New opportunity

My heart belongs to you

Krystal POV


On a normal monday morning I would hate waking up, but today was different. It felt different. I was actually excited. I quickly got out of bed to get ready. Sitting infront of my mirror to do my make up. i saw the tiara that Amber gave me. "There. Now you look like a real princess." Just the thought of that night made my cheeks warm up that I had to slap myself a few times to come back to reality. Once i was finished I headed downstairs to find Jessica making breakfast. Like a stealthy ninja. I wrapped my arms around her waist squeezing her into a bear hug. 

"Good morning Unnie!" Jessica shrieked almost dropping the pancakes that she just made.

"God krys! You scared me." She put the pancakes on the table. I released her, holding onto my stomach from the pain of laughing too much. "Haha! Im sorry unnie but I just couldn't help it! Haha!"

When I was done laughing. I grabbed a plate of pancakes and basically inhaled my food without stopping. "Wow. You're either really hungry or really eager to go to school. Not to mention you seem very lively on a monday morning." Jessica asked me while pouring us each a glass of orange juice.

"Im just really hungry." I take a sip of my juice to swallow my medicine. Secretly I'm excited to see Amber and have lunch with everyone. I hope im not too obvious to Sica. Who knows what she will say.

"I dont know....but I bet it has to do with Amber" I choke on my juice. Damn she figured it out. Maybe not. I hope not. Then she smirks. "Ha! I knew it. You know its only been a week since youve known him. Aren't you going too fast?"

She caught me. "Unnie its not like that. He invited me to eat lunch with his friends."

"Oh i was right it does have to do with him" now shes teasing me.

"Hes just being nice thats all. Besides Sulli there too because she hangs out with them as well. And you're right. It has only been a week so theres no way I could already harvest deep feelings for him."

"Sure. Whatever you say Krys" she winks to me. "Come on time for you to get to school I'll drop you off."


Amber POV


On the way to school I thought about how much fun I had last weekend. Then I saw krystal get out of her car at the school gates sayimng goodbye to Jessica.

"Hey princess!" I shout to her catching her attention and other students. "Wait up!" I run towards her. Some girls squeal and say hi to me as I pass them. I smile and say hi to them while still going to krystal.

"Hi Amber."

"Hyung! Krys!" I hear Sulli coming from behind. 

"Hey Sul." Krystal and I say together. 

"Lets walk to class together." Sulli says

"Sure." We enter the building going to class and everyone just stands still staring at us as we walk by. Some whisper, others, mostly girls squeal "Hi Amber!" Or "I love you Amber oppa!" Some guys screamed the same thing to Sulli and Krys. While I got glares from the guys who were quiet.  Why are they glaring at me?

"Wow I didnt know after being gone for a week you became really popular." Krystal said.

"What exactly is popular?" I reply to her while showing off my dorky smile. We enter the classroom and take our seats. "Oh krys. You are going to have lunch with us right?"

"Of course I didnt forget."

I smiled to her. "By the way. What other classes do you have? I have art, math, and metal shop."

"Umm I have cooking, math, and history. But I hate math and history is boring."

"I'm pretty good with math. Maybe i can help. As for history....sorry. im staying away from that."

"Youre so lucky. I always feel like sleeping in that class." I laugh at her complaint.

"So im guessing you like cooking?"

"Yeah. Im not very good at it, but I think its a lot of fun. Especially baking."

"Nice youre almost wife material." I laughed.

"Yah! Im not that bad." She whined

"Amber, Krystal.  Its nice that you two are catching up and everything since Krystal's been gone, but you have lunch and after school to do that. Right now Im trying to teach class. So if you want to continue conversing do so on the way to the office." Ms. Song sternly said.

Jeez. Is she on her peiod or something? I  didnt even hear the bell ring. Or hear her walk into class. 


