Chapter Four


"I'm bored!" Tao wailed to his roommate and best-friend, Yixing, who prefers to be called Lay.

"We need to go on an adventure and live!  All we do is sit around in this cheap apartment and study," Tao complained.

"Correction, I study and you whine about how all I do is study," Lay rolled his eyes as he closed his notebook.

"But we need to go an adventure!" Tao continued to mewl to Lay.

"But we don't have the time or the money," Lay pressed the hard reality onto Tao.

"That's where your wrong," Tao told Lay, "I used your college loans to pay for a cruise."

"YOU DID WHAT!!?!!!??" Lay barked.

"Be ready because we leave tomorrow," Tao beamed as he walked into his room and began to pack.

"I can't go on vacation! Medical exams are coming up!" Lay called out, but Tao was simply to excited to consider his arguements.



"I can't believe you did this..." Lay grumbeled as he boarded the cruise ship, "I should be studying..."   A rather happy Tao dragged him along.

"Brighten up, we're on vacation!" Tao told Lay, lightly punching his shoulder.

The next night, Lay had finally grown calmer.  He and Tao had been mocking about in the arcade for quite some time, amounting in 4 stuffed animals from the claw machines crowding Lay's bag and a loss off roughly $40.  Lay maneuvered the claw and was rewarded with a stuffed panda that, like the other stuffed animals, he gifted to Tao.  But as Tao was trying to win a stuffed octopus for himself, an announcment sounded from the ship's overcom.


"Warning!  Please proceed to the life boats in an orderly fashion!"

"Tao run!" Lay turned toward the exit.

"Just wait!" Tao his lips in anticpation, "I have to get this octopus."

Scoffing, Lay took the younger one by his wrist and pulled him away in search for the nearest life boat.  "MY OCTOPUUUUSSS!!!!!"  Tao cried out.

They spotted a life boat already occupied by five other people.  They made a run for it, screaming to get their attention.  Before they could make it to the boat.  A blonde man rose to his feet and pressed a button.  Luckily, before the boat could drop, Tao and Lay dove on.  The life boat plummeted to the water with a loud splash. 

But as the life boat hit the water, they could hear the intercome of the ship switch on followed by the captain's familiar voice with an announcement...

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AHHHHH I love this so much!!