Chapter Four

Teenage Wasteland

It was a Saturday morning and it would be the first time that he hadn't stayed in his dorm for the majority of the day. Dressed in a grey coat that went quite nicely with his candy floss blue hair, he left the dorm with Jongdae and Baekhyun hanging off each arm.


'I'm going to buy some new shoes and go to the library and get street food and scout for celebrities and...' Baekhyun babbled excitedly, but Sehun had stopped listening some time ago. His mind was purely focused on finding a salon that could sort out his hair at such short notice. Not that he hadn't grown attached to it. He'd be quite sad to see it go as it did compliment his skin nicely. What he wouldn't miss though were the constant jokes and comments, and the way that everyone felt they had to touch it.


He linked arms with Chanyeol as the twelve students joined together, stifling a laugh when Baekhyun and Jongdae began to speak in hushed tones about 'being sure to win the bet'. He contemplated setting up his own bet over who he'd end up murdering in the night first. Who was he kidding though? He'd end up killing them at the same time.


Everybody paired into their respective relationships, all except for Tao and Kris who were obligated to go together as they were the only ones left. As the pairs began to wander off, Junmyeon rounded them up again.


'Okay, remember, you are representing not only our school, but also EXO. If you let me down then there will be consequences.' Junmyeon warned. 'I have a list of all your names, and if you're not back at the gates by nine then prepare yourselves for hell. I will not have a repeat of last time.' He shuddered at the thought. 'That's all. We are one!'


'Fighting!' Chanyeol shouted in response, as did a few others. The pairs petered out until it was just Sehun and Chanyeol left.


'What the hell is EXO?' Sehun asked. 'And what happened last time you went on an outing?'


Chanyeol pulled at Sehun's arm, beckoning for him to start walking. 'EXO is the name of our group and I have no idea what it means. Ask Junmyeon because he made it up. As for last time we went out...' Chanyeol stopped talking as they passed by a hat shop, peering into the window at a snap back. Sehun nudged him onwards. 'Yeah last time everyone just sort of went crazy. Junmyeon and Kris think of themselves as the leaders and they nearly had a fit when nobody returned to the school when we were meant to. Everyone was missing for quite some time. I was in the park with Baekhyun feeding the geese but then we ran out of food and they chased us until Baekhyun fell over and broke his wrist, so we ended up at the hospital. They found Jongin in a strip club and Kyungsoo outside with a stony expression muttering something about how he wouldn't mind going to prison. Tao, Jongdae and Luhan went to a bar using fake I.D's but ended up getting in a fight. Tao did his whole wushu thing but ended up crying because he thought that he'd really hurt the people he was fighting and he said he was too pretty to go to jail. When Junmyeon found Yixing he was just wandering around and demanded that they go to the lake and use the row boats, but the boat had a leak and they both got pretty wet. Xiumin went home early and had prepared tea for when everyone came back. In my opinion it was a great day.'


'What is wrong with you people?' Sehun asked with a stony expression as he pulled Chanyeol's wrist into the hairdressers.


Luckily for Sehun, they were able to get their hair sorted out right there and then. Chanyeol almost cried when he curls fell to the ground, only just consoling himself because Sehun said he'd look better wearing hats if he got his hair cut. It also helped greatly that the hairdresser promised Chanyeol that he could take his hair home. Sehun, seated next to him with foil on his head, cringed at the thought of taking a bag of hair home.


Life felt relatively normal for Sehun as he sipped on a cup of tea and read a celebrity gossip magazine in the salon chair, pink towel wrapped around his head, and he perked up considerably when he got his eyebrows threaded. He was somewhat brought back to earth when Chanyeol began whimpering next to him and patting at his short hair, but Sehun reassured him that it looked good.


'Sehun, you know it's actually pretty great that you're here with me today because there's something I really need to tell you.' Chanyeol started when the hairdresser was at the other side of the room. Sehun swallowed, his throat suddenly dry.


'What is it?' Sehun croaked, his throat closing up slightly.


'I really don't want to date you. I know everyone expects us to but I can't see you in that way. You're like really not my type. I mean you pout like all the time and you never look happy and I just can't deal with that.' Chanyeol looked truly sorry as he spoke, meanwhile all Sehun felt was relief.


'Well don't go thinking that you're my type either. You're far too cheerful...and too tall.'


Chanyeol looked thoughtfully at Sehun. 'I think Tao likes you.'


Sehun didn't even try to keep the disdain from his face. 'I think you've misinterpreted the situation between Tao and I.'


'No I don't think I have. He talks about you in the dorm, like how you watch him when he trains and how you're good at chemistry.'


'He doesn't like me and I don't like him. End of.' Sehun huffed as he got his foils removed, and after his hair was washed and blow dried, he was happy to say that he was blonde again, and even cheerful enough that he'd accompany Chanyeol in hat shopping.



