

The name on Jaehwan's reddened lips isn’t
Wonshik’s, but it’s not like either of them cares.

Hiding out in their small dorm was a nightmare, but Jaehwan had childish tendencies and they were worse than the actual maknae's so he was able to manage it. The two-sided closet that connected the dorms two main rooms was just big enough to fit his adult body in and it was the only place where he stopped thinking. Oxygen was scarce in it when all the doors were closed and brought him a false sense of peace that was actually just a lightheaded haze.

Wonshik was the only person who ever opened the doors and found him in there, curled up like a small, berated child who wanted someone to hold him.

So here they were again, when everyone else was asleep and Jaehwan had sneaked out of his covers. Wonshik was still awake, writing the night away when he heard the jostle and bump of limbs against thin wooden doors. He sighed and crawled over to the doors, opening it and then there was a glistening-eyed, glasses-wearing child looking hopelessly up at him.

He looked over his shoulder to make sure the maknae was sleeping and then grabbed frail Jaehwan by the wrist and coaxed him out of the cubbyhole. Lifelessly, Jaehwan followed the pull out of the room and to the restroom – the only place anyone could really be alone.

“I'm – ” Jaehwan started weakly, but Wonshik shook his head and quickly pressed their lips together.

Jaehwan always seemed to babble too much when he was like this and in the back of his head, he thought that Wonshik had good timing. He draped his arms tiredly over the slightly taller man’s shoulders and let himself be pressed back against the wall as the kiss grew less drained and more desperate. It wasn’t like it was a mystery where this was going, and it never had been since the first time when Wonshik found Jaehwan blubbering in a storage closet at the company building after an episode of VIXX TV where all Hakyeon did was cling to Taekwoon. It wasn’t Hakyeon clinging that was the problem . . . It was Taekwoon not pushing him away at all.

Jaehwan let out a slightly strained whimper when Wonshik moved his knee to press in between the shorter’s legs while his head tilted to ghost his mouth down the side of Jaehwan's face and his neck.

“Help me,” Jaehwan barely mumbled and the other pressed himself even more into him, beginning to move his knee in a steady circular motion. That set Jaehwan into a fit of whines and small ( pathetic ) moans of need for . . . something. Help. Desire? Help.

One of Wonshik’s hands slid down Jaehwan's soft-skinned arm and then crept into his loose night pants, gripping tightly at Jaehwan's hip. The main vocal began to press into Wonshik’s knee, his breathing starting to come in short puffs of tired but hot breath.

“How tall are you again . . . ?” he mumbled incoherently to Wonshik, wondering if the other had even been able to make out what he said. The knee pressing deliciously into his crotch slowed slightly, like Wonshik was hesitating – and he was, because it was this question again. It wasn't exactly the question that bothered him, but more like the answer he had to give every time – he couldn't just not answer Jaehwan.

“The same height I’ve always been,” he breathed into the older’s neck and Jaehwan shivered, dropping his eyelids closed and letting the heat get the better of him.

“You're just as tall as he is. That's good . . .” Jaehwan mumbled out frailly. He let out a sigh of pleasure when Wonshik a strip across one of his exposed collarbones.

He wasn't even thinking right anymore. He didn't even care anymore. That’s what Wonshik was for.

“Help me forget it’s you.”

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[ trash] wonshik; 606 words


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Chapter 14: So, that was it... :?
Chapter 13: I would want a sequel for this one.... The ending suggested so.. ^.^
Chapter 10: Gooossshh!! Hot indeed! I'm not against reading fic. But, I don't want that to happen in real life though..
Chapter 6: Oh my gosh! This was an emotional one... I'm happy Wonsik didn't give up. And glad, too, that Taekwoon was back.. This was beautiful...And I learned something new (lotus)...
You really have ways on word authornim... So deep, almost metaphorical...
Chapter 5: Why??? This is good but so depressing... :((
Chapter 3: It's so deep.... I feel I can relate to this though.... Being stuck while everyone's moving..... :( I, too, wished for the courage to move...
Chapter 2: What is this??????? I felt bad for Taekwoon!! :(( I really don't understand this all.. :(
Idontwannabehere #8
Chapter 14: Turn ur location on
Idontwannabehere #10
Chapter 13: fufnclmas fuclk rifucl mue apleasejnk