The first sight

True Love?

Park Yong Woo Prov

Finally I did it maybe is only the first hour but I did it... But now I don't know anyone here .. I am complitely alone .... I went to the schools forecourt and sit in a bench seeing the other students go around talking... But I saw that I wasn't the only one alone.. The mysterious student was alone too ... He seems lonely ....  Now it's time to go to the dining halls... I sat in a table again alone .. I don't know why all the students looked at me with a weird sight ... I felt so nervous and I looked down ..... I heard someone laughing behind me .... Tell me that it was...... It was Kris behind me that he was laughing at me ... Why he was laughing  ? It seems to him very funny that I am nervous ?? I looked at him and go away I didn't want to talk to him .....

I went outside I was complitely alone , I liked that I was finally alone and I could finally relaxe and don't have the eyes on me ....Finally some space so I can cry , my classmates act really nice , but  I can't understang why he is laughing with me every time he sees me what he found so funny..... Now my face is full of tears .. I have to stop crying , I want to let that when I will go home ...

Kris Prov

I was sitting alone to one table to eat and suddently the new student that I think I remember her name now Park Yong Woo came and sit alone to one table ... I saw her minutes before alone at the brake ...Everyone was looking at her and she got nervous and looked down ... I don't now why I laughed and aloud she saw me and looked away .. I don't know wwhy I am in the same room whith her I act like that and always laughing .... Maybe I should go out and see how she was... She is crying ?? Ohh what I have done . I can't go now and apologize , I just can't , but I have to ... Maybe to our next lesson I will find a way to talk to her .....But the problem is that I am not good to apologizing .. What I am going to do



Park Yong Woo Prov

Hope no one saw me cryng I went back to continu my lessons....I didn't see Kris now .. Maybe he found an other one to laugh with .... I was walking toward my classroom when someone hit me , he left he did't asked an apologe that he hit me then some kids where beside me and one of them was Kris ..

"Let me help you stand up .... " who said that.. Oh tell me now that is Kris .. And yes it is Kris ..He helped me stand up..

"Thank you" I did't know what else to say ...

" No need to thank me " what he just said he want to make me crazy , I smiled and start walking...

" I am Kris by the way "

" I am Park Yong Woo, nice to meet you "

"Sorry for before " at first I din't undertand for what he was taking about

Then he go away....

Fast Forward

School is finally over and I am going back home .... I amdone with my homeworks for tommorow and finally have some tme to relaxe and sleep.. I don't know why but I don't want to cry anymore ....



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I will continue tommorow ^^Hope you like it ^^


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sabrina08 #1
Chapter 4: Omg so cute!!!!