Anything For You

Anything For You

Jaehee trudged up to the door of their apartment, exhausted and worn out from her work. The workers there with her weren’t doing their jobs properly, making her fix, literally, everything herself. Then the boss blamed her for the project that had turned out to be a failure. And the project wasn’t even hers! It was someone else’s but she was the one who got scolded and threatened to get fired.

At that moment, she actually wanted to get fired so she wouldn’t have to be part of that horrible environment anymore. But Jaehee knew that that would result badly and had clenched her teeth tightly and bowed her head.

Knowing that it would be a disaster if she exploded at her boss or her co-workers, Jaehee texted her boyfriend in attempt to calm down.

She texted him and told him what had happened at work. Although she didn’t specifically tell him the entire story, her boyfriend understood her difficulty and sent her some encouraging messages.

Because of him, Jaehee had been able to endure the rest of work.

Wearily, Jaehee opened the door and entered the apartment. The moment she went in, the house smelled amazing. An appetizing aroma was permeated around the house and Jaehee heard clanging of metal coming from the kitchen.

“Chanyeol oppa?” Jaehee called as she approached the kitchen. A tall figure was hunched over the counter, slicing some vegetables. When he heard his name being called, he turned and his previous expression of concentration changed into a huge smile.

“Jaehee! You’re back!” Chanyeol put down the knife and walked over to where Jaehee was standing. He hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head gently. Jaehee rested her head on his chest, enjoying the warmth of it. She breathed in deeply; his apple and cinnamon scent washed over her, soothing her.

After minute, they stepped back from their embrace.

“Chanyeol oppa, what are you doing in the kitchen?” she asked as she tried to peer around him.

“I’m making dinner,” he said with a proud smile.

“But it’s,” Jaehee glanced at the clock, “9:45 PM. It’s too late to eat dinner.”

Chanyeol tilted his head and asked, “Did you eat dinner yet, Jaehee-ah?”

“Oh….”  Jaehee just remembered that she skipped dinner so that she could finish the mountain of work in time. “No, I didn’t really have the time…”

“See? You need dinner and I’m making dinner. So you are going to eat the dinner I am making.” Chanyeol said with finality. She could see that Chanyeol was concerned about her and also eager to have her taste his masterpiece. So she couldn’t object.

“Fine,” Jaehee said, resigned. Then she yawned and rubbed her eyes involuntarily.

Seeing this, Chanyeol hugged Jaehee quickly.  

“Go take a bath and change into something more comfortable. I’ll probably be done with dinner by then,” he said with care.

She nodded in reply and went into her room.

Forty-five minutes passed quickly and Jaehee came out of her room with a large T-shirt, shorts, and wet hair. Her tensed muscles were finally loosened after that bath.

She approached the dining table and saw Chanyeol already sitting down.

He was nervously drumming his fingers on the wooden table, effortlessly keeping in time as he made up complex rhythms. Every so often, his large black glasses would slide down a bit, causing him to stop the constant beat to push it back up. Then he would resume his tapping unconsciously. He was biting his lips and worriedly glancing at the food set up.

Chanyeol looked like a nervous wreck.

He didn’t even realize Jaehee was there until she sat down across from him.

“Jaehee-ah! I didn’t hear you come,” he said surprised. The drumming immediately stopped.

“You were probably too busy worrying over nothing to hear me,” Jaehee said with a smile. “Why were you staring at the food like it was going to catch on fire any second?”

“Hey, stop exaggerating. I was merely concerned that you wouldn’t like it,” he said defensively.

“Why wouldn’t I like it? My very own boyfriend made it for me! It probably tastes like heaven.”

“Okay now you’re just trying to flatter me (and it worked). Just eat it!” Chanyeol urged on. His hands were clasped together as he looked expectantly at Jaehee.

She scooped some rice and stew with a bit of kimchi with her spoon and ate it. After chewing for a while, her eyes widened.

