My ambw history...


Just venting about the past, and my akward moment.


There's none really needed.


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Lotuspassion #1
Chapter 3: This is a creepy pattern and at some point this Pattern will end and u will be with a man that will stay and show u he's not gonna leave u so don't feel bad. Your knight and shining armor with come u just have to stop a wait life your life and he'll fine you aight.

Peace and love
Chapter 2: :( I'm curious do you still like or date Asian men now? Thank you for sharing your story. I love hearing real ambw stories.
Chapter 1: Beautiful but sad :(
sevixx #4
Chapter 2: This so fudgin cute, fluffy, sweet, and sad. Thank you for showing us a bit of your past.
Chapter 1: We were kinda the same as kids. I wasn't awkward but when I was that age I wasn't liked at school because I was 'weird'. I did a lot of things to make the other kids think I was funny but they just disliked me and when I found a friend she treated me pretty badly. But anyways, I also didn't believe in "cooties" and didn't mind interacting with the opposite .
Lotuspassion #6
Chapter 1: lucky you just gave me an idea
Chapter 1: OMG that was sad,yet cute story