Hades Project.



Life is about what lies beneath the surface.

Monsters are real. You just have to look closer.




Genre: Supernatural, action, mama!powers, drama.

Pairings:  OT12 and to be discovered.

Notes: Their powers won't necessary be just exactly like the ones extracted from mama!verse, they'll be molded to this story. And I'll write OT12 because yes, I do love Kris and he'll take a part. It's a fictional story, so I hope it's everything fine. 

Disclaimer: I don't own EXO neither the boys, but all the ideas here are actually mine and I hope you like it. This story sets in our current time.


One, two, three, four, five, six...

"Help me." A voice came from nowhere, and for a moment he was so sure that he was reading someone's mind involuntarily. 

Said voice was broken and hoarse, like and old mantra on repeat. "Help me, help me, help me." But how can you help someone who is not even there, someone who's only in your mind? He needed a daily dose of his medicine for yesterday — fast and quick, before his head would explode. 

"I ca-can't. I can't help you. You're not real." He was burning up.

"Help me."

This voice.

The voice that had been hunting his dreams now was pursuing his imagination. It couldn't be real just because the man to whom that voice belonged was no longer alive. He was dead, just like Luhan's chances to see his best friend smiling again. 

"You are not real." He fought back, sounding angry and offended because from all the jokes his own mind could play, that kind of cruelty was a new level. "You are not real. You are dead. Dead. You're dead."



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Chapter 1: Good job here! And I'd like to see fanxing, taohun or hunhan. It's really up to you, plus, I want to see what happened to Yixing.
About the notes, I ship fanxing, layhan, hunhan, xiuhan, taohun, taoris... You have a lot of options and I bet that is not what you wanted to hear but LOL as your friend I'm gonna stay quiet and let other people raise their opinions or simply your brain works alone. I think it's hard to do a story without shiptag because people always go there but thanks for posting this.
Your mama!verse is finally out, yaaaaaay! Gonna read the first chapter and then I'll comment. Even thought you shared your ideas with me, laskjslkdjçakds.