“Chanyeol oppa, this is amazing!” Jaehee exclaimed before taking another spoonful of the delectable food.

“Really?” the anxious expression changed into a relieved and satisfied one.

“Mhm! I didn’t know you cooked this well!”

“I had my friends teach me in our spare time,” he said modestly. “And I’m glad I did.”

Jaehee beamed at her boyfriend.

A few minutes later, Chanyeol slightly jolted as he just remembered something.

“Wait here, Jaehee-ah,” Chanyeol said before he got up and walked away. Jaehee was bemused but waited as he said to. He came back seconds later with his guitar.

Chanyeol sat down in his seat, took out his guitar, and strummed it to make sure it was in tune.

Once he was set up, he took a deep breath. He briefly glanced up at Jaehee and smiled. Then, with his long fingers expertly playing the guitar, in his deep voice, he started singing.

The small fluttering of your wings seemed like it was telling me to follow you

I was mesmerized by the mysterious you and stared at you and had my one soul stolen
Because I am completely drunk at your movements, I even forgot how to breathe

Wherever you came from, or wherever you’re going, up until now you always kindly greet me
A steep climb, the cliffs that cut off, don’t worry because there is no place to be afraid of

Your elegant figure oh I fall for it many times
Like this love, without even me knowing, comes and finds me unexpectedly

Even if we wander in unfamiliar places, even if we get lost
I’ll follow my heart that’s more honest than anyone else’s
Because I can’t resist your quiet movements that strike me, and your sharp and soft gaze

Take me yeah take me together with you to the place where you live
Oh even if the world ends, I’ll follow you
Oh no don’t go out of my sight
Even when the morning comes, don’t disappear oh
A small wave of your hand makes a whirlwind strike in my heart

Like a waltz, I sit lightly and can’t take my eyes off of you
My eyes naturally follow you every time you walk

Guide me yeah take me together with you to the place where you live
Even if the world ends, I’ll follow from behind you so please don’t go out of my sight
Even when the morning comes, don’t disappear
This walk that I’m dreaming
You’re my only beautiful butterfly


The last note played on the guitar resonated as Chanyeol reached behind him and took out a single rose. Leaning over the table, he presented the crimson flower to his girlfriend. Chanyeol lifted his head and look at Jaehee, gauging her reaction to his serenade. He was very pleased with what he saw.

Jaehee’s cheeks were painted scarlet and a small smile danced on her lips. Her hands were tightly clasped around the long stem of the rose. When his eyes met hers, she instinctively dropped her gaze to the floor.

She had to admit, that performance was one of the most romantic things she ever received from anyone.

“How was it?” Chanyeol finally asked. Jaehee recovered quickly and raised an eyebrow at her boyfriend.

“Is that even a question?” she asked incredulously. “It was perfect.”

“Not as perfect as you,” Chanyeol said cheekily. He threw in a wink and a heart sign for extra cheesiness. Jaehee rolled her eyes at that but smiled nevertheless.

 “We’ve been together for nearly a year and you never cooked for me once or serenaded me. What made today any different?” she curiously inquired.

“Oh, today?” Chanyeol hesitated and his hands involuntarily went up and scratched his head. “I just felt like doing something to cheer you up after you texted me. You sounded really miserable a few hours ago. And since I haven’t done a lot for you during our whole relationship, I felt like the least I could do for you is make you a meal and sing a song.”

Her lips formed a small O and Jaehee felt tears prickling her eyes.

Chanyeol answering her texts were enough to make her whole day ten times better. But this thoughtfulness of his was overwhelming and touching.  

Seeing her watery eyes, Chanyeol got up and reached over the slim table.

“Don’t cry over this!”

Jaehee also stood up and reached over to hug Chanyeol tightly.

“Thank you so much, oppa,” she whispered.

At first, Chanyeol was taken aback by her embrace. But he relaxed and wrapped his arms around her lovingly.

“Anything for you, Jaehee-ah,” Chanyeol said softly. 

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