sing me a melody.

coffee cups and lullabies.

Rushing into work effortlessly, pushing on the handle with no effort in order to arrive to work as soon as possible with everyone else. Exchanging quick glances and waves as well. The straps of her apron was tied together into a secure knot, sighing in content whilst turning on the machines ahead of time. The bell ringing occasionally, notifying the workers that the customers were coming inside. Incoherent conversations were lingering in the room, mixture of whispers of orders or people talking; it's the usual scenery for Eunji. 

"Open mic is happening tonight." Chorong brought up, nudging her best friend's side while pouring in the amount of iced tea until it reaches the top. Securing it with a lid and setting a straw on top, placing it on the counter for the customer to take. 

Eunji glances at the brunette with a nonchalant shrug, whipped cream concealing the very top as she mimics the previous actions Chorong did whilst responding back. "And?" 

"You should perform." 

A laugh threatened to slip out, she wasn't one to exactly sing in front of others. It happened during her high school years during the talent show, winning first or second most of the time. Oh the memories, she muses. "I'll think about it." Eunji responds with, actually putting thought into it. It wouldn't be bad to do so, it was singing one song after all. During open mics, it was a social gathering for talented performers to arrive and sing.

As the evening began to appear, the seats being occupied by people. Familiar faces coming inside of the cafe and when the manager prepares the speakers behind the tiny stage on the left corner. The lights resting directly on that one area, for everyone's attention to focus on there and the menu too. 

"Well?" The older woman asked, hoping that she would get up and sing one song. Even if she didn't prepare it ahead of time. 

Eunji cranes her head towards her direction, a brow raised in surprise while looking over at Chorong. Scoffing underneath her breath, fingers drumming along the counter. Eyeing the stage once as she in a breath. "Probably not." 


"Oh, look at that." Pointing to the direction where the door is. Noticing three men walk inside, one which Chorong grown quite an adoration for. "It's your precious boyfriend."

The shade that spreads along her cheeks was obvious on Chorong's cheeks. Trying to laugh it off coolly only to nudge her friend on the side, palm grazing along her rosy tinted lips. "We're just friends." And speaking of friends, she noticed an unfamiliar face walking besides Lu Han and Chanyeol. Which was odd because normally if either one of them were to walk inside, she'd at least know who the rest of them were. Then again, they were quite known around campus. 

"Working?" Lu Han questioned, noticing the attires and the apron on their tiny frames. They nodded in unison as the charcoal colored hair woman responded back first. "Of course, until open mic's done." When Chanyeol walked to the counter, elbows planted on the surface. Chuckling softly when he heard the girl's respond, finding it predictable since they couldn't slack off when they're still on the job.

"New friend?" Eunji blurted out unknowingly, not having a mouth to mind filter during that time. The men looked at her in disbelief before Chanyeol points to the male with the guitar resting on his lap when he was seated on the chair on the stage. Fingers twiddling the tabs, readjusting it as his other hand strum through the thin strings. 

"Nope. He just decided to come when I told him about open mic." The Chinese male explained. Fingers coiled around the cup when Chorong was done with his order that he asked for beforehand. The flavor of ice coffee lingering in his mouth. 


"You interested?"

Shooting a quick glare at the taller male, lifting up a hand in order to silently threaten to throw it against his cheek. The rest of them chuckled, especially when playful jokes were to spit out of those tiny lips of hers as well. Suddenly, she keeps quiet. As the people around the cafe too.

"You can’t get familiar with something from the beginning. I think of the flickering moments so my heart can rush again." The words that fall out of his lips were combined into an harmony that she never heard before. Nothing could even compare to it either. Lyrics continued to drop, one word after another. Fingers strumming along the strings of his guitar, eyes fluttered close occasionally but when he opens his eyes. It met with Eunji's.

With the performance being over after four minutes, the audience clapping and cheers were falling out of his friend's lips as well. The atmosphere tonight was enjoyable, she loved it. "Yeah, you're so interested." Chanyeol noticed, pointing it out with his finger and a mocking grin plastering on his lips as well. 

"Yah! Shut up!"

"You sure you're okay with locking the place up after?" Chorong inquired. Not wanting to put all the work on her friend's shoulders. An arm rests along Lu Han's back to keep close to side, watching the younger girl wave her hand. Dismissing the pair since they were only there left, Chanyeol leaving a half an hour earlier due to dinner calling him as soon as possible. "Of course, now you love birds go and I'll be here to clean up." Turning them to the other side, where her vision falls to their backsides. Pushing them lightly out of the door before waving once again, not focusing on the dumbfounded reaction on their face by then. 

