s t a y

s t a y

“Minho!!” Taemin shouted, running down the cold, wet street to his best friend’s home, clad in only a long sleeved shirt, sweatpants, and converses. The drenched boy sighed in relief, spotting the dimly lit house. He banged as hard as he could, still shouting out the tall man’s name.

After a few long seconds, Minho opened the door. “Taemin… What are you doing here?” He questioned his eyes wide.

“W-why didn’t you tell me, Hyung?” Taemin looked up into the young athlete’s eyes.


6, 7. September.

A petite, blond boy sat lonely on the ground, staring down at his crisscrossed legs in shame that he was too shy and nervous to ask any of the other kids to play with him. They seemed like nice kids, they really did, but the timid 6 year-old was never the extroverted kind of child who could easily make friends. It just wasn’t him.

So there the boy sat, on the side of the playground, hearing and envying the kids who were enjoying themselves by playing tons of different games.

But suddenly, it started to rain.

“Everyone, come inside!” The teacher called. “Hurry, before you catch a cold!”

The boy pouted. And feeling even more saddened by the sudden droplet he felt plop onto his head, he wanted to make sure he was the first to waddle on inside of the building.

The young boy hated the rain. He hated everything about it. He hated how it would wet his clothes and hair which would then stick to him. He hated how it would make him sick. He hated how there could be scary thunder and lightning. Most of all, he hated how it would make the sun go away. His big, beautiful sun would disappear every time it rained and he hated that.

As the kid made his way through the door, another kid, slightly older and very lanky, came speeding past, making the blond boy lose his balance and fall down onto the hard floor.

“I beat you, Jonghyun-hyung!” The taller boy grinned proudly at the door, not realizing what he’d done to the younger boy on the ground.

“Ow…” said boy whined quietly while rubbing his head. The boy willed himself not to cry but his bottom lip was quivering.

“Oh, jeez!” gasped the winner of the race, realizing that one of his peers was on the ground and helping him up. “Did I do that?”

“Um… kinda… I-it’s okay, though.” He recovered, not wanting to upset the only friend he had a chance of having.

“I’m sorry. I’m Minho by the way! What’s your name?” The older boy said, smiling.

The blonde boy introduced himself as well. “I’m Taemin.”

“You’re cute, Taemin!” Minho giggled.

Taemin blushed and looked down. “Th-thanks.” Taemin’s head down helped Minho to spot something.

“Whoa!” Minho exclaimed with wide eyes. He lightly touched the side of Taemin’s head and showed the boy his fingers. “You’re bleeding!”

Seeing his own blood caused tears to spark in Taemin’s eyes as he cried loudly.


 “Did you run all the way here, Tae? In the rain?” Minho badgered.

Taemin’s gaze averted to his feet. “Why didn’t you tell me, hyung…?”

The older of the duo sighed. “Get in here, out of the rain.” He said, pulling his friend out of the nasty weather.

“Minho!” A middle-aged woman called from upstairs, gaining both of the two boys’ attention. “The last truck will be here in less than five minutes! Make sure you’re ready so you don’t get too wet from the rain!”

“Alright, mom!” Minho ran a hand through his hair then started rummaging through a random bag and dug out a cloth to wrap around Taemin.

“Hyung…” Taemin looked sadly at anywhere but Minho’s eyes.

“I’m sorry, Tae. I just-”

Minho’s mother called again. “Min! I need you to help me!”

“I’ll be right there!” Minho replied then sighed. “I’ll be right back.”

Once Minho disappeared upstairs, Taemin got a chance to take a good look at things. Everything was in a box, or a bag. There was no more furniture. All was packed down and ready for transportation.


Transportation meant leaving. Leaving with all his stuff. Leaving to a better place.

Leaving without Taemin.


8, 10. April.

“Thanks for walking me home, hyung.” Taemin giggled.

“I walk you home every day, Minnie. You don’t have to keep thanking me. We’re friends. Besides, I can’t let you walk down this street alone. There’s not many people, and something could happen. ”

“Oh… thank you.” The shorter of the two smiled.

Minho chuckled. “Pabo.”

Taemin just meronged Minho.

“I have to pee, Minnie!” Minho wiggled. “Where’s the nearest bathroom?”

“Geez, hyung, your bladder is the size of a pea!” Taemin laughed. “There’s a port-a-potty in that park right there!”

Minho turned his head to where Taemin was pointing, relieved. “Oh, yippee! I’ll be right back!” He exclaimed running over to the big plastic rectangle.

Taemin giggled at his friend then sat down at a park bench a few feet away from the outhouse. He was humming a soft tune as he played with his thumbs.

