1st night 1st dare: A stranger a friend

Night's and Dares: I Love You


Author: almost all of this will be in the authors POV so not to spoil their characters so much, but afterwards it will be revealed anyway…..

Ann’s house

Blood boiling in her veins hearing her sister play, she went upstairs, frustrations she’s been keeping ever since they arrive in Korea causes her to spill her anger.

Suze: Ann will you stop playing that ing piano, never play that piano again or else I will throw it and let it be crushed to pieces.

Ann: but…but… (Shifting her glasses) it is the only memory of father-

Suze: the old man is dead already so stop it.

Suze left the house to the pub letting her anger turn to seducing passion.

Ann was in shock she left her glasses unusual for her, letting her eyes express her hidden emotions which was kept piled up behind her thin lenses. She walked too far away to breath it was dark only few street lights to guide her from darkness waiting to capture her. As she was lost panic stricken, a drunk guy approached her wanting her company. She was half scared instead she let her anger flow out of her ever since she arrived here she high kicked the guy hard and applied all her knowledge from watching afar back then in there self-defense class but she was caught off guard

Ann: bastard let go of me

Luck shot like a star a girl electric shocked the guy till it drop to the street.

Girl: self defense purpose, come on lets run.

They ran together

Girl: by the way Triza is the name, let me guess you’re a new girl from where Italy, or Spain, anyway welcome to the neighborhood, where is your house

Ann pause: actually I really don’t feel like going home yet

 Triza: are you in shock! Do you want me to bring you to the hospital?

Ann: no no um Triza really thank you for saving me-

Triza: if you don’t want to go home yet then as return for me saving you will you keep me company.

Ann was happy as a chic like triza would want a company of the likes of her,

…..in the park….

Triza: Ann do you like nature?

Ann: um yeah sure if it is in balance.

Triza: so it came out (the angelic face turned to anger) what is wrong with people blaming witchcraft for ruining the balance of nature when they only want to help… huh...huh…did you know that my great grandmother was executed because of false accusation of practicing witchcraft….

She spoke too fast Ann was confused as what she have heard was right

Triza: gahhh...... you…. If you ever dared to speak a word of this you’ll surely regret that you were saved… you don’t know me… you better go home now

Ann was speechless but went away to face another danger…

…Next day…..

…..in the school’s corridor…

Fan girls were screaming like crazy waiting for the bell to ring

(bell ringing) “SAENGIL CHUKAHAMNIDA (HAPPY BIRTHDAY) LEE TAEMIN” as it was July 18 it was Taemin’s birthday

Taemin smiled but deep inside it was a fake smile he whispered to Onew

Taemin: “what’s with this I thought this would be cancelled”

Onew: cancelled? How

Taemin: there over exaggerated

Key appeared

Key: Taemin you better run and try to find a way out ASAP or you’ll be killed by this crowd

Taemin run hard fan girls tailing him behind he eventually opened the boy bathroom as he thought the only way out which was wrong choice since the fan girls change the sign he was in shocked now as everyone was crowding him he was totally losing control he want to push them away so badly but something in his mind keep him from doing so the girls were screaming in his ears he had no choice but to pretend to passed out

…..In the infirmary……

It was Ann’s first day of school (http://img.tamtay.vn/files/photo2/2009/2/18/23/3169006594/499c3b01_hwang_mi_hee_schoolgirl_26.jpg)  (imagine that and her hair style but brown with glasses)   and  instead of making friends to girls her age she ended up in the infirmary


Ann: sigh… as usual I’m always left alone hmp

Crazy fan girls were rushing past her making her fall but catching herself with hand before her face hit the floor her hands were scratched instead she went to the infirmary and befriended the nurse, yuka who told her about what and not to do and who or not to be friends with it was a great help for her.

…end of flashback…

Someone came in the door a guy carrying a guy

Yuka: oh my what happened to Taemin did the girls-

Jonghyun: yeah of course yuka please come with me to take an absent slip for Taemin.

Taemin was pretending to sleep wondering who it was she took a peek and saw a guy.

Ann: whaa what a pretty faced boy

Taemin looked up and saw a girl

Taemin: you are you one of those girls don’t dare to touch me or you’ll surely regret it

Ann: I’m sorry (acting innocent but deep inside she’s just as irritated) but the truth is I’m not exactly like them.

Taemin: huh…all of them say that exact line always no one can deceive me

Ann: but the fact is who are you to speak to me like that as if you know who I am.

Taemin: don’t pretend to not know me everyone know me of course

Ann: like I care who you are

They stared at each other Ann was not wearing her glasses to protect her emotion from spilling and as she was not used to wearing their new school uniform (http://hwangmihee.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/hmh-schoolgal01.jpg) she looked too cute as no one even notice that but it clearly ran through his mind.

There conversation were interrupted by yuka

Yuka: Taemin lee you can go home now

Jonghyun: let’s go and party. Party...

Ann went outside the infirmary not even bothering to look back

Ann: so you are Taemin..ehh… how uninteresting……

Accidentally someone bumped her

Girl: watch out will you

Ann: sorry- TRIZA!

-if you wait too long for the perfect moment the perfect

Moment will pass by you.




 [Author: I really hope it’s not boring you out.]

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