



It’s the season where rain falls more than the sun shines and Chanyeol hates the gust of cold wind hitting his face instead of the warm rays of sunlight. It’s always these times wherein he dwells in solitude and loneliness. Last year during this season he broke up with his ex under the pouring rain and the year before that is where his parents disowns him from finding out he’s gay.

Rainy season he hates the most probably because it’s a clear reminder that he’s cold and alone at night.

He’s on a bus going to the grocery store to fill up his stocks of ramen, his only sustenance in life, in his dorm room. He would’ve walked if not for this wretched rain. He looks out the window and watches passerby get on with their lives. The bus stops for a red light and Chanyeol looks at an empty narrow alleyway between a pretty little bakeshop and a vibrant craft store. He was about to turn his attention away until he spots a soaked muddy dog coming out of a flimsy box. A moment later a little puff of brown peaks out of the box too curiously looking at its mother.

Chanyeol sits up straight and frown stitched in place observing the two, the dogs are frail and drenched and his heart is breaking at the sight of them. If only he could take them home with him but he can’t afford to have pets nor does his dorm allow him to. He sighs as the bus rolls off away yet the image of the dogs are tattooed in his mind.

Days past where he silently watches over the two poor souls, his eyes would always trail off to that spot whenever the bus stops at the red light in that very street. He wanted to help but he has no idea how. He tried asking for the dog pound but they refused because they’re too overcrowded.

One day he decided to walk instead of riding the bus, carrying a small plastic bag with a few leftovers he got from the cafeteria. Atleast, he could help in feeding them. He rounds up a corner onto the street where the alleyway is located eyes roaming around. He stops dead in his track as he spots familiar brown dog lying on the other side of the street unmoving. His heart plummets down as he realized that he couldn’t save it. He rushes on to the alleyway slowly searching for the little one that’s left behind. He squats down to inspect the almost flattened box and sees scared beady eyes looking back at him.

“Awh, come here little buddy.”



Everyday Chanyeol ask for scraps of food from the school cafeteria earning a few scowls at first but after explaining the lunch ladies where kind enough to put extra food in them. He can’t afford a puppy but he’ll do his best in trying to help it survive. He would go to the alleyway everyday with a skip in his step. The puppy now accustomed to having him part of its life looks forward to seeing him everyday. Chanyeol created a bigger box for it to sleep in adding a few old shirts of his for warmth.

Everyday he would smile down at the puppy as it wags its tail and feeling warm from the little nudge from its tiny nose onto his hands.

Everyday a person behind the old bookstore across the street would sit down with a coffee mug in his hands smiling as he observes a bond forming between a puppy and lanky kid.



Chanyeol fidgets in his seat as the professor drones out boring lectures in his history class. He stares at the window where splatters of raindrops races down in the glass. His mind drifting off to a soaked box with a shivering puppy inside making him anxious to get out of class. As soon as the professor dismisses the class he runs off to find a sturdier box and some thick old clothes he have. He quickly made his way onto the alleyway to find a drenched puppy shivering from the cold. He gently wraps it in a blanket and cradles it his arms.

“I’m sorry for being late.”

He discards the soaked box placing a new one lined with some old clothes and places an umbrella to shield it from the rain. He gently places the puppy under the bundles of clothing stays with it till the shivering comes to a halt. With a final pat he leaves and prays that the rain stops.


He wakes up late in the morning only to find a huge storm wrecking havoc outside. He runs off donning only a jacket to keep him warm. He ran as quickly as he can, braving the strong winds and the heavy rain. He arrives at the alley way only to find the box ruined, scraps of clothing littered on the ground and a broken umbrella on the far corner of the alley blown out of its original shape. No puppy insight.

He panics and tries to call for it. Yelling against the loud thunder above in hopes to be heard by the frail creature he looked after.  His body shivers from the cold and his fingers going numb yet he doesn’t stop calling out.

He loses his footing from the slippery ground and was about to fall on his face until strong arms snakes it way onto his torso. He looks back at his savior from falling into the wet ground and was met with piercing eyes that could melt an iceberg. They stood frozen staring at each other until Chanyeol regains his manners.

“Thank you.”

