One little question

One little question


Siwon smiled happily as he walked down the bustling streets of Seoul, resisting the urge to skip like a young school girl. He tightly clutched the little velvet box in his pocket, another smile creeping onto his face. 5 years. 5 years it had taken him to muster up the courage to finally step into that little shop and to finally buy that one little thing he needed to ask that one little question.  He took his cell from his other pocket, carefully rereading a small text he had written not long ago. He scrolled down his contact list, sending his text to the one person it concerned. The one person who always managed to put a smile on his face.

As he walked into the little coffee shop he had described in his text, the owner and some of the employees greeted him with a faint smile, accompanied with a roll of the eyes.

“Why are you so disgustingly happy?” a man with long, dark hair tied back into a small ponytail asked with a snort.

“Today’s the day!” Siwon replied happily, clutching the little box again, this time taking it out.

“Really?! I’m so happy for you, hyung!” a smaller man with sparkly eyes said cheerfully, quickly hugging Siwon.

“Hehe, thanks Wook.”

“I see… So it’s finally come to this. Good luck Siwon.” the owner, a man with roundish baby face, similar to that of an angel, said, patting Siwon’s head.

“Who would have thought?” the longhaired man snorted again. “And here I was thinking you would never pop the question. Now let’s see that thing.”

“Heechul, behave…” the owner warned him, looking judgingly at him.

“Give it up, Leeteuk-hyung. That guy’s never gonna learn how to behave.” a voice sounded from the back of the shop and another man with slightly wavy hair stuck his head through the doorway, smiling mischievously.

“Shut up, Donghae!” Heechul retorted.

Siwon chuckled as he showed the contents of the little velvet box to his friends, his smile growing bigger as he saw the approving looks on their faces.

“With something sparkling so prettily like that, there’s no way the answer will be no.” Heechul nodded.

“No Heechul… That’s not what’s important here…” Leeteuk said, rolling his eyes.

“It’s so pretty, hyung!” Ryeowook gasped a little, still admiring the box’s contents.

“Wooo, that’s quite expensive looking.” Donghae whistled.

“Not really…” Siwon said. “It’s more than worth it.”

“So when’s the big moment?” Leeteuk asked, quite curiously.

“Any minute now…”

“Are you going to ask here?!” Ryeowook shrieked, excitedly clapping his hands.

Siwon nodded, feeling a little ashamed for not informing his friends beforehand. But really, this felt like the best place to do so. This is where they met after all…

The bell above the door rang softly as a neatly dressed woman with long, brownish hair and big eyes entered the shop. She panted a little, as if she had been running. Siwon quickly tucked away the box when he saw her, his determination faltering a little. She looked around until her eyes meet those of Siwon and she sighed. She walked up to him, her hips swaying gracefully as she did.

“What’s wrong? You never text me in the middle of the day.” she said, sounding a little concerned.

“Nothing.” Siwon answered, smiling awkwardly. He looked over to the other side of the shop, glaring angrily at the guys standing just behind him, eagerly listening to their every word. “Ahem…”

“Right…” Leeteuk said, motioning the others to get ‘back to work’ as he kept glancing over his shoulder.


“Ah… Sorry. I… I just needed to ask you something…”

An eyebrow went up in confusion. “Couldn’t it wait until we got home?” she asked.

“Uhm… Well I guess it could…”

“Oh for Chrissake! Just ask her already!” Heechul shouted angrily, looking quite annoyed.

Siwon turned around again, glaring angrily once more at his friends who are now hiding behind the counter, but was pleased to see Leeteuk slap his hand in front of his mouth as he, Donghae and Ryeowook dragged him to the back. Siwon turned back to the woman in front of him, clearing his throat a little before continuing.

“Uhm… Right. I don’t want to sound cliché or anything…”

Siwon got the little box from his pocket, holding it in front of her and suddenly, her eyes widen and her jaw dropped a bit. The question really wasn’t needed anymore when Siwon gracefully opened the box and the small ring with a simple, faintly pinkish diamond, glittering in the light was revealed. But he asked her anyway. Just to make it more real.

“I’m sorry I took so long. But will you be my wife?”

Tears clouded her eyes as she fiercely nodded her head, before jumping into Siwon’s arms, the happiness overwhelming her. And Siwon too had never hugged her as tightly as he did now, every fibre of his body cheering and screaming to never, ever let her go.

And all it took, was one little question.

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Chapter 1: happy for them lololol
sea0horse #2
Chapter 1: that is soooo sweet, your a really good author XD
Chapter 1: Omg how you described the members is so cute and funny :)
Sweet and short, well done! Congrats!
Congrats ! <3
Kyaaaaah That was soo fluffy and adorable :3 I love how you captured the personalities of the members XD Good job~!
Congrats XD