Krystal POV


After being scolded by Ms. Song. Amber and I stayed focus in class but I kept finding myself staring at him. Its a good thing he didnt notice or else it would get awkward. Jessica unnie is right. Its too soon to know my feelings and besides he treats everyone the same so theres nothing special between us. Once the bell rang, it was lunch time. Amber got up to stretch while I put my notebooks in my bag.

"Wow that sure was exciting. The beginning of class of course, but after that BORING." Sulli sang.

"You know for being at this school for a week not mention it being in a different country. School is still borimg." I chuckle at Amber's remark.

"Yeah school is TERRIBLE." I say to them.

"Exactly. Come on lets go eat im hungry." Amber dragged us out. 

"Hyung you're always hungry." Sulli complained. "Whats your point?" He smiled. Its funny how everytime he smiles. He looks like a llama.

When we reached the lunch room we saw Luna waving at us to walk over. "Hey Krystal! Amber! Sulli!"

"Hey Luna." I took a seat."hey guys."

"Hey" they all said.

"Whats up?" Amber asked taking out his lunch.

"Oh Key was just talking about how cool he felt riding his scooter to school." Henry said.

"It was freaking amazing! The wind in my face. The old ladies yelling at me as I ride throught the market. Man its a rush!"  We all laugh. "If it hadn't been for Krystal I would still be walking to and from school. And guys I dont know if youve noticed but im not the most athletic guy out there-"

"No way we never noticed!" Minho exclaimed. And we all bursted out laughing.

"Shut up Minho!" Key glared. "Anyways walking still takes a lot of me. plus i dont like to sweat. Now with that scooter I dont have to wake up as early to get to school

 because that thing is super fast or worry about sweat."

"You may not be the most athletic, but you sure are the most lazy." Henry said. Again we laughed. 

"Whatever. I need my beauty sleep. So dont come crying to me when I look more amazing than you." Luna and victoria rolled their eyes.

"Okay lets stop picking on Key and move to another topic." Suzy said.

"Sure. What should we talk about?" Onew said. We sat thinking of what to say next. For a while everyone was quiet.

"Well look who it is." Who said that? We turned around and saw kai with his group behind him. "Krystal Jung." He bent down to my level glaring at me with his hands in his pockets and a grin on his face.

"What do you want Kai..." Amber asked in a serious tone.

"Does it look like im talking to you ?" Kai turned to him then back to me. Amber's hands balled into fist and his knuckles turning white.

"Anyways Krystal. I heard that you had a little accident and ended up staying in the hospital for the rest of the week."

"Why do you care?" I was trying to keep a straight face not showing any change in emotion. But honestly I was scarred.

"Im only saying this because i care for your well being." What a bunch of crap. He's always taunting me with ." You see last week I got suspended and during that time off I thought about when i called you the ice princess earlier that day. And I wanted to apologize. " Before I could open my mouth to tell him off. He continued to speak. "I also thought of why you are called the ice princess. I thought so hard about it that I didnt even realize how simple the answer was.... You dont know what love is. Which is why I think I should show you." He got closer to my face trying to cup my cheek with his hand. Then someones hand smacked it away.


Amber POV


I cant stand this guy. When I saw him go for Krystal's face. I immediately got up standing between Krystal and Kai. "I think we're done here."

"Again. I wasnt talking to you. Now move over so I can finish what I wanted to do." Kai shoved me  to the side then reaching his hand towards Krystal's face. Now my blood started to boil.

I grabbed Kai's wrist really tight. 

"Dont touch her...Prick..."then released.

"You dont scare me new kid." Kai massaged his wriste while bruises of my hand were beginning to form.

"Good because you dont scare me either." Before Kai could say something else the bell rang. "Youre lucky the principal has me on watch. Or I wouldnt give a about the bell and beat you right here." He walked away. Then turned towards us with his eyes focused on Krystal. . "Krystal..please take what I said into consideration. I'll take good care of you."

Thats it. Im going after him. But someone's hand was on my shoulder preventing me from going. "Its okay Amber. He is being a prick."

"I wont let him get away with this Krys." I said in a low tone.Then I remembred that the bell rang and we had 2 minures till class started. Oh crap! I wen

t to pick up my bag.

