
My Wolfie

“Hold it, too much information in one go” I interrupted Yifan in his explanation, his mouth still open. Crap, I feel a headache coming.

“Let me get this right” if I look at him closely, can I actually see some fear in his yellowish orbs “you are a wolf who can transform into a human, just like the movies?” what is he so afraid of? It is not him who is only human and can get killed just by a claw.

He nodded and I continued “and you are looking for your mate, that’s why you were alone out in the forest without your pack” again a nod “and… you are the alpha of your pack” I stated the last that I could remember from his long speech in which I only listened to half of it, too preoccupied by my thought of ‘holy mother of cupcakes, I have a stranger in my bed and he can turn into a wolf’.

So maybe I didn’t get the most important parts of what he was saying but who can blame me? He is sitting right there, two meters away from me (I had to be sure he didn’t do anything to me) and is in the midst of explaining everything to me and wait… I’m doing it again, thinking too much and not listening at all to what he is saying.


“So that’s why I didn’t kill you and please don’t freak out!” Yifan looked at me with fear and other feelings I couldn’t explain, much to my irritation.

Okay this is embarrassing.

“Sorry, what? I zoned out” the fear disappeared from his eyes completely when he rolled them “sorry but this is a little too much to take in” he sighed and I followed him with my own exasperated exhale of breath.

“I will show you then” I didn’t get to ask what he will show me because he started leaning in and making my thoughts vanish one at a time with every centimeter he came closer.

It took him only two seconds for him to breathe upon my lips and at that moment just one question lingered in my mind by a thin thread.

I’m not gay, right?

That question got kicked out the window and got forgotten when his lips made contact with my own. It was an unfamiliar feeling and I’m sure this is not what normally happens when someone kisses.

Was it normal to feel like your whole being got tucked at and more specifically your soul?

Well normal or not that was what I felt and not only that but a lot more accompanied the strange sensation. My heart pulsated faster and more loudly than before, my body began to tremble and I felt this sudden urge to submit fully when his dominant aura washed over me like a wave.

That was not even the strangest thing.

Oh no, not at all.

The strangest feeling was him. I could start to feel him mentally, his every being, his feelings, his body, his touch, well basically just him.

It is not easy to explain.

It’s like…

You have been alone all your life, away from anything social and suddenly you weren’t alone anymore. All the darkness that may have consumed your mind vanished with one touch, one brush of the lips against your own. Like the a missing piece of your heart found its way home.

It’s like, eating your favorite food for the first time in years.

The relief of hitting the softness and comfort of your bed after a long tiring day.

Listening to your favorite music and skipping down the street on a perfect sun-filled day.

Kissing Yifan was all those things at one time and it only heightened when I started to kiss back.

I got totally overwhelmed and everything started to feel like some cheesy drama where the two main actors (finally) get together after 21 episodes with well… drama.

It felt like this really warm substance started to expand in my stomach, going up, past my throat, up to my brain before heading the opposite way and bringing the boiling feeling all the way down to the tip of my toes.

My personality, soul and mind (and it felt like my body too) melted to one with the man before me… eh on me? When did I start to lie down? When did he get on top of me?

As much as I probably enjoy this (and believe me I do) this has to stop.

I need answers and this time I’m sure I’m going to listen to them.

I gently put my hands on his chest and gave a light push as signal for him to stop, as not to anger him by being too forceful with getting him of me.

He understood my actions and stopped me from going further into my very own kingdom of heaven where my citizens are unicorns and fairies, and my palace is pink and made of glistening diamonds with a huge rainbow to top it all off in the background (I have always wanted my own kingdom).

He looked down on me with a look of anticipation upon his face and I suddenly didn’t feel like an ant, lost on the streets of Seoul with the threat of hundreds of boots in my face.

I guess I have to ask now.

Anytime now…

God dammit stop looking at me with your oh so shinning yellowish eyes and let my mind work without it swimming in its own goo!

Thank you very much.

Now I’m going to ask him like the calm and collected man I am.

“Wh-what is go-going on?” close enough.

He sighed and sat upright motioning for me to do the same which I complied to and he took my face in his hands, making me look him straight in the eye.

