The Final Sketch


  Baekhyun sighed and rumpled his hair as he placed the jar of sugar back into the cupboard.

  He can't believe Chanyeol just kissed him. Park Chanyeol, his project partner from Art Class. Park Chanyeol, the guy whom he had only known for like, two weeks.

  Park Chanyeol just kissed him.

  Baekhyun grunted, trying to snap out of his reverie. But unconciously, he found himself thinking back to the kiss. The kiss had been tender. Chanyeol had kissed him just right. The more he thought back to the kiss, the more he blushed.

  Did he like Chanyeol back?

  He wasn't so sure.

  Baekhyun groaned as he walked out of the kitchen, and stopped short as he realized what was resting on the cafe table in front of him.

  Chanyeol's sketchbook.

  Baekhyun allowed his fingers to glide across the cover of the sketchbook, feeling the smooth, glossy cover with his fingertips. The feeling of the sketchbook somehow calmed him down a little, and Baekhyun was able to breathe a little and not think about anything for a moment.

  Snapping out of his mind, Baekhyun picked up the sketchbook, curious to see what Chanyeol drew in there during his spare time.

  He did not expect to see sketches of himself.

  It had started out simple enough. Sketches of Chanyeol's cat, classmates and the pastry shop's many pastries. But after a good amount of flipping, a familiar face started to appear. There were many different sketches of the face, all with different expressions and sketchd from different views. Baekhyun soon got to Chanyeol's favourite sketch, which he guessed was Chanyeol's favourite as it was Chanyeol's most detailed sketch. It was the same face as the previous sketches, but this one held more detail.

  With his breath slightly robbed, Baekhyun stared into his sleeping face.

  Most people would find the idea of themselves being watched on while they were taking a nap creepy, but as an artist, Baekhyun felt touched by such a gesture. Chanyeol seemed to have put all his energy and soul into sketching Baekhyun's sleeping self. Eyes closed, facial muscles relaxed and a small smile upon his lips, Baekhyun looked as though he had been photographed instead of being sketched.

  Baekhyun glanced at the sketch of his sleeping self again. Unexpectedly, a smile started on his face. He continued looking through Chanyeol's sketches of him, a slight fondness settling in his heart. Who would have ever thought they could've seen themselves be drawn so well?

  While looking through the sketchbook, Baekhyun started thinking about Chanyeol again. The way his eyes scanned the surroundings and took in anything his artists' eye caught. The way he'd show that extra bright smile when he was indulging on one of Baekhyun's homemade brownies. The way he would always seem to bumble into Art Class and subduct into his seat next to Jongin in embarrassment, while the latter laughed his head off at him.

  And the way he always reserved that shy smile to him, whenever he glanced over during Art Class. That certainly always put Baekhyun in a better mood. He always found himself feeling brighter after receiving Chanyeol's daily dose of shy smiles. Chanyeol was derpy, but whenever they got together to do their Art Project, Chanyeol always knew just how to make him laugh.

  Baekhyun didn't just do well in Art, he was pretty smart too for the rest of his subjects. And he was definitely smart enough to realize what and how he was feeling at the moment.

  Baekhyun was smart enough to realize that he too, was in love with Chanyeol.



  "So, you're going to do this and this, while I'm in charge of these. Let's meet early tomorrow to combine everything together. Then we're done."

  "I'm fine with that."

  "Well, see you tomorrow then."

  Chanyeol sighed as Baekhyun walked off. It had been two days since the whole...fiasco had happened. He wanted Baekhyun to just do something, anything. But Baekhyun had just showed up at school acting as though nothing had happened.

  There are times when Chanyeol felt stupid. This was one of them.

  He shouldn't have kissed Baekhyun. It threw everything off proportion. Before this, at least Baekhyun had smiled at him. Baekhyun had made him homemade brownies and hot chocolate. Baekhyun had talked to him.

  Now, Baekhyun wanted nothing to do with him.



  "I don't know, Strawberry. What should I do?"

  Strawberry blinked back up at Chanyeol, then decidedly chose to ignore him, cleaning her paws with her tongue.

  Chanyeol sighed. Strawberry could be really bad company at times. His gaze then drifted back to the two pictures that Baekhyun had given to him. One picture featured Jongin while the other featured Kyungsoo. According to Baekhyun, he just had to recreate those two pictures into somthing that he thinks that Kyungsoo will "see", and he could do it in any form of Art that he wanted.

