
Saving Grace

"It's been a long time." He said. 

"It has been." Grace replied in a neutral tone. 

The sound of the wind rustling the trees filled the silence as they stood there, taking in each others' form. 

Looking at him was like looking at the pain, sorrow and devastation that he had to go through the last three years on his own. The scars were still evident in his heart and it also showed on his face. He looked older, rugged but nevertheless still as handsome as she remembered him. 

He deserved it though, for the emotional turmoil he had put her through the last three years. "How are you?" He was the first to break the silence. 

She gripped her right arm tightly, her nails digging into her flesh. So many thoughts, so many memories came rushing through her head. She wanted more than anything to run into his arms, to breathe in his scent, to wake up from this bad dream. 

For everything to go back the way it is. 

How do you think I'm doing? I am not exactly fan-freaking-tastic after what happened. Also, Haerin is dead leaving Eunhye behind and she wants me of all people to take care of her. The voice in her head screamed but she bit her tongue. 

"I've been better." She replied instead and he nodded, inching his way closer to her but she also took a step back. His eyes, those very eyes that she fell in love with were staring intently at her and she couldn't possibly tear away from his gaze. 

"Gracie, why are you running away from me? What did I do wrong? We were supposed to get married. You left Busan and I never heard from you again. Your parents told my parents that the wedding is off. Next thing I know, I read the obituary that Haerin is dead and she has a child. I didn't even know she got married because she fell off the face of the Earth too. I don't understand-"  

"Grace! There you are!" Myungsoo called out as he lightly jogged towards her, cutting him off midsentence. Hoya blinked at Grace who looked as if she saw an angel descend from the heavens. Myungsoo took her hand and gave a slight squeeze, letting her know that he was there for her. He looked down at her and Grace relaxed in his grip and held onto him tighter. 

"Who is this?" Myungsoo asked, suddenly realizing that there was someone else in their presence. Hoya glared at the stranger, looking at him dead in the eye. 

"I am Hoya, her friend. And you are?" He replied his jaw clenched, his eyes narrowed as if Myungsoo was a menace. 

"I am Myungsoo, her friend as well. Grace doesn't seem so comfortable being around you." Myungsoo said, his thumb brushing the back of her hand and she just stared dumbly at Myungsoo and back at Hoya. 

"Are you her friend or her spokesperson?" Hoya's expression darkened at the male who was threatening on taking his ex-fiancée away. Hoya was shooting daggers at Myungsoo and the black haired younger male flashed a smirk when Grace pressed herself towards Myungsoo.

"Well, she looks like she is much more comfortable with me than with you. Now, if you will excuse us." He pushed past Hoya and Grace ignored all eye contact from Hoya. She clutched her free hand close to her chest, afraid that he would grab hold of her hand.

If he did, she would have unwoven like a thread and she would come crawling back to him.


Myungsoo noticed something was wrong when she stood there rigid, her fingers digging into her milky white skin. She looked as if she would shatter if the male in front of her were to even breathe. 

It was like she was staring at Death in the face. 

The woman who was known for her quick wit and her feisty nature looked as if she would just collapse into a million pieces.

He slowly helped her into his car and helped her fasten the seatbelt on her. When he closed the door, he ran to the driver's seat. He keyed in the ignition and pulled out of the parking lot, driving until the church was far away from their sight.

They sat in silence for a while, neither of them wanting to talk and Myungsoo waited until she was comfortable in talking again. He had to give her credit for being able to handle being so strong for a while now. He expected her to cry but her, being the strong woman that she is, didn't even cry at all. He held onto the steering wheel and continued driving, getting out of Seoul all together. 



"Thank you." She said meekly and albeit, a little shy. He smiled and pat her hand while his eyes were still trained on the busy road ahead of him. 

"You're welcome. You should rest. We have a couple of hours before we reach the place." He told her. She wanted to protest but a yawn instead escaped her lips and she snuggled deeper into the passenger seat. She could tell he was smirking when he scoffed at her but she didn't mind. 

As soon as her eyes fluttered a close, she fell into a dreamless sleep, his hand still on hers. 


