Admission I

Night and Day

Incheon International Airport

Jongin's Perspective

(That's right, POV is still too mainstream LOL)


He was right. It took him five days to return from Canada. I parked, deciding that this was the perfect opportunity to chase this darned hunger away. The ache had remained in my stomach, not even paying rent I might add, indicating how famished I was. He would be here in around 30 minutes. 'That's plenty of time to get my tummy to stop starting up conversations with me,' I muttered. I leaned backwards, stretching for the meals I had purchased for us both... well, for myself. I can't really call his a meal.

The aroma filled my nostrils, stimulating my receptors and making me salivate. Eating beef in an SUV at the airport... at night... could there be any better ambiance for a meal? I dug in, savoring every bite and only stopping for a few mouthfuls of water before continuing my feast once more. The enclosed space kept the scent circulating with the aid of the air conditioning. The scent seemed to surround me, wrapping me in a blanket; a blanket which made me oblivious to the first three missed calls from Suho.

"Aw cheesus," I mumbled, feeling like a guilty glutton. I speedily redialed Suho's number, glancing at the car's digital clock. Forty minutes had passed. 

"Ah, so you were enjoying a feast"

I looked up, immediately spotting Suho's forehead pressed against my window. I chuckled lightly. It was awkward being caught in the act.

"Open up for me," he stated.

"Woah woah woah, wait until we are indoors for that kind of talk," I said before winking. I knew he was referring to the trunk, but I simply couldn't resist.

"I can't wait any longer, Jongi-" he cut himself off with his own laughter. I was dying. I could hardly see through the tears to open the trunk. He finally entered the car after we finished jesting.

"Sorry for making you wait," I said. "Here," I stated as I handed him the two pouches of blood.

"Thanks. I got my fill of cheeseburgers over there."




Cheongdamdong, Korea

One Hour Later


"How many replacements did they get? I asked

"Six. They're probably going to send two to Europe since that's more than enough"

I nodded as I pulled up to his gate.

"Are you coming in? They should all be here."

"No thanks, I've got another meeting now"

"Alright then."

"Yea, see you guys later"


End of Jongin's Perspective










Hyuna's Perspective


Let's go? I looked at him quizzically. "Where are we going?"

"Home," he stated. I watched as he quickly packed his documents away, placing some into his briefcase. He walked silently towards me, giving me a small smile before repeating, "Let's go."

I took nimble steps behind him, keeping up with his long strides. Those long strides led me to an elevator which required finger prints to be used. What the swordfish? 

"Place your thumb here," he said. I did as I was told.

'Now added: Kim Hyuna'

My eyes widened. It spoke. He must've noticed my bewilderment for he laughed before stating, "This is the least of it. You can access this elevator at any time now"

We headed downwards to the parking lot. I noted his black BMW X6. He said I should so that I wouldn't look like a lost little girl following her dad to the car the next time we rode in his vehicle. I couldn't help that I didn't know where he was parked, pshh. We headed out, and he drove slowly, telling me the names of the roads. He told me of the general areas and tips to not getting lost on the way home. Home... before I'd even realized it, I had already considered this unknown place home. Perhaps it was easier since I never spent much time with my biological family. Perhaps it was because I had hardly spent much time with anyone at all. Perhaps that is why I was so happy to find people who genuinely wanted me to be a part of their home, who shared a bond with me already through blood, through the change, through the bond.

My teacher resumed his lesson on the streets, gesturing to a restaurant which he claimed "Never disappoints you." I seized the opportunity to take in his features, glancing from the side of my eyes. He was gorgeous. I wondered what he was like. I supposed I'd find out in due time. We both looked back at the road, raising my right hand to cover my mouth as I yawned. 

"You must be tired. We'll be there soon," Luhan stated. His voice was so soothing, though not that deep.

A while passed before I muttered, "I love this piece," referring to the classical music playing. 


End of Hyuna's Perspective

Yes, that's right.... We're still boycotting POV... LOL






Luhan's Perspective


She said she loved Clair de Lune. I was about to add in a conversational, 'Me too,' but she had already drifted off to sleep. I slowed down a tad so that she didn't wake. It wasn't long before we arrived. I reached over, removing the seatbelt for her. She slid to the door as her thanks. I chuckled at her involuntary actions. It was rather cute. I tapped her on the shoulder, waiting for her reaction when she saw her new home. It was well worth the wait, I might add.

End of Luhan's Perspective









Author's Perspective

She groggily opened her eyes, upon feeling Luhan's touch. Rubbing them slightly as her eyes adjusted to the light, a gasp escaped her as she basked in the glory, yes glory, of what could certainly be considered a mansion.



Her brown orbs doubled in size as she remained gaping, and Luhan remained laughing.

"H-Hyuna," he struggled to state between his laughter. "Let's go"

Once inside, she received yet another shock. Not only was the interior beyond beautiful, but the ones in the house were beautiful. They all turned their heads towards her as she entered the living room. Their expressions quickly changed from bewilderment to happiness as Luhan stated, "This is Hyuna, our new purebred. Our new family."

Hyuna couldn't help but smile with them, it was infectious, especially when they all said, nearly in unison, "Welcome, Hyuna"







Author's Note:

Here's a long chapter for you guys~~ I'm extremely sorry for not updating for six days now. I've been beyond preoccupied. I have to say THANK YOU once more to all my readers, and my 32 subscribers. I'm so grateful for every comment, reader and new friend. I love you guys.

Thank you for being patient, and I'll finally unveil my other story tomorrow. I seriously hope you love it. Would you like it to be mature? *cough*cough*dies*

Did you like this chap?? ;) More interactions will be coming soon woohoo~~ 

​--LOVE, SasukeSasuke

​July 7, 2014




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Hyuna1995 #1
Chapter 17: Hyuna and kai ❤️❤️
4niahyun #2
Chapter 15: we need some love here authornim~~~~~~~~^^
but hyuna's words are hilarious LOL
update soon!
Chapter 14: Update update update:-)
Chapter 14: LuHyun moment, so much feels!! So happy you updated, your story is DAEBAK, keep the good work coming -^^!
4niahyun #5
Chapter 13: more hyuna luhan moment please~
Chapter 13: more more more!!hehehe thankssssss authornim!
AhJinzxzx #7
Chapter 13: Kaina? xD Update soon! :)
vip4nia #8
Chapter 11: There will be wuna ? Wow . Eventhough I thought this story is too complicated for me who doesn't use English very well , I still love this story ^^
Hyunajs #9
Chapter 11: Update more..
Yay update!! Love it as always ^^