6 down forever to go

You probably think I've been ignoring you for the past few days. I wasn't, ok? I've been creeping for the last 4 days- checking if you'd miss me or something. heh. When you started tweeting about your problems and stuff, I had to stop myself from hugging you and holding you close and tell you that everything will be ok. But I didn't cause I didn't forget our monthsary this time and I really wanted this to be surprise, albeit it's really lame. 

So here comes all the cheese I could master up for this. 

Hey, hyung. 
6 months? Can you believe you lasted with me for 6 months? heh. 
Funny, really, cause I can't pinpoint exactly when I fell in love with you. I'm not sure if it was when you first hugged me or when you kissed me or when I kissed you or when you promised you wouldn't give up on me. Maybe I don't know when cause I keep falling over, and over, and over again. You make falling in love with you so easy, Soo. You make it impossible for my heart not to leap out of my chest. It's weird how six months later and I still get the same butterflies I got when you first kissed me, I still stare into your eyes and feel myself get lost every single time, I hold you in my arms and I feel myself melt into a blob of feeling. You turned me into a big ball of cheese when you were supposed to be the cheeseball in the first place. But I'm not complaining, not at all.

Thank you ok? Thank you for being there for me to remind me to not be a cocky bastard all of the time, thank you for being patient with me even if I'm busy most of the time, thank you for putting up with me being an annyoing little kid, thank you for never giving up on me and always reminding me that you love me. I know I'm not always with you  but you know I love you right? I love you more than anything in the world and nothing you say or do could make me love you any less. You could be a stubborn assed ed sometimes, but that doesn't change the fact that I fell in love with the little cheeseball inside you. 

I really wish you'd stop thinking that you'd scare me away with your tantrums and all, cause I'm not going anywhere ok? I'm never going to leave you. I want to be there for you when everything is going bad, I want to hug you and make you feel better and keep you safe. I want to kiss you and make you smile cause that smile is the most amazing thing in the world. I'll take you out during random midnights just to get ice cream. I'll do anthing in the world to make you the happiest man alive. I want a future with you, I want kids with you, I wanna wake up each morning with you in my arms, I want to go to bed beside you every night and maybe wake up to you cooking breakfast for me and our kids. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, that is if you'd let me. I want to stay with you long enough to be able to know how you feel without you telling me, to know how what you want to say by just looking into your eyes.

It's been 6 months and I still want to get to know you better. I wanna know where you grew up or if you hated going to school too. I want to know your favorite color, food, song, book, movie, pair of shoes. I want to stay with you long enough to know all of your fears and dreams, your wishes and your worries. I'll learn how you act when you're sleepy, and if you fear growing old as much as I do. One day I'm going to know your bad habits, you mannerisms, your expressions and reactions to everything.  I'll know how many times you changed your hair color, your scars, your birth mark and laugh lines. I'll find out and probably fall in love with the way you walk, drink, sleep, fidget and kiss. I wanna know everything about you, hyung. I want to know you from inside out and make you feel vulnerable and protected by me all at the same time. I wanna know everything there is to know, and fall in love with you all over again. 

I love you, Princess. From now on til forver more. Thank you for the best 6 months of my life. 

/throws in random kaisoo gifs/

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dodyokyungie #1
I love you more, darling..haha oh my god, did you have to show our old convs?! Their embarassing! /hides in some old mansion and dies But, i sincerely hope there will be more humiliatingly cheesy convs to come..again, i love you, my jonginnie