"Hey." Myungsoo called her, slowly nudging her awake. "We are here." 

"Hmm?" Was all she answered slightly disorientated when her eyes fluttered open. She looked up to find Myungsoo leaning back on the chair and looking at her with a tired smile on his lips. She rubbed her eyes and fumbled to find the seatbelt buckle to unlatch it but Myungsoo beat her to it, helping her get out of its restraints. She opened the car door and he helped her out. 

She stumbled slightly and he held onto her gently until she steadied herself. She was greeted by the sound of crashing waves and the familiar scent of the ocean filled her nostrils. 

"Where are we?" She asked, looking at the empty beach. It would've been beautiful if there was a little bit of sunshine. Unfortunately, it was grey and from how dark the clouds were, it looked like it would pour at any minute. He laced his fingers with hers and he tugged her forward. "Come on." He urged her, ignoring her question entirely and she slowly following him down the cobblestoned stairs that were covered with white sand. 

Once they reached the bottom, she stopped and Myungsoo turned back to look at her. She shrugged and took out her shoes, bending down to carry her ballet flats with her right fingers but he took them from her. "You can just leave them here. Hardly anyone comes here." He told her, his black eyes boring into hers and she just nodded. He, too, kicked off his shoes and socks. He let go off her hand just a brief moment to arrange them neatly. Thinking he wouldn't grab her hand again, he once again took her hand gently and their fingers intertwined once more. 

They started to walk down in comfortable silence, hand in hand, their feet padded against the soft white sands, the waves becoming louder as they got closer to the sea. They stopped just where the waves kisses the shore and they stood there. He huffed and took in a deep breath, closing his eyes. 

"Do you come here often?" She asked, not looking at him, her eyes trained at the greenish water before them. 

"I do at times when I just want to go away to think." He told her. "It is a couple of miles away from Seoul so it isn't so far." 

Grace hummed and suddenly, she felt a tug of her left arm. She turned around to find Myungsoo sitting on the sand, his knees up to his chest, looking up at her, his lips slightly pursed in a cute manner. 

She wasn't sure whether he was doing that on purpose but it was working.

Sort of. 

"I am wearing a black dress! I don't want to get it dirty." She complained and he rolled her eyes. "You're such a princess." he said and he stretched his legs out, his black slacks getting the sand. She stared at him horrified that he didn't seem to mind that he was dirtying his pants. 

She was even more mortified to find that Myungsoo was asking her to sit on his lap. 

"Sit down." He told her. 

"N-No." She said. 

"It's either this or sitting on the sand. Your choice." He gave her an ultimatum and she contemplated the two options. She felt very uneasy to sit on someone else's lap yet she didn't want to get her dress dirty on the sand. 

Sighing that she was unable to get out of it either way, she crouched down and slowly lowered herself on the soft white sand. Myungsoo gave a triumphant smile and she nudged him with her elbow. He chuckled to see her so out of her element. "Mean." She muttered making him chuckle even more at her expense. "I offered you to sit on my lap but you didn't want to so..." His voice trailed off and she gave him another nudge.

They sat down in silence once more, neither one of them wanted to speak first. She started to distract herself by looking at her legs. Her legs were stretched out, her white skin and the grooves of her toes were covered in sand and she started flexing her feet just to pass the time. 

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" He asked her, she still continuing to move her feet around. 


"I... I..." She sighed and closed her eyes. "I don't know where to even begin." 

He shifted until he was looking down at her. Looking at him with close proximity, she didn't realize how good looking he was. Yes, she admits that he was good looking in the past but not illegally good looking. He looked as if he just stepped out of a front page of the magazine. His sharp yet boyish features, his long black lashes, his dark eyes which are filled with tenderness and of course, his dimple that makes an appearance every now and then. 

His hand found hers again and he held onto it. "Start wherever you want to." He told her, his voice slightly husky and his eyes boring into hers once again. She felt shortness in her breath, her heart beating rapidly from how intense he was looking at her. His eyes were so dark, so pure that she could see herself in them and it made her feel under his scrutiny.

