Closet 2


After L.Joe had pushed the two maknae's of Teen Top and the rest had resumed practicing again with their manager sighing over their behaviours. Ricky and Changjo were stuck in the closet that both Chunji and L.Joe had it. They had no escape. Ricky regretted asking L.Joe the question but Changjo has no intention of letting Ricky go without some fun.


"Let's have some fun hyung." Changjo smirked as he circled his arms around Ricky's wasit, bringing him in closer.

Ricky squirmed around, blushing brighter than a tomato. "W-W-What?" He widened his eyes. "W-We shouldn't do it here Changjo."

Changjo smirks and leans it. "You asked L.Joe-hyung didn't you?" He whispered in Ricky's ear and bit on it. "Aren't you curious how they had in the closet?" He chuckled.


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