
Good Morning
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Morning weren't really Suga's things and he admitted numerous times that he wasn't the kind of person that liked to get up early on days when he didn't have to. Whenever he got up early, his hair would be messy, he'd be half asleep, and the only reason he was awake was either because someone woke him up or because he had something important to do. But even with these little issues, he didn't dislike mornings one bit.

He actually liked mornings despite the fact that he wasn't a morning person. This was all thanks to a certain person being there for him the moment he opened his eyes. Before his eyes opened, he'd feel her soft and plump lips pressed against his cheek as he blinked a few times to better his vision, he'd see a flash of red, her hair. Once he saw clearly again. he'd find himself looking directly into a pair of brown eyes and hear the prettiest voice , whispering "good morning" to him. She'll nuzzle against his chest, her arms holding him close as he felt her gentle breath linger on his skin. All of these made Suga let out a sigh of content and he'd just smile before kissing her lightly on the forehead.

Hana made his mornings and that's all he ever needed to feel better. Eventhough they were usually away from each other and he'd wake up alone sometimes, he still thought of how she was his wake up call. The image of her would enter his mind and he'd find it easier to go through the day. All because of her.

This morning was different, however, Suga had actually woken up before she did and he was sitting near the window of the hotel room , looking out at the Seoul skyline. He watched as the glowing rays of the sun began to peek over the horizon, brightening the sky and warming the air. Apparently, being with Hana had made him appreciate beautiful views more often and he chuckled to himself upon realizing this. 

Suga looked over to the bed where she was still sleeping. She was laying on her side and facing towards him, her body slightly curled up. One leg was out of the blanket and only half of the sheets covered her body. All she was wearing was one of his  white shirts and since it was so big for her, it was like a dress. He smirked due to the fact that she always seemed to steal some of his clothes and the only time he noticed was when she wore his stuffs weeks after she had taken them from him.

Her face appeared younger and her entire body was completely rel

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Chapter 1: Ah! Too freaken great! Your fluff- it's killing me! Why you make this so darn cute? Lol, it's really good by the way. I'll definitely be rereading this ^^
Chapter 1: Ahh I loved it. It was so aweeeeeeee I wish that was me. I'm like now close for falling for yoongi. Lol I loved it
Chapter 1: I hate you~ T-T

Dont.. DONT make me fall for suga! XO Hahahahahahahah!
Why is this so fluffy? You said you weren't good at fluffs. The heck! This is so fluffy I'm gonna die!! XDDDDDDDDDD

P.s: No worries, suga is yours. lol.