Turning away, she stared at the ocean and with every passing wave, she slowly began to unravel her untold story. 

"It all started 5 years ago..." She began.


5 years ago

Haerin glanced at the clock in the almost empty library she and Grace were in. It struck 4pm and immediately Haerin jumped out of her seat and started packing her belongings. The latter looked up from the sudden commotion and saw her friend shoving everything into her sling bag. "Where are you off to in such a hurry, Rin?" She asked, untying her hair and running her fingers through her scalp. 

"Well, I am going out with Kevin on a date tonight." She told her and Grace's eyes were as large as saucers. "What? We have sleepover plans tonight and not to mention this work." She said pointing at her laptop. The other woman shrugged and adjusted her strap and the sleeves of her long sleeved blouse. "Rain check?" She said timidly and Grace rolled her eyes. 

"You're seriously abandoning me for Kevin? What happened to chicks before ?" Grace said in mock horror and Haerin gave an apologetic look. "Oh come on! Kevin is not a dickhead and you know that. He is a sweetheart! You have to admit that he is a sweetheart." Haerin said wagging her finger at her. Grace was not impressed with her best friend, her arms crossed across her chest. She raised an eyebrow for good measure as well and Haerin just rolled her eyes. 

"I told you last week that Kevin is taking me out on a date! It's our 100th day together!" She said, helplessly dropping her arms to her side, defeated. 

"Since when do you care about this 100th day mumbo jumbo nonsense?" Grace asked, laughing at Haerin who just mock glared at her. "Ever since I got into a relationship. You will understand when you and Hoya get together which I honestly don't even know when anymore." 

Grace sighed and buried her face in her hands. They have been dancing around each other for the last few months eversince the football incident. Her cheerleaders, Kevin, Minah and of course, Haerin said that he is absolutely smitten but if he's so smittened and so in love with her, why is he taking forever to ask her out? 

It doesn't even help when there are rumours going around that he is after Kim Hyuna. 

In other words, she was mad at him and very upset that she was played like that. Of course someone like him would go after Hyuna. Why would anyone want to date plain old Grace? 

Haerin sighed and squeezed her shoulder gently. "Do you want me to ask Kev to ask him for you?" 

"Oh, hell no. I don't want to sound so desperate." Grace said, looking up at Haerin who gave a symphathetic. "He isn't even mine to begin with. He can go date whoever he wants." 


"Really, Rinnie. It's fine." Grace said and Haerin sat down on the table, pulling her bag on her lap. She took out her hand phone and began tapping on her screen. 

"What are you doing?" 

"Clearly, I have hit the wrong nerve and I am going to cancel my date with Kevin." 

Grace who has now red streaks in her black hair grabbed the phone from her and held close to her chest. "No, you are not doing such thing. It's your 100th day together!" 

"So? We can have our 101st day tomorrow." She frowned and Grace gave her an 'are you serious' look which made Haerin roll her eyes. 

"I am fine, Rin."

"Really?" Haerin asked, searching her eyes and she nodded. "Really." 

"Text me, at least?" She said when Grace passed her phone back to her. "If it isn't too late, I will come by. If not, I will bring you out tomorrow for breakfast. My treat." She said, standing up, fixing her blue skater skirt. 

"Whoa, your treat? Who are you and what have you done to the Moon Haerin the prude?" Grace asked jokingly making her roll her eyes once again. 

"Funny. I will talk to you later kay? Love you." She said making her way to the door when Grace called her. 



"If you want to commemorate your 100th day together with , remember to use protection." The remark making Haerin to turn as red as a tomato.

"Eww! We are going to wait until we are married to do that." She stammered. 


Haerin stuck out her tongue at her best friend, making Grace laughed at her expense. The other students turned around to shush them and Haerin waved her off before she was further humiliated. 

Grace shook her head and continued to do her assignment on domestic violence. She hummed a tune and continued footnoting her sentences but after a good half an hour, she was seeing stars and she let out a yawn. She twist her body and slumped lower in her chair. She was about to close her eyes to rest when she heard a familiar voice that caught her attention. 

"Thought I might find you here." 

Immediately, she sat up and found herself face to face with Lee Howon himself who was wearing a V neck purple t-shirt and black skinny jeans. 

"Hello to you too, Hoya." She greeted him and also trying very hard to not glance down at his very tight skinny jeans. Some people should be forbidden to wear something so tight. 

"Surprised to see you here at this hour and in the library no less." He made his way to the chair next to her and sat down. 

"Well, I have an assignment due." 

"Why are you even sitting next to me?" She asked. 

"The library is crowded as you can see and your table is the only vacant one." He told her simply and pulled out his laptop from his backpack. She sighed and slammed her laptop shut and began packing up her belongings. She was already tired and the last thing she wanted was to talk to the one person who was breaking her into pieces. 

"Where are you going?" He asked, panicking when he saw her standing up and gathering her books. 

"I am going to go home. Been sitting here for the past 4 hours and I am exhausted." She said in a slightly cold manner. 

"Been studying too hard lately, Grace?" He said, a smirk on his lips and it gave her butterflies. She hated that he had that affect on her and it irked her even more that she had let herself fallen for a guy like him. 

"Since when do you care? Aren't you with Hyuna?" Grace hissed and that took him off guard. With one last glare, she took her books and left him. She didn't get very far since Hoya pulled her back to their table, his hands on her wrist. Losing her balance, she fell on his lap and he of course was shocked as well. By then, there was a little commotion from the library and people were looking at them. 

Ignoring them, Grace swallowed thickly, her heart pounding against her chest. "H-Hoya." She stammered. Hoya was staring at her like he was looking at her with fresh eyes. His dark brown eyes were so intensed and piercing, if she wasn't careful, she would get lost in his beautiful eyes. He blinked - once, twice - and his gaze travelled from her eyes to her pink lips. His arm s around her waist and she felt she was on fire from his touch. 

"Hyuna?" His breath ghosted over her lips and she in a sharp breath. "Why would I be with her when I have you?"

Hoya tilted her chin, smiling slightly before he leaned in close and brushed his lips lightly on hers. She was still frozen in shock, unsure what to do. He kissed her slowly and gently since he didn’t want to impose on her what is more than necessary, unsure how her reaction will be. But the girl slowly s her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. He smiled against the kiss and his tongue her lips, wanting entrance into . They were in their own little world, completely forgetting that there were other people in the room at that point.

She had to thank her lucky stars that they were sitting quite a secluded area away from Mr. Joo's judgmental eyes. 

When they finally pulled away, Hoya was smiling at her with a lopsided grin, hardly noticing her cheeks were bright red. He tucked away a stand of her hair behind her ear before lifting her up from his lap and Hoya grabbed her hand, his fingers intertwined with her dainty ones. She felt all tingly inside as his hands entwined with hers. He stood up and pulled her towards him, the two of them exchanged speechless yet loving gazes since they were still slightly out of breath from the impromptu make out session. 



"Would you like to go out some time?" 

She was silent for a while before breaking into a small smile. "I'd love to." 


3 years ago

"Is Hoya a good fiancé?" 25 year old Haerin asked, flipping through Vogue Magazine. 

"What a weird question." Grace answered, laughing lightly and good naturedly at her friend’s question. After 2 years of dating, Hoya finally proposed to Grace a couple of months before. Haerin and Kevin helped with the decorations and the planning for their very romantic night out in the sakura park.  

Haerin gave her a frown. "It is not a weird question. As your friend and maid of honour to your wedding, I just want to know whether he is a good fiancé. I will ask Hoya about it too whether you're a good fiancée." 

"Go ahead." Grace laughed. "I have no doubt in my mind that he'll tell you that I am the best woman for him. I bring out the best in him. Why wouldn't he though?" 

"Are you talking about or the kitchen? Or in the kitchen?" Haerin asked, a teasing smile on her lips. Grace threw a cushion at her which she dodged. "Haerin! You're hanging out with Minah too much." 

"And you're dodging the question. You have nothing good to say about him, hmm?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows at her.

Grace leaned back and held onto the cushion close to her chest. "Of course I have! He is wonderful." Grace said dreamily. 

The dark haired woman grinned at her and shook her head. "You went all lovey-dovey there, Gracie girl. Are you going to start belting a Disney song too?"

Grace sighed and fell on the arm rest of her sofa. "I am entitled to though! He is my husband to be, the future father of my children." 

"But you don't fancy children." Haerin pointed out. 

"But he does." 

"Wow, so you are willing to go through labour pains and swollen feet all for a man? Gosh, love did change you." She said and Grace sent her another death glare. 

"Please, I will still look very attractive even when I am 10kgs heavier."

"Overconfident as ever." Haerin joked and Grace mocked glared at her. "And you will be the godmother of my children." Grace said and she laughed. "One step at a time, Gracie. We are in the midst of planning your wedding here. Which reminds me," she said looking at the watch on her wrist. "We are supposed to meet our mothers for lunch and dress shopping." 

Grace complained. "Why must you be on time for everything? It sickens me. Go shag Kevin or something." 

Haerin rolled her eyes. "Please, I have other things to do. Other pressing matters like getting my best friend off from the darn couch." 

The brunette haired woman groaned, sitting up when Haerin stood up and fix her top and dusted her denim shorts. "What will I ever do without you?" She said sarcastically and Haerin smiled. 

"Well..." Haerin said, tapping her chin.

"Don't answer that. Just don't say anything."  

"I won't." She laughed when Grace scrunched up her nose at her, unamused. "If there is any consolation though, Hoya is very lucky to have you. I hope he knows that. He is good for you."

Grace smiled and took her hand. "Just like you and Kevin." 


It was tradition for Grace and Haerin to have a sleepover at either of their houses. Even though they are pretty much adults, they still enjoy watching classic Disney movies. It has helped them over the years: from break ups to post exam meet ups and to just simply getting away from their daunting parents. They would often start with watching Sleeping Beauty followed by Mulan and the list goes on. There were times they were so drunk that they started singing "Circle of Life". 

Tonight was one of those nights where Hoya just left on a business trip. Kevin went to the States for his cousin's wedding a week ago. They wanted to get married earlier but due to business matters, it had to be postponed till he came back. Neither girls wanted to be alone, they decided to have a girls' night in. 

It was almost too perfect of an opportunity for the both of them to have a sleepover. 

As Grace poured another glass for Haerin, she could tell there was something remotely off from Haerin's demenure. After being friends with her for 20 over years, she could tell that this was not how she reacts when she is just over a break up. Sure, she would loose sleep over it but there was something else that was bothering her. 

Just that Grace had no idea what it was. 

After three movies, they were too tipsy to continue and instead, Grace the stereo and the speakers played her favourite song: O by Omarion. 

The young bride giggled and this made Haerin propped up on her elbows to stare at her. "Why are you giggling?" She asked when she saw her grinning like a little girl on Christmas morning. 

"This song reminds me of Hoya." 


"Have you seen him dance to this song? Oh, hot damn. It was amazing. The way his body moves is like liquid." She said dreamily and Haerin nodded, taking another gulp of her red wine. 

Grace continued to gush about Hoya and Haerin continued to listen and give her input about Kevin's lack of dancing skill and flexibility. Grace laughed when Haerin mentioned the time he did the Macarena with a sombrero on his head that almost covered his entire head.  

Then, it came to the point about the wedding and after finishing their wine bottle, they were to the point of sleepy drunk. 

"I can't wait to get married!" Grace slurred as she lay down on the mattress that took up the whole place in the living room. 

"I know." Haerin said sleepily. 

"Having with him is like... The most amazing thing ever." 

"Mmhmm, I am sure." 

"Yeah." Her voice was dreamy and she let out a yawn. Haerin closed her eyes as she listened to her friend talk. "Like the way he would plant butterfly kisses all over your neck, his lips slowly travelling lower. Don't get me started with his fingers." 