Grabbing the chair by the leg, carrying it to set it on the table. Repeating the process a few more times until she needed to clean the tiled floor with a broom, making sure any garbage that was left behind unknowingly (or purposely -- because some customers get away with leaving their trash behind carelessly. Singing underneath her breath, a soft song that wouldn't leave her mind.

And suddenly the microphone stand drops and she lifts up the broom for self defense. 

"You can set that down." When she gets a clearer view of the stranger, it slowly drops down to the ground, hands still grasping onto it tightly. "Sorry, I needed to use the restroom." Baekhyun explained, crouching down to fix the things he brought here in the cafe. 

"No it's okay." Eunji reassures, the guilt running through her body when doing so. Overreacting but he didn't seem like one to harm someone. "You did really well today." She complimented, sweeping away any other dusts away before she places the broom into the closet containing any possessions to clean up a mess. 

"You saw? Thanks." He replied back, turning to face her as he smiles softly to himself. "Name's Baekyun by the way."

"And I'm Eunji, you're welcome." He felt as if he heard that name somewhere else before, brows furrowing in thought as he snaps his fingers. Thumb pressing down on his chin before speaking again. "Oh you're Chorong's friend? I only know because Lu Han speaks about her a lot but he mentions you from time to time."

There's a lighthearted laugh that escapes the center of her lips from his comment. Only hoping that whatever he told Baekhyun were good things. Otherwise, she'd have to put more effort into making a better impression in his eyes.

"You have a nice voice too. Heard you singing a while ago." His voice trailed into her ears, startled by the compliment but the bashful smile spreads along her lips. Hand waving dismissively as she murmurs a quick 'thanks'. The male adjusts his body, sitting down on the edge of the stage. Guitar on his lap, positioning himself the way he did hours ago. Fingers pulling and playing along the strings, the song she sang; the rhythm was playing from the male when he starts playing his guitar. 

He pauses, "Can you sing again? For me."

Biting her lip nervously, Eunji walks over to sit besides him, hands resting on her lap as she hears the beginning being replayed. Lips gradually parting away from each other in order to sing the song softly for their ears to hear. "It’s alright, I, even without you, I’m alright. Even some of the days when I remember, it’s alright. Truthfully, I don’t think I still believe it. In a rainy day like today. Together we listened to this song. I stare into space for a while and smile."

He still strums the strings, managing to keep up and soon enough he decided to sing along. "Baby, baby, you’re caramel macchiato. Still, near my lips, your scent is sweet. Baby baby, you’re more than the scent of caffe latte. Do you remember this feeling, this comfort. Baby, baby, tonight." 

Their voice were harmonized perfectly. The corners of their lips flashes bashful smiles and once the tiny snippet of the song finishes, due to a hand conceal a sudden burst of laughter coming from her lips. He stops to laugh along with the other, gazing over at her with adoration in his irises. Finding the girl to be quite adorable.

Eunji takes notice of a pair of eyes to glance at her, gazing directly back at him with her smile softening up into a closed mouth smile. "What are you looking at?" 

"You." Bluntly stating, he brings her hand up to his lips. Planting a gentle kiss on her knuckles before he gracefully drops it back to her lap politely. When Lu Han or Chanyeol speak about the other girl, he questioned how she would act around him. And just like the song itself; she's warm, comforting and sweet. Like the caramel macchiato he orders from this certain cafe except when he does, the boys are usualy the ones picking it up for him. Always stuck in extra music classes. "I hope you and I can sing again in the future." 

A warm blossoms on her cheeks, biting her lip in anticipation if this would happen in the future. She hopes so, to listen to his voice again and spend time with him again.

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Ainur19 #1
Chapter 1: makes a sequel juseyo
nazhoney900105 #2
Chapter 1: I love how this story has chohan couple in it..i love those couple so much..nyway,although im not so much in other exopink couple but im still okay with this two couple..i think baekhyun and eunji goes together..the story is so how they starting to fall for each other with their voices..chanyeol in it make it interestg too..:)
Chapter 1: love it !! x))
Chapter 1: cool update pls!!
can u also do a kai and eunji fanfic or eunji and chen?!
Chapter 1: Awww.. thank you for doing my requests.. sorry for my other requests i didnt notice that its exo for male lead.. im truly sorry..

I love it!!!
Chapter 1: did i just scream
wow dang-- Baek's doing in right. this is really cute 8)
dewi_sari20 #7
Chapter 1: Sequel please :)