The taller man, discards his thick coat and drapes it onto Chanyeol. With a vice like grip he drags him across the street for shelter. Chanyeol was about to protest when the other man silence him with a stare that has no room for arguments. They enter the small bookstore and the taller one drags through a door leading to a staircase and onto an apartment.

His kidnapper (he might as well be Chanyeol thinks) orders him to change onto dry clothes as he shoves a bunch of it onto Chanyeol’s hand. The younger one complies and slowly comes out of the bathroom and treks to the living room. Situating himself onto the plush white sofa feeling small in the other man’s large sweater and jogging pants.

The taller one comes back also in now dry clothes with a cup of cocoa in both hands offering the other one to Chanyeol which who was somewhat blushing for no reason. Really, he’s not blushing because the other guy is handsome as hell.

“Um, thank you again.”

“You shouldn’t have gone out in the storm. It could be dangerous.”

“Yeah I know but I have to find the puppy.” Sadness etching on his face.


“Yeah, I want to take care of it but I can’t afford to.”

“Hmmmm.. What does it look like?”

“It’s brown and has a curly fur. Kinda fluffy.”

“Hmmmm.. Does it look it that one?” The other man tilts his head to the side eyes on the corner of the room where a box is situated in. Chanyeol  slowly stood up and peaks down at the box smile erupting on his face as he sees the sleeping puppy bundled up in warm blankets.

“ rescued it.” He beams at the other man and then focuses on the puppy again missing the dusting of pink on the other mans cheek.

“I’m just keeping it safe for you.”


“Everyday I always see you coming onto that alley feeding and playing with it. I saw you yesterday too as you tried to keep it warm and dry. I had to take it in before the storm starts at the evening.”

“Thank you.” Really what else can he say?

“I can keep him safe here if that’s okay with you.”

Chanyeol brightens up for a moment knowing someone will be able to take care of the puppy properly but suddenly saddens knowing that that person won’t be him. “That would be great.”

“Only in one condition.”

Chanyeol look at the man with a questioning glance.

“You have to come visit every day.”

“Really?!” he bursts out with a giant smile on his face.

“Yeah. That way I could get to know you better. I’m Yifan by the way.”

Chanyeol looks at Yifan smiling softly at him and suddenly he realized that he no longer feels the cold instead of warmth spreading all throughout his body.



Rainy season suddenly turned into his favorite especially when he ends the day curled up to a warm body beside him.


Weeeeeeeee! Sorry for the mistakes. I had to finish it because its late already. This turned out longer than I expected though, I was just targetting a 500 word drabble xD

Anyways belated happy 140627 KrisYeol day!

As you all know I am a KrisYeol author and though I may write a few other otps from time to time Krisyeol will still be my one and only ship. Fanfics are created for our own imagination and fantasy and this is how I create mine. These two idiots left us with so much love that could last a lifetime. If you still read my fics then I sincerely thank you. I'll be holding on till the end.

I have a few fics in the works and I'm more focused on getting my entries for fic exchanges done first. Don't worry I'll share them all here when reveals are up! I'm making them really special <3


Love you all <3


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Chapter 1: puppy yeolie~
Chapter 1: Thanks for choosing to stick with krisyeol. I hope you decide to write a new fic soon cause damn,, your writing is so soooo good. Xoxo
sarangmyung #3
Chapter 1: Neomu kyeopta..^^
Chapter 1: so sweet T^T Can i translate it into Vietnamese ?
Chapter 1: adorable krisyeol ;;
dyaning #6
Chapter 1: aw aw aw uuuuuu yeah :). this is, LOVELY....
xycouple #7
Chapter 1: thank you for staying with this ship... thank you very much...
this is so perfect...
Chapter 1: Oh god. This is so sugary. I love it !!
Glad to know that you will keep writing fic about Krisyeol.
Krisyeol will be my favourite otp forever.
Onepenny #9
Chapter 1: Keep up the KrisYeoling! Making my way through your stories and loving them :) this one was too sweet :)
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaa.. So sweett... >,<
So, Yifan kept his eyes on Yeol n Yeol doesn't realize it at all? Owww... U had a secret admirer, yeollie ;) or a stalker?? Haha whatever he called, it really so sweet u know ;)