Pure Love

Pure Love


Pure Love

I sighed as I finished putting away the last of the dishes. I felt arms wrap around my waist. I gasped silently.

He kissed my cheek. "I'm home."

I smiled at him. "So I see." I dried my hands.

He released me and took my hand in his. "What have you been doing?"

"Just housework, picking up after the "kids", waiting for you." I giggled.

"Have you?" He wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm sorry to have made my Princess wait."

I giggled at his cheesiness. "Yonghwa. I'm not a princess."

He my cheek and smiled at me. "Although you're not to the world, in my eyes, you're my princess. The most beautiful in the world."

I blushed. "Yonghwa...you're so sweet."

"Ah. I just remembered." He tapped my nose lightly. "I bought you a dress and I'm taking you out tonight." He brushed his nose against mine. "You'll wear it, right? I know you don't like them, but I saw it and thought of you. I thought you'd look good in it."

I smiled at him. "For you, of course. It must be special if you thought of me while buying it."

He kissed my forehead. "Yes. I'll go get it, it's in the car, but you can't open it until it's almost time to go."

I nodded. "Okay."


Later on, in the afternoon, we had put on a movie to watch. I was settled in his arms. He had his arm around me. I laid my head on his shoulder.

I looked up at him. "I love you."

He looked at me and smiled gently. "I love you too." He brushed our noses together and kissed my forehead, then my lips.

"Oh come on!" I heard the three of them groan.

We broke apart immediately.

I blushed. "Sorry!"

"I'm not." Yonghwa whispered. He took my lips again.

I melted in his arms as he kissed me.

"Aish, really?" I heard Jungshin complain.

Yonghwa waved them away.

"Come on; let's give them some privacy, since they can't go in a room." Jonghyung's voice was sarcastic.

Yonghwa picked me up without breaking the kiss and we went to our room. He set me down on the bed, and we finally broke away.

My head was spinning. "What was that for?"

"Do I need a reason to kiss you?" He came closer to me again. His breath tickled my face. "Do I?"

I shook my head. "Of course you don't."

He gave me a kiss on the forehead. "We have to get ready for our date."

I nodded as I tried to clear my head.

He grabbed the present from the corner of the room and gave it to me.

I opened it. "Oh, Yonghwa..." I took it out and looked at it. It was a pink dress that went down a bit past the knees, with a large bow on the back and longish sleeves.

"I was shopping for a present for my mother, but I saw it and I thought of you. Try it on." He left the room.

I looked inside the present box. There was a crystal pink heart locket and matching earrings. I took the locket and opened it. I smiled when I saw the inside. It was a picture of him and me looking at each other on our first date.

I quickly put on the dress and looked at myself in the mirror. It matched my figure nicely. I put on the earrings and the locket. He knew how to make me pretty. He knew what matched me well.

"Are you done?" He knocked.

"Yes. Come in." I kept looking at myself in the mirror.

"You look beautiful." He kissed my cheek.

"You know how to choose what makes me look good." I hugged him.

He my hair. "Ah. There's one thing missing." He went to the box and pulled out a matching pink ribbon. "Don't move." He tied it in my hair. "There. That's better."

I blushed and smiled. "You need to get ready."

He nodded. "I'll be right out."

I left the room and went to go see what the others were up to.

They were playing video games.

Minhyuk was the first to spot me. "Wow, where are you going?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Yonghwa planned a surprise for me."

"You look good." Jungshin nodded.

"Have a good time, we'll see you tomorrow." Jonghyung smiled.

"Tomorrow?" Before I could ask more, Yonghwa took my hand and led me away.

"See you guys." He waved.

"Dinner's in the fridge. I'll try to come make breakfast. Clean the kitchen and don't leave a mess! Get enough sleep and don't play all night!" I called as Yonghwa led me away.

"Yes, Umma!" They laughed.

Yonghwa smiled at me. "You sound like a mother."

"I get worried about them." I smiled back.

He opened the door for me and helped me in. He slid into the driver's seat. "I'm surprised you didn't say anything about the dress." He started the car.

"I like it. I am still a girl even if I'm a bit different."

He chuckled. "I chose well."


He covered my eyes before I could get out of the car. "Keep them closed." He helped me out of the car.

"Yonghwa, I'm unsteady on heels and you want me to close my eyes?" I asked.

He chuckled in my ear. "It'll be fine. Just hold onto my hand." Yonghwa helped me make our way to wherever we were going. He stopped walking. "Just keep your eyes closed until I tell you to."

I kept my eyes shut.

"Okay, open your eyes."

I opened my eyes and was met with such a sight, I was touched. It was a ballroom, lit dimly, where we had first met each other. There was a table set for the both of us, with candles and food prepared. To his side was my favorite guitar of his, the white cello-looking guitar.

I looked around and smiled at him. "Yonghwa..."

He approached me with a white rose. "Did I surprise you or what?"

I nodded as I took the rose from him. "Am I surprised? Of course I am!" I hugged him. "I feel like Cinderella."

"Except, this spell doesn't end at midnight, because I have something to tell you, no ask, later on." He took my hand and led me to the table and pulled the chair for me. "Let's eat first."

I settled down. "You outdid yourself, Yonghwa." I smiled.

He shrugged. "I'd like to think that I was thinking of you as I set it up."

We fed each other food, acting all lovey-dovey, something he knew I liked a lot.

When we were done eating, he took his guitar in one hand, and mine in the other and sat me down on a chair in the middle.

"I've been working on this song ever since I met you." He got his guitar ready. "And I vowed that when I finished this song, I'd do all of this." He smiled.

I smiled brightly. I felt like a princess and I didn't want this to end.

He began to okay his guitar softly and sing. It was part of L.O.V.E Girl. "Tell me tell me...love me love me...kiss me kiss me..." then it blended with a few other songs I knew but then it became original.

I listened happily and contently to him. I sang along when I knew some of the words.

He finished the song and set his guitar down. "What did you think?"

"I loved it! It was a song you wrote just for me and I'm the only one to have heard it! Thank you!" I kissed his cheek.

"I'm not done yet." He led me over to the balcony. "I thought a lot about it and wondered how to do it. I agonized how to ask you this. I agonized about your answer, but there's only one way to know." He got down on his knee and took out a small, white case. He opened it, revealing a gold ring with a simple diamond.

I gasped, tears, happy tears building up in my eyes.

"you, will you marry me? Will you become my wife?" He asked with a gorgeous, prince smile.

I jumped up and down. "A billion, trillion, more than there are stars yes! Yes! I would love to!" I got down in my knees and hugged him. "Of course, in a heartbeat!"

He stood up and hugged me tightly. We spun around. He gave me a kiss. He took my hand and slipped the ring onto my left ring finger. We kissed again.

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halizajija #1
Chapter 1: Omg..it my nick name..so surprise..love the story good job
emyonghwa #2
Chapter 1: emyonghwa???!that's my nickname!thank you very much 4 make me feel really2 happy and smile wide!i hope this will become truth in my life!keep it up!always write story yonghwa and you!or emyonghwa!hehehe...TQ! :D
BWAHAHAHAHAHA.... i will marry you! LOL XD
2ne14ever #4
Wait!! Haha! I saw my account name !! waeyo?? waeyo?? waeyo?? LOL!! just curious dude! :))
110 streak #5
Sweet ~~ <3
I really loved this!! Amazing!
omgikwangmin #7
so sweet!!!! ^^<br />
<br />
i loved this oneshot! please continue to write moar!!!!! ^^ (more....)
yuiko_rj96 #8
cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute one shot! :p
nice oneshot, it's really sweet ^^ the way you write is good. keep it up! (: