When EXO Sleep's...


Request anything you want this story originally is to have 36 chapters but if I get request I will be sure to post just tell me whether you want it to be a good bad or dirty dream with your bias this story are all dreams that EXO have so your name will be in the story but there will be no direct speech it will be told from his point of view






You Choose The Dream...


Either way EXO has them all...


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Exo12exo12 #1
Train_girl #2
I wanna request!!I want a dirty dream... The name shall be lina!
Chapter 1: This is so so so so so so cute! Ahh~ It's so fluffy and squishy! If it were an object or something, I would cuddle with this because it's fluffy^^
Way to use a library... it's so quiet and innocent. Good choice with the settings
I want to request! How can I request??
Yuurariin #5
Yaaaaaaaaaaay I'm so happy you did ^_^
Syoanne #6
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaaaaaa sooooooooo cuuuuuuutttteeeeee!! I love it~!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️