  Feeling a little lost, he decided to revisit the sketches in his sketchbook, only to realize that he didn't remember where he had last placed it. Frowning a little, he looked through the books in his bag, and realized that it wasn't there.

  Feeling slightly panicky now, he rummaged through his bag a little more desperately, and his bag pulled out the same result: missing.

  Chanyeol felt without his sketchbook. That sketchbook was his life force. It contained his soul, his heart, his most precious secrets. With it gone, Chanyeol felt...lost.

  Without his sketchbook, Chanyeol wasn't sure if he could still function as well as before.



  A pale Chanyeol greeted Baekhyun the following morning.

  "What happened?"

  "My-my sketchbook."

  Baekhyun frowned, not expecting Chanyeol reacting this much to his missing sketchbook. Then he remembered that Chanyeol drew all his innermost secrets in that book. It must have been pretty terrifying for him to realize that it was gone.

  Without thinking, Baekhyun pulled Chanyeol's sketchbook out of his bag and handed it to Chanyeol. He had been carrying it around with him the last three days, when Chanyeol had left it at the pastry shop. He occasionally flipped through it whenever he felt down or was looking for inspiration. Just thinking about Chanyeol sketching him in secret, his eyebrows quirking and tongue poking out in concentration brought a blush to Baekhyun's face.

  However, he wasn't prepared for what was going to happen.

  He watched as Chnyeol ilently took the sketchbook back, ears turning red when he realized that Baekhyun had had his sketchbook for three days. Chanyeol had also seen him for three days. He started to get upset, his imagination going wild, thinking about the possibilities of the sketchbook in Baekhyun's hands. Baekhyun had probably laughed at his sketches or something. Thought that Chanyeol's little love confession was silly.

  Chanyeol saw red at those thoughts.

  "Had fun laughing?" he hissed, glaring at Baekhyun.

  "W-what?" Baekhyun stammered, clearly shocked.

  "Thought my sketches would be amusing huh? It wasn't enough that you kicked me out of your shop, but you still had to diss my Art? I expected more, Baekhyun, I didn't expect you to be this mean. Guess what? It's fine. After this project, I'll just get out of your face and you won't have to see me anymore."

  Baekhyun gasped. This was all a huge misunderstanding.

  "No! It's not that Chan-"

  But Chanyeol held up a hand. "Save your explanations. I don't wanna hear them. I'll see you around."

  And he left, leaving a shell-shocked Baekhyun behind. Baekhyun couldn't take it. This was all so messed up! Why didn't he return Chanyeol's sketchbook earlier? With a sob, he fled, his legs taking him to the one place he knew he could find solace in.



  Jongin stepped into the pastry shop to find his distressed boyfriend trying to comfort a sobbing Baekhyun. Placing a small kiss on Kyungsoo's temple, he asked: "What happened?"

  Kyungsoo bit his lip. "He got into an argument with Chanyeol."

  "He's mad at me!" Baekhyun cried. "He wouldn't even here me out! I'm so stupid!"

  Jongin furrowed his brow. "How can Chanyeol hate you?"

  Baekhyun sniffled. "He does."

  "Are you kidding me? That boy is head-over-heels in love with you! I mean, have you seen that guy's sketches of you?"

  "How good are they?" Kyungsoo wonders.

  "They're flawless Babe. Really, really beautiful."

  "Wish I could see them." Kyungsoo murmurs in awe.

  "Don't Babe, you might fall out of love with me once you see them."

  Kyungsoo laughs, and feels his way to Jongin's lips before sealing them with a kiss.

  "Never Jongin, never."

  "What should I do guys?" Baekhyun wails. He hates breaking his freinds' lovey-dovey time cause they look too cute together, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

  "You could always try to just seek him out personally and try explaining it to him." Kyungsoo gently suggests, rubbing his best friend's back in an attempt to comfort him.

  "But he won't listen to me."

  "Do you have his address, Baek?" Jongin asked.


  "Well, why don't you try going over to him and explain? Trust me when I say this Baek, but that guy freaking likes you. I've seen him doodling your name more than once, and he thinks that I've not seen his sketches of you, but I really think they're beautiful."

  "But I don't have his address! How can I go over?"

  "I'll text it to you. I've been over once to collect some paint."

  Baekhyun stares at Jongin, then engulfs him in a hug.

  "Thank you so much, Jongin." he whispers in gratitude. He then gives Kyungsoo a hug, saying: "He's a keeper, Soo. Never let him go."

