Our Choices Part II

Apt. 34A


Double update


"I hope this wasn't too out of the way for you,"

The girl walked in and shed her coat and shoes, handing me her jacket as I hung it up on the rack and walked in, her eyes raking over the entire apartment until I shut the door and lead her over to the couch. 

"It wasn't,"

She took a seat on the couch, brushing her hair aside and crossed her ankles while I went back over to the kitchen and grabbed two glasses of water before making my way back over to her. 


She took the glass with a nod and took a long sip, just as I did and then set hers down while I did as well and ran my hands down my thighs before sighing. She chuckled and I looked up, cracking a small smile until we were both grinning at each other and I had to laugh at how awkward this was.

"Sorry," I blushed and twirled my thumbs nervously before clearing my throat.

"It's okay," she chuckled. She reached her hand out to rub the top of mines and I tensed slightly before pulling it away and starting.

"I am deeply and incredibly sorry for my actions the other day. For grabbing you like that, for shouting at you and saying those things. My actions were completely uncalled for, I reacted without any cause and took my aggression out on you and I take full responsibility. I am sorry for any harm I caused you,"

I slid off the couch and stood before her to kneel down on the ground and leaned forward to press my head against the cool wood as I bowed to her.

"I'm sorry," I mummbled.

"Y-You don't have to do that, please get up,"

Hands reached out to curl around my arms and pull me up until I was standing back up on my feet and she scowled at me while shaking her head. "I accept your apology just don't do that again,"

I sighed in relief and nodded my head as I smiled. "Thank you, thank you and again I'm sorry but-"

"No I won't be making a report to the police or going to the media and I didn't tell anyone anything,"

When my eyes widened, she laughed and slapped my chest before sitting back down on the couch and crossing her legs.

"Oppa don't look so surprised,"

It took me a moment to bring myself back to reality but when I did, I blinked a few times and rushed forward to hug her which seemed to catch her off guard because she yelped and hugged me back a second later.

"Yah yah yah!"

I loosened my hold around her and pulled back as I laughed and bowed again. "Sorry just-just thank you so much,"

She waved me off and smoothed down the black skirt she was wearing before pushing her hair back. "It's alright,"

I smiled and after a few minutes it became awkward once we realized that we had nothing more to say to each other and just as I was about to speak, she opened .

"Just curious,"

"About?" I raised my eyebrow. 

She shifted on the couch and looked up at me. "Why did you do that?"

My eyebrows furrowed until I understood what she meant and scratched the back of my neck sheepishly before sighing. "My girlfriend, she was attacked a few weeks ago and when we were talking and everything she told me some things about the woman who attacked her and I put two and two together and acted out of impulse. You were just there when I came in and all the thoughts running in my head just made me snap,"

She hummed in thought and nodded her head before looking down then back up. "I see...is your girlfriend okay?"

"She's fine,"  I said immediately. "A little shaken up but she's getting better,"

The woman nodded and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear covered in piercings. "What's her name?"

I froze and she seemed to sense my hesitation before laughing at me. Kyungmi and I had promised each other that we would not let anyone other than the people that we wanted to, know about our relationship. It was one thing to be talking about her like this and another to just go around saying her name, but then again the woman wasn't going to tell anyone about the altercation in the studio...so why would she say anything about Kyungmi?

"I'm Kimi,"

"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts. 

"I'm Kimi," she rolled her eyes with a smile.

Oh. Her name. I blushed and nodded my head before putting my hands in my pocket. "Kyungmi,"


Kyungmi's POV

"What are you working on?"

I looked up from my spot at the table as my Uncle sat down next to me and slid a plate of food over for himself and me.

"A script for media class. We're supposed to use the shots we gathered and create a short story off of it, I think it's stupid though," I sighed.

Uncle Minho laughed and lifted up his glass full of Scotch up to his lips before taking a long sip. He set it back down and lifted his chopsticks up as I set my pen down and grabbed my plate.

"Can I see your shots?"

I shrugged and he pulled out the manila folder from underneath the stack of papers and opened it up before flipping through and browsing the pictures.

"These are pretty good," he murmured.

I lifted a piece of fried chicken to my mouth and chewed on it before glancing over at the sets he was looking at and swallowed. "I took those before school I believe, around dawn,"

He nodded and flipped through a few more before looking up at me with a funny expression.


"Can I use some of your pictures?"

"Use some of my pictures, for what?"

"My magazine of course," he shrugged nonchalantly.

I choked on my saliva and coughed a couple times before I was shaking my head quickly and reaching over the table to take the manila folder from him.

"No no no no,"

He slapped my hands away and snatched the folder off the table to hold up in the air and out of my reach.

"Uncle!" I frowned.

I tried to take it from him but he would pull back or lift his arm higher until I was frowning and threatening to throw my water at his face.

"I just want to make a small article in one of the magazines and I really think that your pictures would go well with it,"

"But I-"

"These are perfect and I've been meaning to put this article out for some time, I just haven't had the right material,"

I made something close to a whinning noise and a gargle at the same time before I was covering my face with my hands and leaning back in the seat. "Why must you do this to me?"