"I know." Haerin replied and that was when Grace realized there was something wrong with that response. It sounded almost dreamlike and if Grace didn't know any better, Haerin would have sighed as well. It was as if she had experience that feeling with him first hand. 

"You... know." Grace said finally, her breathing ragged. 

Haerin opened her eyes, realizing what she just said and stared at Grace, gaping at her like a fish. Grace stared at her with wide eyes as she realized that the response she received from Haerin was so because she did experience it herself. 

She didn't want it to be true. She probably heard wrongly since they had finished one whole bottle of wine. But, the look on Haerin's face was like a deer that's been caught in the headlights. 

It was written all over her face even though she didn't say it: She slept with Hoya.

"Gracie, let me explain." She reached out to touch her friend but Grace pushed her away, standing up almost immediately. 

"What can you possibly explain?" 

"It was a mistake!" She said following her friend like a lost puppy, her voice hoarse. 

Grace let out a scoffed as she turned to face Haerin. "A mistake?! A ing mistake?" She gnawed her bottom lip and stared at her, her eyes glassy with tears. "Accidentally mixing the red and the white together in the laundry is a mistake; adding sugar instead of salt into your soup is a mistake but this isn't!" She yelled at her. 

Grace stood by the dining table, her whole body trembling as she stared at Haerin, her best friend, the one person who she relied on. "How many times?" 

"It was a mistake, Gracie. A onetime thing." She choked out and she watched Grace pressing her forefinger on her lips to control herself from crying. "Please let me explain!" 

"What is there to explain, Rin? You slept with Hoya! My fiancé! And... Oh God." Grace felt sick, she felt like she would throw up at the realization. 

"It wasn't like that!" She said, tears rolling down her cheek. 

"No, no. It was exactly like that."

"Grace, please let me explain!" She yelled, shaking her head at all the accusations that Grace threw at her and Grace slammed the table with her fist. 

"You want to explain?! What is there to explain?!" 

"It was a mistake. I didn't mean for this to happen." She said and Grace laughed. 

"No, it was not a mistake. You and I both know that." 

"It is cause... I don't love Hoya that way!"

"Then why did you sleep with him?! Why didn't you sleep with..." 

It dawned on her when it happened. 

Kevin left for the States. 

Hoya was still around. 

Hoya and Kevin were living together. 

Haerin just moved into their place. 

Grace had to go to Daegu to visit her grandmother.

It happened just last week. 

Haerin stared at her when she pieced the picture together. 

"Are you... Are you in love with him?" She gulped and Haerin shook her head. "No. No. I am not in love with him. I told you that."

"Then why did you sleep with him?" She asked, her voice so quiet that Haerin almost didn't catch it. 

Haerin paused, her voice shaking and she wrapped her arms around her torso."I was asleep and Hoya went out with his friends. He came back drunk and stumbled into the living room where I was. He thought... He thought I was you." Grace's eyes opened wide at that and she just stared at her with disbelief. 

"I wanted him to stop but... I missed Kevin and for that one night... I pretended he was him for that one brief moment." She said. 

Before Grace could even speak, Haerin added. "He didn't even know. I walked into Kevin's room and pretended to be asleep when he woke up." 

She didn't know which was worse: the thought that her best friend was sleeping with her fiancé.

Or, the thought that her best friend knew that he was making a mistake at let him go with it. 

Or, the very thought that she was cleaning up her act and pretending that it never happened. 

Her fist clenched and she disappeared into her bedroom, Haerin following close behind. "Grace!" She heard things falling and before she could go inside, Grace took a bag out and walked towards the doorway. 

Haerin thought Grace was leaving her but when she recognized the duffel bag, it was not her. 

She was asking Haerin to leave. 

"Grace, please!" Grace unlocked the front door. 

"Get out." 

"Grace, I am so, so sorry. I am so sorry I hurt you."

"That's the thing right there, Haerin. You're not sorry. You're just sorry you got caught. Now, get out. I don't want to see your sorry face ever again." She opened the door wide and chucked her bag out of the door, a few of her belongings falling out of her bag. 

Haerin stared at her, tears still running down her face. 