  Kyungsoo chuckles. "I know, Baek."

  Eyes red and nose still a little watery, Baekhyun grabbed his coat, bidding the couple farewell as he left.

  He was not going to let go of Chanyeol.



  Chanyeol opens his door to find something tiny attacking him. He blinks in confusion, before realizing that it was Baekhyun. He immediately slipped into a cold demeanor and opened his mouth, ready to send Baekhyun away. However, he didn't have the heart to turn away a sobbing Baekhyun.

  Finally giving in, he sighed: "What are you doing here."

  "I-I-I'm so sor-r-y Chanyeol! Lemme e-e-e-explain what h-h-happened, p-please!"

  Wordlessly, Chanyeol pulls Baekhyun into his house and up into his room, where he could dry Baekhyun's tears and hear him out.



  "So, please explain your piece. What does it entail? What inspired it? Miss Jung fired.

  Baekhyun hummed and smiled at Chanyeol, before breaking out into explanation: "Our Art piece is about seeing the world from another person's point of view. In this case, a blind's. We thought of how a blind person would view his surroundings, and decided to portray that. And as the topic was about 'Art From Another's Point Of View', this piece of Art contains two different styles and interpretations together, that are weaved into one."

  Chanyeol looked at his and Baekhyun's joint collage. It just had four pictures on it, two pictures of Jongin and Kyungsoo each. He had sketched a picture of Jongin and Kyungsoo each, bearing in mind that his sketches were meant to be seen from Kyungsoo's point of view. Baekhyun had recreated the other two using Computer Art.

  Now he stepped up to explain: "Our Art piece is actually inspired by a friend of ours, who's blind. Despite that, he managed to find love." He glanced at Jongin when he said that, and was rewarded with the younger's watery eyes. "Although he can never see his lover, he can feel the love. So we thought it'd be interesting to portray his thoughts."

  He thought back to the day when Baekhyun had appeared on his doorstep. Baekhyun hadn't stopped crying for a while, mumbling out apologies at the same time. Once he had managed to calm down Baekhyun, he managed to get out the full story and apology from him It wasn't long before he too, was crying and apologizing. It had been an over-emotional day for the both of them, and they ended up snuggling for a nap together, apologies forgotten and silent forgiveness given out. They only woke up when Chanyeol's mum came in to get her son down for dinner. She had cooed when she noticed how adorable Baekhyun looked with Chanyeol, and Baekhyun ended up staying for dinner, due to Mrs Park's insistence.

  The class clapped as they ended their presentation and made their way back to their seats. As Chanyeol plopped down into his seat next to Jongin, he could see the latter looking like he was trying not to cry.

  Chanyeol smiled. Jongin always turned into pudding whenever it involved Kyungsoo.

  As the bell rang, Jongin got up from his seat, bag already packed.

  "You go firts, I'm waiting."

  Jongin grinned in acknowledgement, fist bumping Chanyeol and leaving the classroom.

  A shadow fell over him, and Chanyeol looked up to beam a bright smile into Byun Baekhyun's face.

  "C'mon, let's go." Baekhyun smiled, placing a kiss on Chanyeol's cheek.

  "All right, all right, I'm coming."

  As they walked down the school hallway, Baekhyun turned to face Chanyeol.

  "So, movie at my house at eight tonight?

  "Sure." Chanyeol agreed, wrapping an arm around Baekhyun's waist as they headed towards the cafeteria.

  Maybe, just maybe, this relationship could work.



  "So what now?"


  "What was that? I couldn't hear you."



  "Gah! I like you okay? Happy now Park Chanyeol?"

  "More than happy!"

  "H-h-hey! Just because I said that doesn't mean you can kiss me again!"

  "Aww, but isn't that what boyfriends do?"

  "So we're official now?"

  "Aren't we?"

  "...Why am I even agreeing to this again?"

  "Aww, love you too Baekkie! Chu!"

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Chapter 4: Aww so fluff <3 baekyeol are so sweet. And i definitely how you out kaisoo in the story. Keep writing!
BaChannie #2
Chapter 4: OMG ! ChanBaek <3 so sweeet <3 :D
marcybacon #3
Chapter 4: Beautiful story
Chapter 4: Love your story!~ thanks for writing it =))
mantha_samNS #5
Chapter 4: Loved it~~~
Chapter 3: UPDATE soon please!!
Chapter 3: It's amazing, I really liked the descriptions of the paintings and the main story, kaisoo are cuties patooties ♡