He chuckled and I heard something scrape against the glass like he was eating again and peeked between my fingers to see him shoving a few pieces of meat in his mouth before swallowing.

"You're welcome," he said cheekily.


A few hours later...

I lifted my arm up to look down at my watch and after checking the time, I gathered up the last of my things and put them away in my portfolio. I wrapped the piece of string around the folder and tucked it underneath my arm as I peeked my head out from around the corner to see my uncle typing something on his laptop.


"How else do you think I keep this bachelor pad afloat?"

I rolled my eyes and walked through the living room before going down the hallway towards my room and opening the door before shutting it just as quietly. Tossing the folder aside, I fell back on the mattress and sighed before reaching for my phone underneath the pillow. 

From: Seunghoon

Are you still awake? You're not sleeping yet are you? You can't sleep if you haven't heard my voice...

From: Seunghoon


From: Seunghoon

Yeobo? Yeobo it's too early to lay down..right?

From: Seunghoon 

You were mad at me earlier huh? Just don't ignore me like this

From: Seunghoon

Kyungmi-ah, please

I snorted as I read through the messages before typing back a reply. 

From: Kyungmi

Babo, you are seriously too much, I'm not mad at you. What is it?

He replied back not even a minute later.

From: Seunghoon

OH? Okay good ^^ um are we still on for tomorrow? I can't wait to see you, I seriously miss you a lot.

I brought the phone to my chest as I turned into the pillow and couldn't help the blush that made it's way up to my face before smilling into the material and looking back down at my phone.

From: Kyungmi

I missed you too... yeah we're still on unless you have plans on flaking on me, you don't right?

From: Seunghoon

Never, I can't wait to see your face and smell you

From: Kyungmi

That sounds creepy

From: Seunghoon

And make you smile and listen to you talk

From: Kyungmi


From: Seunghoon

And hold you in my arms, nuzzle your neck

From: Kyungmi

I'm going to sleep.

I turned my phone off and set it on the pillow next to me and just before closing my eyes, saw the screen light up as I chuckled and turned around the other way. 


Seunghoon's POV

"Did she seriously go to sleep on me, foreal?"

I frowned at my phone and was just about to send her another message when the sound of footsteps from the kitchen made me look up. Kimi strolled out from behind the corner and glanced down at her watch while I put my phone away and stood up with a smile.

"I should be going now, it's getting late,"

I nodded in a mix of satisfaction and relief, in all honesty I didn't know why she had stayed around so long after I had said my apologizes and we made small talk. I didnt want to just ask her to leave and ruin anything that I had amended but at the same time the atmosphere was starting to become slightly uncomfortable the longer she strolled around my home.

"Will you be getting home alright?"

I followed her to the door and helped her put the large navy coat on while she bent down to slip her Adidas on. "Yeah, I drove here, I'll be fine,"


I rubbed my hands together nervously unsure of what to do with them and smiled at Kimi slightly when she stood back up and raised her eyebrow at me.

"Um again thank you for understanding me and not doing anything about this situation," I opened the door for her and Kimi shuffled out into the hallway before turning around on her heels and shaking her head.

"Stop bringing it up, I understand everything now,"

I blushed and nodded my head, one hand curling around the doorknob and the other leaning against the wood frame as she buttoned her coat up.

"So..um..I-I guess I'll be seeing you around later at YG,"

Kimi smiled sweetly and I took notice of the dimple on her left cheek though Kyungmi's were deeper and far more beautiful to look at.


We stood in an awkward moment of silence with me just staring at everything and Kimi following my every movement until I cleared my throat and stepped back to close the door. 

"Okay...well have a good night--"

Before I could shut the door, Kimi stepped forward to cross the threshold and planted a short kiss on my lips, causing me to gasp and my hands to fall limp at my sides.

Her lips were slightly chapped and her breath reeked of tobacco and mint, a bitter and repulsive taste that had me sealing my lips shut immediately until she pulled back with this challenging look in her eyes...like she was either going to do it agian or she was expecting me to reciprocate it. 

"Night," she winked.

I slammed the door shut in her face and locked it completely before stalking away quickly while running a hand through my hair in exasperation. I went all the way back to my room and shut the door as well before going into the bathroom and turning the water on as I leaned over the sink to wash my face.

What in the world was she thinking...


I smiled while walking down the hallway towards the elevators and caught a lock of my hair to twirl between my fingers. Someone had already pressed the button to go down by the time I made it over and we greeted each other politely before the doors were opening and I made my way to the back while the girl pressed the button for the lobby.

My fingers hesitantly touched my lips and I felt my smile grow as though I could still feel his lips against mine, They were soft and plush, wet with moisture and everything I had could have imagined they would be.

I couldn't stop the way my heart pounded underneath my chest and blushed as I looked down at my shoes and closed my eyes so I could still see the way his lips looked.

And when I laughed, I knew there was no way this was the end. His lips were too good to go to waste.


Heyyy guys! Did I keep you waiting long? I hope I didn't how do you feel about this chapter and what does this mean? I know I've been laying the angst pretty heavy on you guys but just bear with me a little bit longer. But finally a double update, I hope I didn't dissapoint. But anyways leave comments, read, upvote and subscribe. Love you guys!  

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy