Circus Vertigo


Ahhh Ladies and Gentlemen...
We at Circus Vertigo offer you a giant show,
We'll show you sights you've never seen,
Take you where you've never been,
We'll gouge your eyes and eat your guts!I

I'm very pleased to say
that from here there's no escape
try your best
but when you'll fall

I'll eat your brain and drink your blood.


Title: Circus Vertigo

Chapters: 3 (or more)

Pairing: Kai/Lu Han

Rating: PG - 13

Genre: Horror, Fantasy, Mistery

Disclaimer: i don't own the characters, only the plot. If my story/plot is similar to another is ONLY a coicidence.

A/N: I at writing (especially in English).  I have this idea in mind and I seriously don't know if it'll work.

I decided to mix Circus Contraption's songs, kailu and a horror scenery, because I love Circus

I'm warnig you that English is not my first lenguage so I'll probably make some mistakes, but I'll try 

my best to write something decent. Thanks for reading.


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lilacsky #1
Chapter 3: Actually these chapters are poetic. I love te words, the imaginations inside, the freaks, and the sheer desperation.
Chapter 2: this looks interesting :)