Her condition

Who says 'I love you' first?

Luhan's pov

I was leaving Jieun's room and I felt awful. Was it really my fault that she couldn't get up? I was trying to drag myself out, but my heart was against and it hurted. So this is what heartbreak feels like? And this is what she felt everyday? I sighed and continued my way. I got almost a heartattack when I heard her scream in pain. Her mom and I ran like crazy persons there.

When we arrived there, she was barely conscious. She was all sweaty from the pain and her face was pale like ghost's. Then finally she knocked out. Her mom tried to shake her up, but she just lay there, limb. Blood rushed out of my face when I stared at her. My panic had almost overtaken me, when her mother ordered me to call an ambulance. 

I ran downstairs as fast as I could. Ten minutes after the call, paramedics rushed in. They knew that this was something big (something bad had happened) and they didn't even notice me, when they went past me. I followed them upstairs and listened their conversation with Jieun's mom.

"Miss, how was she in the morning?" Any headache? Couldn't move?" One of the paramedics asked. Jieun's mom pointed at the guy who asked. 

"She- she couldn't move!" She said fast. The paramedics just nodded while lifting her to their transportation bed (A/N: I don't know what it is) and then they left her room. I stepped aside, making some space for them and Jieun. Her mom was about to leave, but before that, she looked at me baffled.

"Why haven't you dressed up? Aren't you coming?" She asked and I rushed to put on my shoes and my coat on. This is the first time I've been on ambulance, but I wish I could be happier. I stared at Jieun and gently her cheeks.

I was told to wait beside her bed until she woke up, so she wouldn't get scared. The day was so long and stressful that I fell asleep when I sat down. I don't know was it because I drifted to sleep, or why my head suddenly was in something soft and warm? I precisely remember putting it on metal side of the bed, not wanting to take some space from Jieun.

I felt something warm touching my cheeks gently, making me smile a bit. When I opened my eyes, I saw Jieun. She had froze her hand still on my cheek and I put it down. I resisted my urge to take her hand and lock it in mine. The tought of that was very tempting. I have hurted her too much... 

I quickly ran to get the doctor when I heard her desperate calls. I couldn't let her go in panic right now, when she just woke up. I ran back to her from midway and relieve was written on her face. I hugged her tight, trying to tell her that everything was alright.

My heart beated rapidly and I had a stupid grin on my face. I'm glad she didn't see my face... I let go of her and smiled my killer smile that made girl's swoon. I guess my act was a bit too obvious.

"Luhan... What's going on?" She asked me with narrowed eyes. Oh ... I gulped nervously and tried to smile like everything was fine.

"W-what do you mean? Nothing's wrong! You're completely healthy!" I said quickly, unable to see my mistake.

"I didn't ask if anything was wrong with me." She said and highlighted the word 'me'. I'm caught...

"You.. Have some issues. With your heart.. And your mind.." I revealed. I my lips nervously as I saw her staring at them. I realized that she didn't hear me (or listen me) anymore, so I started talking all kinds of random stuff like, weather is so nice today, I like your hair, I love you, I'd like to date you as serious as I could.

I tried to look like a doctor ecplaining things, but yeah.. She stared at my lips hungrily, so I really couldn't talk properly.

"Kiss me." She said and stopped my random mumbling. I was shocked, but I couldn't resist doing as she said. I looked at those delicious, plump lips. They were red and and when I leaned in, I tasted strawberry and I smelled her fresh scent that came from her, when I breathed. I filled my lungs with it and soon she had fallen asleep against my chest. I looked at her and smiled.

I remembered what the doctor had said to me earlier. "Her condition isn't deathly, but it is serious. Her brain seems to protect her for something. I don't know what it's trying to hide, but it must be something from her past. It seems that the phobia she has, has come from a real memory. M

e and the other doctors agreed, that it couldn't come from her father's simple leave. We must find out what it is, and give her some medication with therapy. I don't think even normal therapy will help. We will think of something. Meanwhile, please be on her side and assure her, that everything's okay. Maybe she can remember something and tells it to you."

I looked at the fragile, small girl that slept against my chest. I hugged her tight and tried to protect her from the world that was still completely unknown for her.

I'll protect you Lee Jieun, I promise you that.


This wasn't how this was supposed to end up, not at all. Where's my five chaptered fic? XD This was supposed to be a short one, not this long. Gosh. I listen to you guys too much, you've made me sway D:

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Been editing this a bit lately, though it will take a long time till I'm finished


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sukianna #1
Chapter 18: HOL DAEBAK !!!!!!!
shinee3112 #2
Chapter 9: MY LULU <3
uyuluver #3
Chapter 18: woooooooooooooooooow amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 18: Awwww....greaaat story!!! Looove reading this one ^^
Chapter 18: awww~~~~~~ the ending is so sweet ><
Love this story!!! plss do update the others XD
Chapter 18: I love the ending! I hope u can make more fanfics about ExoU^^
Chapter 18: Nice story ^^ more HanU ff please ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 18: Why it's too short? :(
But it's okay, HanU have a happy ending tough ^^ great story
Chapter 17: update soon!! >< Actually I also love SeuU XD
Chapter 16: Why it's so sad,?! Even seulong is nice to jieun i'm stil want my HanU :'(