'Okay, line up. I want a full account of what you all did today before I can tick you off my list.' Junmyeon shouted over the various noises the EXO members were making. He ticked himself of the list and quietly mentioned to himself that he had spent a nice few hours at a spa and bath house, and then replied to himself that he looked better for having done it and that he deserved more luxuries in his life. Next was Yixing who told Junmyeon that after separating from him at the spa he had gone busking and then donated the money he had made to a local animal shelter. With these words Junmyeon ticked Yixing off the list and hugged him and told him that he was too good a person to live on this planet. The list was then gradually filled with ticks. Tao and Kris went to the science museum to learn about space (and Kris had purchased a t-shirt with the word 'galaxy' blazoned across the front of it in large white letters) and advances over time in medicine. Baekhyun and Jongdae had done all the things that Baekhyun had said he wanted to do at the start of the day. Kyungsoo and Jongin spent the day hopping from one restaurant to another until they couldn't eat anymore. Xiumin and Luhan had gone to an art gallery for part of the day and then went shopping for the rest of it, Luhan carrying all the bags because he said it was the 'manly' thing to do. Finally Sehun and Chanyeol told Junmyeon that they'd gone to the hairdressers and to a couple of shops in search of hats. With this Chanyeol lifted up his newest snap back and showed everyone his new hair style, most of them supportive, but Baekhyun looking like he was going to be sick. 'I liked his hair.' he muttered darkly, casting a death glare at Sehun.


'Well done everyone! Do you see how we can all have a nice time and not get into trouble?' Junmyeon smiled proudly at the group. 'Off you all hop to bed, or I suppose we can watch a movie at my dorm room if none of you are sleepy.'


The group nodded enthusiastically, all of them except for Sehun, knowing that a movie night in Junmyeon's dorm usually resulted in him buying pizza for them all. 'Okay, night clothes on, then I'll see you in a minute.'



It was a wonder how twelve of them managed to fit into the dorm, some sitting on beds and others sprawled on the floor. It seemed that Sehun had drawn the short straw when he was forced to go sit next to Tao who was busy texting and shoving pizza into his mouth.


'No pink pyjamas tonight?' he asked when Sehun sat at the opposite side of the bed from him. Sehun didn't answer him, instead throwing a pitiful look in his direction. Tao was no person to talk- he was wearing baby blue pyjama bottoms with little happy pandas dotted on them. 'Pay attention to me.' Tao whined, slowing down time to force their surroundings to come to a halt. 'Why did you change your hair?'


'Oh I don't know, probably because blue hair doesn't fall into the category of 'What Oh Sehun wanted his hair to be coloured by a group of stupid rich kids with too much time on their hands'. Sehun replied bluntly. Tao smiled his cat-like smile. 'I suggested pink.'


''Don't talk to me.' Sehun turned away, and Tao took this as his cue to make time normal again. Tao didn't sit by him after that. He moved onto the floor to sit by Junmyeon who his hair and fed him pizza, whispering things into his ear whenever he frowned. Junmyeon with his motherly instincts was a thing that Sehun admired most about him, even though he wasn't all too happy that he took on Tao as his ultimate baby when Sehun was in fact the youngest of the group. 'Junmyeon can we watch Clueless.' Tao said, snuggling into him, and Sehun was pretty sure that if he didn't look away and shield his ears from Tao's ridiculous aegyo then he'd be sick. 'Of course we can.'


'No we are not watching Clueless, we've watched it like twice already this month.' Jongin groaned. 'Let's watch a horror film.'


'We can't watch a horror film because Tao will get scared and end up trying to sleep in my bed tonight. You guys don't understand what that's like. He kicks.' Chanyeol whined.


Yixing cut in 'And he talks in his sleep.' Even though Tao had buried his face into Junmyeon's leg, Sehun could still see that he was bright red.


'Do you have any Disney films?' Kyungsoo asked as he applied a face mask at the other side of the room 'That should shut these babies up.' Nobody protested and so they ended up watching Bambi.


'Wow I didn't know they made a film about you, Luhan!' Jongin said, swiftly hiding behind Kyungsoo who told the fast approaching Luhan not to touch him. 'Why are you hiding, all I want to do is kick your shins a little bit.' Luhan growled as Xiumin pulled on his wrist and told him to shut up and sit down.


Soon they were all hushed though, all twelve of them engrossed in the movie. With the film was coming to an end and all that could be heard above the silence of the engrossed group was a soft sobbing noise. Nobody even had to question the source of it. 'I'm sorry, but it's just so sad.' Tao mewled, excusing himself from the room. 'It's funny because he could kick all of our asses if he wasn't such a cry baby.' Jongdae mused out loud, and Tao's departure seemed to be the cue for them all to start heading back to their own dorms. Sehun thanked Junmyeon for the pizza, to which he teared up because nobody ever thanks him for the pizza.  

ah that was quite a small chapter just to tide you all over. 


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just a heads up, I will be continuing with this story!! Expect an update soon-ish


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When will you update this story?
amazing_alanni #3
Chapter 5: Please please update i am incredulously curious about what will happen next
Catalina390 #4
Chapter 5: update soon please!! this is fun!!
iyuuuthh #5
Chapter 5: taohun are soulmate! yay!
its an interesting story.
i looking forward for krisyeol too then :)
Chapter 5: Ahhh I'm loving this fic so far! ! I really like the concept and the way that you characterize the boys ^^ I'm so glad I found this fic even if it's hard to wait for updates lol But this whole 'soulmates' concept is really cool; I'm excited to see more about what setao's combined powers can do c:
messikah #7
Chapter 5: Loved this chapter! They have matching tattoos haha ^.^ keep up the fantastic job!
nerdychanyeolism #8
Chapter 5: So cute awwwwww they're soul mates >.<
IloveTH #9
Chapter 5: Omg yay! Matching tattoos!! Now stop pretending you don't like eachother and just get together! Awesome chapter, again!
IloveTH #10
Chapter 4: Ahw, so adorable!! Go Taohun!!