“Hey.” A voice that, compared to Taemin’s, seemed EXTREMELY deep said. Taemin almost peed in his pants at just the sound of it. He slowly lifted his head to meet the eyes of the biggest 6th grade bullies at his school, Kim Sunggyu and Jang Dongwoo.

“U-um, hi there…” The youngest boy said timidly. At this moment, Taemin was praying for Minho to come out of the rectangular urinal box. Taemin had never handled bullies too well, being so sensitive and fragile. He didn’t know how to stand his own ground but that was what Minho was always trying to teach his little friend. He knew he wouldn’t always be there to protect the scared boy but Taemin never wanted to hear it. Now, he’s paying for it.

Sunggyu and Dongwoo walked closer to the boy. Dongwoo grabbed Taemin by the neckline of his shirt, pulling him up off his feet. Then, Dongwoo chuckled and looked left to his partner in crime.

“So, what should we do with this kid, ‘Gyu?” Dongwoo asked, an evil smirk drawn upon his face.

Sunggyu matched the same smirk. “Why don’t we mess with him a little?”

“Yeah, sure.” The younger of the bullies chuckled. “Look, he’s already crying!”

Taemin was trembling, tears racing down his face. “P-please... D-don’t hurt me…”

Sunggyu tsked. “Yeah, okay.” He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He cocked his fist back, ready to deliver a blow when suddenly a force tackled Sunngyu to the ground.

“Leave him alone!!” Minho screeched as he collided into the twelve year old. Seeing the scene, Dongwoo tossed Taemin onto the ground carelessly and pulled Minho off of Sunggyu and held his arms behind him.

“Hey! Get off!” Minho struggled to get free but failed obviously being weaker, skinnier and a few years younger than his opponent. “Get-!” He started but couldn’t finish as he got punched in the stomach. He coughed and groaned loudly, leaning forward. Another blow hit his gut. A few to his face causing a black eye, bloody nose. More to his poor, bruised tummy.

Taemin had tried to stop them, he really had. But he was simply too weak. Whenever he tried to stop them, he’d just get shoved out of the way like he was nothing.

“Alright, alright, he’s had enough.” Sunggyu said and then the two boys walked away.

Just like that.

At this point, Minho was on the ground, gasping, bleeding, half of him purple.

And what could Taemin do? Nothing. Except cry.

Cry about how he was too weak to defend himself. How he was too weak to defend his friend. How he was too weak to do anything but sit there and cry.

And so there was Minho, the bruised and aching one, hugging and trying to comfort Taemin as he sat there and cried.


Taemin was at a loss for words when Jonghyun had called him about Minho leaving today (which he realizes now that he maybe wasn’t supposed to say.)

The slender boy plopped down on one of the bigger boxes and sighed.

Why was this happening? Minho was his best friend. Why was he going away?

Minho walked back down the stairs, three large boxes stacked up in his hands. He was strong. So strong. That was something Taemin always admired about him. Something that everyone admired about him.

Minho plopped the boxes down. “Sorry about that..”

“Sure.” Taemin mumbled, staring at the hardwood floor.

“Listen, Taemin, I was going to tell you, I just… couldn’t.”

Taemin fiddled with his sleeve. “And why is that?”

Minho took a seat next to his friend. “You know why, Tae. I just couldn’t say goodbye. I couldn’t bear it.”

Taemin chuckled bitterly. “So, it’s only about your feelings and what you can bear to do.”

“That’s not what I mean and you know it, man. You’re my best friend, I just didn’t want to upset you.”

“And how’s that working for you?” Taemin snapped.

Minho sighed softly.


13, 15. January.

Taemin never knew why Minho loved sports so much. To Taemin, who was very much physically uninclined, sports were just something that he needed to do to pass P.E. (which was probably his least favorite subject ever.)

See, while Minho was star player of well basically just about every varsity team in school, Taemin was well… the last one picked for kickball. Taemin just couldn’t understand or really be any good in sports like his tall friend.

Yep, Taemin never understood. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t support Minho with everything and stick with him no matter what happened. Like a broken leg.

It was nearing the end of the basketball season and the 15 year old was on fire. Lay-up after lay-up, jump shot after jump shot, free throw after free throw, everything! But the other team was getting weary. Weary enough to triple team the poor rookie so that he couldn’t see and was virtually trapped. He tried to dribble past them, the only choice he had. Unfortunately, the plan went rather badly. He ended up tripping over one of their ankles and falling on the ground, which resulted in the breaking of his left shin.

And ever since Minho had been in the hospital, Taemin had been visiting him every day.

“Aish, Minnie, you don’t have to come visit me all of the time.” Said Minho, sipping some apple juice.

“Don’t be ridiculous, hyung.” Taemin smiled. “I’m honored to be to your personal bus boy while you’re temporarily handicapped.” He chuckled, fluffing his friend’s pillow.

