I'm going to leave this chapter as it is, it was hard writing this, i havn't been in the writing mood, so i'm going to take a small break, to get me motivated again. I've been tired lately and its my birthday on monday so i've been excited about that, to think of ideas, but i should be back in about a week, so please wait for me :)

thanks again to all who read and subscribe and comment, which i like reading, they make me happy :)

things will spice up a little in the next chapter, i don't know what will happen, but there bound to get drunk, and maybe revile some things they've kept hidden, lets wait and  see

and i'm really sorry don't hate me, i don't want to make a bad chapter for this story :)

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sang2gisa #1
ah~ kuroko no basuke. i love this anime. and thats why im curios abt this ff ><
Chapter 17: oh my god, this is so cute. Can't wait..
Chapter 17: Yeayy great cause yeah i need more chapters!
Chapter 16: You definitely need to write an epilogue dude
Update soon
KoariAndHerCoctail #5
Chapter 16: epilogue!! epilogue!! Please! :D I want them to be happy couple forever! TT-TT i beg you :DD and i really love you :D I like basketball and so i really love your story :)
Chapter 13: I bet the one who called the staff was chen and baekhyun lol

And they saw the whole scene thats why chen called tae!!!

Update soon
Chapter 13: They kissed!!! I like their date moment :D
ochakenchao #8
Chapter 13: it's so sweet
i want to stalk their date
Chapter 11: Tae you so lucky... Hoseok really love you! Lol at Jongdae and Baek!!!
Chapter 11: It was so cute at first i mean their date

And lol for baek and chen,what the hell they are doing at the cinema lololol

Im curious about that shop and everything

Update soon