The Sick Unfortunate


Who is a person? Who is a man? What is masculine? 

Who is a person? Who is a woman? What is feminity?

What is original?



I wrote this for a competition and when I was done, I realised that I was waaaaay behind the required word count od 2000. So, as all writers feel, I couldn't bring myself to add any more words to this short piece. And so, since I didn't send it in for the contest, I decided to publish it on my blog and upload it here. 

I guess you could imagine the characters as idols. But, the characters are just two strangers and I feel that's how it should be.


Humanities is depressing indeed.


P.S., if you understand the references and the title, then yay! If not, well, read again and come up with your own interpretation. It's all well and good.


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