“Are you going to listen to me now?” I suddenly felt ashamed that I kinda zoned out when he had explained it all to me not once but twice… sorry. Heat began to crawl its way upon my skin, settling on my cheeks and I got reminded by the boiling feeling from some moments before but I somehow managed to nod my head and put all my attention on Yifan.

“The mate I was looking for was you” he paused shortly to make sure I was listening in which he got confirmed that I did, when my mouth lost its ability to stay closed as normal and Yifan continued “that’s why you felt like you did before” again that feeling came into my mind and I suddenly felt scared.

It was something in which I couldn’t control, frustration building up when I tried desperately to get a grip on the sensation to control it but only to have it slip right out of my hands like water and streaming further into my system, into every corner of my being until nothing was left untouched. To make sure that I was infected throughout my body and mind and that I didn’t have any opportunity to get away or fight it.

A battle that I had already lost before even trying.

But somehow I felt that losing now would make me win something else, something quite fantastic and something that might be my only ticket to a better and happier life.

But that didn’t mean that I could take this all in at one time and the headache that formed before in my head just came back tenfold. The weird feeling was still summing in my stomach, waiting for its opportunity to take over my body again by the simplest of touch from Yifan. I couldn’t believe all this. This shouldn’t be real.

But everything around me just screamed that it was indeed true and suddenly I lost the ability to breathe.

I began to hyperventilate, eyes shutting tightly and I could feel my consciousness slipping away by every sharp intake of air burning down my lungs.

What should I do?

This is so surreal. I knew about wolfs ever since my mom began telling me goodnight stories about the unseen creatures. As a child excitement rushed along with the belief about having a chance of seeing a wolf in my lifetime. But I was merely I child back then, still believing that magical beings lived among us in hiding.

Being a mate to one was a whole different story. One in which I wasn’t sure that I would like to take part in.

Warm, calm hands placed themselves on my shoulders and I got trapped between the want of running away to never look back and the tugging conscious of mine which really only wanted to snuggle in the comforting aura of the other male.

Was this how it felt to have a mate?

Yifan seemed so reliable and the look in his yellowish orbs made me want to crawl into is arms and never come back out despite that he was a stranger. But even when I know that the man before me is a stranger is his presence giving me all the knowledge about him that I needed.

It seemed like I didn’t have to know him for me to be confident enough to take his hand. Like the normal relationship way was totally different than this path of shared love.

 We only needed the feelings, the knowledge about each other could come later on.

We have all the time we need.

But I still couldn’t stop the thought of all this being forced on me. I didn’t choose this. But all that thinking ended with being useless when I gave up and fell asleep.

Right in the arms that I seemed to belong in.

Somehow despite all of my confusion, could I maybe get used to the thought of having a mate.

Remember I said maybe!






I'm so sorry that the update is a little late, but I just got this thing called a job and its killing me!! (>.<)

But nevermind I will still update XD

The next chapter might take a little longer for me to write but we'll see T^T

Thank you to all of you who support my writing I'm very grateful c:

So I will see you in the next chapter of this weird story ^_^

~~ Bye Bye ~~

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Next update coming soon XD


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LOL i love the last part although i did want for it to happen kkk tao so cute and adorbs with his imaginary hahaha
Dustwolf13 #2
Chapter 6: The end bit made me chuckle. I love it author-nim! :)
'Fell asleep 10 minutes later due to exhaustion.' Haha
Chapter 5: don't end it keep going
Loopymevixx #4
Chapter 5: Omg no ! Keep it! I love the taoris interactions!! Especially how you do zitaos thoughts!!!
Dustwolf13 #5
Chapter 5: Keep the story! This is the best Taoris I have seen to date! I love it!
nerry55 #6
Chapter 4: This is pretty amazing
FabulousWu #7
Chapter 3: Omg this story is starting out so good , I can't wait for next update
Sakublossom #8
Chapter 3: Great chapter!!! Cant wait for the next one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
daebok03 #9
Chapter 2: Omg I love this story. Total subscribing
me_nna #10
Chapter 2: soooooooo different from the other wolf-fic i've ever read
and for me, it means very good :D
waiting for next update ^u^

Lots of l0ve #hugandkiss *mumumumumu