Nighttime Sky
Hyeon Sae, a vampire hunter, is part of a hunting team comprised of Sunggyu, Hoya and Sungyeol - all talented hunters. But their final member, Dongwoo, makes her skin crawl. To make it worse, he's a vampire. The things she puts up with to keep the city safe.
Vampires. No matter what, Hyeon Sae couldn't get away from them.
She was a vampire hunter by trade, but even when she and her team were home, she was still surrounded by vampires. Or, rather, vampire. A ridiculously infuriating vampire.
Dongwoo seemed to love nothing more than to aggravate Hyeon Sae, which was fine by her. SHe loved nothing more than to make Dongwoo miserable. Sure, it annoyed her teammates, but there was no stopping the animosity between the two.
The only thing that brought them together - their satisfaction from killing enemy vampires.
This story contains strong language and depictions of violence but is not rated M (mostly because I don't think it's bad enough to warrant that rating).
It is also heavily based off the music video for Fall Out Boy's "A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me".
Made as a submission to contest:
For The Love of Dinos: A Dongwoo-centric Writing Contest