Looking at them once more made Grace feel like they were in kindergarden again, way back when everything was simple.

How did everything just go so, very wrong? 

What happened to the promise that they would be best friends till they are old and grey and beyond?

She wanted to say many disjointed unpleasant and hurtful things towards Haerin but she was glad that her lip was tight yet, trembling from the crying. 

'You are desperate for attention! From the first time I met you, you craved for the attention and I thought you would grow out of it but... You didn't! Is Kevin not good enough for you? Do you have to steal my man as well?!' The thought screamed in her mind but she didn't say it out loud. She wanted to hurt her with those words but she couldn't. 

"Leave, right now." She said through gritted teeth and with one last look, Haerin shakily stepped out of the apartment, her eyes never leaving Grace's dark brown orbs.

"He still loves you. He kept saying your name over and over when we did that." She told her quietly but Grace was not hearing any of it. Once she was outside of her doorstep, she slammed the wooden door and latched all the locks on the door as if Haerin would attempt in coming back into the house. 

As soon as her knees sank to the floor, she began to cry as her heart ache and twist as it broke into a million pieces. 



A/N: Wow, okay this was a very, extremely long chapter. I wanted to split it into two parts but I just couldn't. Instead, I will put Myungsoo's reaction in the next chapter. For now, I hope you are able to digest this very long chapter :) 

Until then, hope you like this chapter! Comment, subscribe and upvote xx 

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Chapter 11: Hi, Author, :)

I requested a friend request and I hope you'd accept it.


That twist made me go WOAH. WHAT.

And, I shed a tear
user555 #2
Chapter 11: i really enjoyed this, the writing and characters were amazing :) you deserved to win, thank you!
Chapter 11: AAWWWWW!!!
You're welcome, love! Xx
This is definitely my favorite. And I'm so so SO happy you won the contest xD
And we're kind of getting close cause of this story. And that makes it even more special :)
/sends you a really tight bear hugs/
Love ya! :)xx
IAmFriendly #4
This was great! :) Thanks for sharing and nice job author-nim! :)
yooamie #5
Chapter 10: Wow... This is a really really beautiful story. It's really well written, which really made a big impact on me xD.
Chapter 10: omg such a beautiful story;;::)))
clairex33 #7
Chapter 10: oh my god idk why but i teared up at the end :'( glad it was a happy ending!
Chapter 10: Oh my god, you're welcome! I love this story, and you know that! ;) haha
It ends already /cries a bucket/
Eunhye is still her cute little self, so adorable!
At first I was furious about Hoya's confession. He was a total jerk! And thank god Grace was sane enough not to take him back! But then he took care of his problem and being a good father for Eunhye. It's not fair you know, making me hate him for one minute and then love him the very next minute hahaha
And Grace and Myungsoo.. Gosh I can't even. I'm just glad Myungsoo was there for Grace. He's just what Grace needed. Can I be Grace and cuddle with Myungsoo? Can I? Can I? Hahaha
This is such a good story. One of my favorite. Thank you for writing this story! Have a nice day babe! :)xx
Chapter 9: Gosh, where to start? Where to start?
Okay, first, Eunhye liked Enchanted! Yay! Like seriously, I love that movie (don't judge me!) Haha
And the first time Hoya started denying what Grace told him, I know I didn't but what he said. But I didn't expect him to be such a jerk (sorry)! Gosh Lee Hoya!!!
And how did Minah get that audio? And Haerin's gay! Girl that's was like the biggest bomb so far!!
I'm having so much mix feelings right now hahaha. Thanks for the update! :)xx
Chapter 8: What's with the cliffhanger???!!! Agdsufhdrsa!!! Hahaha
Eunhye is just too cute! Makes me want to keep her XD ooh and Myungsoo's starting to get all jelly jelly on Hoya. How cute haha.
It seems like Grace still has the little soft spot for Hoya. But to me it's kind of understandable tho.
And I don't think Hoya will take the news well. I mean, he didn't even remember what happened between him and Haerin, right?
Anyways, thanks for the update! :)