"Hyung you did it again!" Key said.

"Yeah but it wasnt as epic as last time but you still looked cool." Luna gave me the thumbs up.

"Youre a total badass!" Minho hooked his arm around Ambers heck.

"Guys we went over this already. Now lets get to class or we will all have detention together. I mean you guys are great and all but I dont want to stay past school hours. So bye! Come on princess, sulli!" I grabbed both of their hands sprinting down the hall towards the gym. 

*in the locker room*

"Hey Ambro." I turn to Minho. "That was the second time you had to deal with Kai."

"Ugh. I know. I hope this doesnt become a routine. I might just go crazy if i see his face again." I put my shirt on.

"Dont worry. Next time Henry, Key, and I will back you up."

"Yeah. Even though we joked about me not being the most athletic.  I can still throw a good punch."I smiled at what Key said.

"Alright ladies!" Coach Shindong yelled." Today is a beautiful day, so we are going to run laps." Everyone groaned."Hey now. Dont complain. This is probably the most excerise you'll get in a day. Now lets go. Amber stay here for a while." What did he want?

"What is it coach? "

He took out a piece of paper that looked like a schedule." I didnt get the chance to talk to you last monday during basketball because of what happend. But I want you to tryout for the team. You got talent. And we could use a player with your talent."

I never thought about joining the team. This sounds like fun. "Sure ill give it a shot."

After running my laps I fell to the ground exhausted with sweat all over me. "here you need this." I look up to see krystal and sulli standing over me with water bottles. Handing them to minho and key as well.

"Thanks." I take a bottle gulping down the water.

"Hey Ambro. What did coach talk to you about?" Minho asked.

"He wanted me to tryout for the basketball team." I drink another bottle.

"Dude you should do it! Im trying out too."

"Im planning on it, so dont worry." I chuckled. "when are tryouts?"

"In 3 weeks" Minho answered.

"I guess you and I better start training if we're going to make the team then." Minho helped me up from the ground.

"And we can cheer you guys on." Sulli said. Key and krystal nodded in agreement.


*So....not a lot really happened. Pretty slow. In my head I already figured out the beginning, major parts of the middle, and I think I know how I want the ending to be. But all that good stuff between those three points.....yeah.....writers blocks left and right. Haha! I feel like im going crazy, but in a good way. Also im pretty sure you notice grammar and punctuation errors. Sorry im just being lazy, but at least you can understand what's going on right?

On a side note. This may be a tad late (just a tad, I mean the size of a hair), but even though f(x) ended their promotions to 'Red Light' earlier than we expected. Let's support Sulli and all of f(x)! F(X) FIGHTING!

SM......I dont like you...... =_=


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Chapter 13: .hahaha its good! But I prefer TaengSic authornim.xDD
Poor Tiger!haha Krys u ok?:) more KryBer moments to cooooooome~:3
munyil_cutez #2
Chapter 13: wah, sica dont shy in front of yuri! ke ke
woah2 soojung, ur plan for sneaky them so funny!
amhar03 #3
Chapter 13: hoho sneaky krystal, i wonder what she'll do when she meet them..

and what happen if she caught with yuri and jessica? she'll surely skinned alive by helsica :v
Chapter 13: chapter 13: thank for update :)) and happy new year too author
kyaaaa minsull so cute,,kekekeke
kryber being cupid,,,lol
leejuyon14 #5
Chapter 13: awww krys is so nice helping amber with the tickets and her sister with yuri.. too bad shes alone while others are having fun with their patrners.. i volunteer to accompany her..hahaha
amhar03 #6
Chapter 12: oow poor krystal she have to date with her homework, i know what you feel krys :D
chapter 12 : nice update author..good job
krystal jealous is so cute
i hope you update soon and thank for update author-shi :))
elivalle #8
Chapter 12: Yaaaaayy!! Nice update and I hope you update soon! :D
Lysanguyen #9
Chapter 11: Finally u updated