Minho adjusted, comfortably. “And an excellent bus boy you are, indeed.” He grinned.

Taemin giggled. “Let’s get back to the game, hyung.” he sat back down in his chair.

“I’m coooold, Minnie.” Minho pouted.

Taemin rolled his eyes, amused. “And what would you like me to do about that?”

Minho slid his body over and patted the spot next to him.


Minho just batted his eyelashes and nodded.

Taemin shook his head but rolled into the bed anyway. “Tell me if it gets uncomfortable.”

Minho smiled softly as his eyes started drooping heavily. “I’m always comfortable around Tae...” He dozed off quickly.

“Pabo.” Tae shook his head and slowly drifted too.


Taemin breathed a bit, calming down. “…Where are you going, Hyung?”

Minho wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans and pulled his fingers back. Taemin knew those were signs that Minho was nervous.

“How far?” Taemin asked quietly.

Minho hesitated. “The UK. It’s a full sports scholarship… When I first sent it in, I was just messing around. But then I started getting letters and phone ca-”

 “Of course you’d get in.” Taemin couldn’t help the small smile that came on his face. Distraught or not, Taemin knew how amazing of a player Minho was. It didn’t matter what sport.

Minho looked over at Taemin. He sure had come a long way from the timid, pouty, doe-eyed boy he used to be. He’d grown and bloomed beautifully.

Minho’s gaze fell to Tae’s bracelet. They’re so-called “man-bracelets” because two guys getting matching bracelets was way too girly to consider. So it turned out that there were some cool black “uni” (as the cashier saleswoman lady so interestingly put it) bracelets that were as equally charming as the other gold ones.

Minho looked at the one on his wrist. It was way more worn out than Taemin’s because Minho never took his off. But Taemin’s still looked new. That was because, even though he wore his a lot too, he also treated it like a precious gem. Polishing it, keeping it clean and dry.

Minho always wondered how Taemin could throw his whole soul into everything he did, never doing anything half-heartedly and always wanting what was best. He never settled for good enough. He was so passionate. There was a passion that no one else in the world had that was in Taemin. That’s what Minho admired about him.


16, 17. November.

Minho was running late again. He never was really that punctual.

Minho was supposed to pick Taemin up from dance practice so that they could catch the premiere of a brand new scary movie. Taemin boasted about how this time, he wouldn’t be scared despite how many questioning glance and “are you sure?”s Minho dropped upon him.

The last time that Taemin and Minho watched a movie together, results were rather negative. At around 20 minutes into the movie, the more petite of the two teenagers ended up wriggling himself in all ways that he could behind his friend and squeezing his eyes shut, trying to block out all sights and sounds. It was as if on cue that whenever a sound effect played, Taemin gasped. It actually amused Minho quite a bit, how jumpy his pal would get whenever he heard the words “scary” and “movie” together in a sentence (well up until like a week ago.)

For some strange and unknown reason that Taemin apparently couldn’t explain, Taemin seemed to now be a super brave tough guy, which, very honestly speaking, worried the athlete a bit. If it was indeed true that Taemin could be unaffected by a simple movie, imagine what else he wouldn’t need Minho’s help with. He knew it was kinda shallow and selfish but Minho wanted to feel important and well… needed when it came to his best friend.

Minho wondered if it was weird that he wanted to know that Taemin needed him there to hold when he was scared. He shrugged it off as he walked through the glass doors into the dance studio.

Taemin was the only person in the room (besides Minho now) and he was in the middle of the floor , smoothly dancing.

Minho stopped in his tracks, admiring the blonde’s amazing skill and talents. The way that Taemin so fluently spun, popped, and locked perfectly on beat was awesome. Minho loved to see Taemin dance in the rare moments when he did. He knew that dance was one of the only things in the world he really loved and could truly explore.

Minho was a terrible dancer with his awful timing and his just awkward moves.

It sort of amazed Minho how Taemin could be so amazing and coordinated when there was a beat yet with any sort of sport, Tae wasn’t good at all and vice versa for Minho.

The music slowed to a silence as Taemin finished off the dance. Minho started clapping loudly causing Tae to jump and turn quickly to see his hyung’s smiling face.

“How long have to been here, hyung?” he amusedly asked, picking up his dufflebag.

“Awhile.” Minho shrugged. “I wanted to watch you dance.” He replied to Tae’s questioning glance.

“You’re such a creeper.” Taemin laughed, hitting his friend on the shoulder. His eyes shifted to his watch and he gasped. “Come on, we’re gonna be late!” He grabbed Minho’s wrist and ran out of the studio.


Honking. “Truck’s here, Min!” Minho’s mother said, carrying a bag down the stairs. “Start mov-” she paused her sentence seeing Taemin sitting next to Minho. “Oh, hello, Taemin. I didn’t know you were here. Do you mind helping us move some of these boxes?”

Minho shook his head. “Uh, no he doesn’t have to-”

“Don’t be ridiculous, hyung.” Taemin interrupted. “Of course I’ll help, Ms. Choi.” He smiled at her brightly. He picked up a box and carried it out through the rain and into the truck along with the Choi’s and the pattern continued until the house was completely empty.

Minho told his mom that he’d meet her in the truck in a few minutes.

“This is too real…” Taemin whispered to himself, looking around.


17, 19. One week earlier.

Taemin was sent to go shop by his Key hyung for a small get together happening at his house.

“Hmm… chips, soda, candy… what else did hyung say?” Taemin tapped his chin and tried to look around to remember what else but something caught his eyes.

It was Minho. He knew it. Even though the person was facing the other way, he just felt it. He had been seeing less and less of his best friend and he didn’t know why so it stung a little. Not to mention his realization of the true feeling he had or Minho. Love. Not best friend love. Real love.

“… Minho hyung?” Taemin asked out to a figure facing the other way. The figure just continued to walk forward.

“Minho??” Tae called louder, following him. The man turned around slowly.

“Oh, hey, Taem.” Minho replied, chuckling awkwardly.

“Shopping for your mom?” Taemin asked, grinning.

Minho nodded, reverting his attention to the shelves.

“So, hey, I’ve been trying to call you because Kibum hyung is throwing a party later and I know that he’s saying it’s small but we both know how that’ll easily turn-”

“I don’t… think I’m going to go.” Minho answered.

Taemin paused. “Hm? Why not?”

“I’m just not into it.” Minho shrugged.

“Are you kidding? Minho the almighty jock not into parties? Quit messing around. Is everything okay?”

“It’s fine, Taemin. Look, I gotta go.” Minho said abruptly then walked away.

Taemin just stood there blinking. ‘What did I do?’


“It all makes sense. This is why you were being so cold to me… You wanted to distance yourself from me so you could leave without me knowing.” Taemin concluded.

“I’m sorry.” Minho said quietly.

Taemin looked up into Minho’s eyes. “It’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me. But uh… pretty gay if you ask me.” He joked and they shared a small, sweet laugh.

Minho combed his fingers through Taemin’s hair. “I’m going to miss you so much…” Taemin sighed.

“… Say the word and I’ll stay.” Minho stated softly.

Did Taemin want Minho to stay? All the memories, mayhem and mishap between them would end if Minho left, Taemin’s one true love would be gone with a flash but… this was the chance of a lifetime for Minho. What choice could Taemin make?

“I…” Taemin started but stopped and Minho’s face inched closer to his. Their lips were a centimeter apart.

Honking. “Minho!! We’re gonna be late, come on!!” called Ms. Choi.

Minho pulled his head back and looked down. Taemin scratched the back of his neck. They turned off the lights and walked out of the house together. Back into the pouring rain.

Minho reached into the truck and pulled out a blue umbrella. His favorite umbrella. “I know you hate the rain. Here.” He handed it to the smaller boy. Taemin accepted it, nodding and opening it up over them. Minho closed the truck and hugged Taemin tightly. “I love you.” He whispered.

“I love you too.” Taemin replied, willing himself not to cry.

Minho hopped into the truck and stared out the window as he was driven away.

Away from Taemin.

Away forever.

“I’ll say it, hyung.” Tears flooded down Taemin’s face as he breathed, dropping the umbrella, sinking to ground on his knees. “I want you to stay.”


hola, mis amigos!

Thank GLOB this is finally over!

You guys wouldn’t believe it but this story literally took me almost 11 months :0

So, this was for my 2 year anniversary on this site ^.^ I finally got my crap together and did this and am in the process of updating TLOAF and ILKJIT so fans of those two stories, don’t worry!

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed! What did you guys think? Did you listen to the song? I hope you did! I really enjoyed making this and my goal was to make someone cry! *^* Did you cry? Review please!

Love and Sparkles! ***


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hmm.. never thought of doing a sequel~ hmm..


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Chapter 2: I like your story~~ I love how you made Infinite the bad guys ^^ I laughed imagining cute bubbly Dongwoo hit someone~~ ^^
so sad.. :( I want them to be able to love each other ^^
ShineeMaril10 #2
Chapter 2: Yeeeess!! Sequel!:D
Chapter 2: Yesplease. A sequel to this is needed :)
Chapter 1: Wonderful! SQEUL?
Chapter 1: authornim! this is so good ^^
Chapter 1: Yes I am crying :') This song was perfect for this sad but beautiful story. I love it ♥. Can you make a sequel please??
aniel9 #7
Chapter 1: Whouaaa... It's really beautiful and sad..
Can I ask you for a sequel... :) That would be great..