Kiss the girl

" Lucky bastard. " Luhan glare at the attention in the lunch hall, and cursed after gulping his milk in one shot. " Gege, does that mean I looses all my chance? " Tao pout and turn to Kris who look too bothered and annoy to answer. " Yes, not just you but all of us. " Chen answer it for the leader who had ignore the maknae. " I wanted her so bad though. " Lay sigh and pout, staring at the guy and girl who have not stop kissing yet. " I'm willing to give her all my good food, but before I can do it, why must Kai destroy everything? " Xiumin ask and munch all the food in his mouth unhappily.


" I can't believe this? Kai with Jiyeon?! " Luhan asked with his eyes narrowing while the maknae in Exo-K, Sehun, sigh and nod. " Hyung, we have no choice. Plus, she won't be the only girl in this world okay? " Sehun said, trying to comfort all his hyungs. " Yeah she won't but she's the most beautiful girl. " Kris replied back with a desolation tone of voice and receive nods from the member. " But she won't make our heart race like she make Kai's heart race and she doesn't blush around us like she does to Kai. " Baekhyun said and pointed to his heart, telling them that it is aching. " Ahh, someone is ruining my life!! " Tao whine and cover his ear, looking away from his horrible hyungs and scene that is going on. 


" I''ve never expect this kiss to go longer then it did. " Kai teasingly said after pulling from the kiss for Jiyeon to breathe. " I-I, sorry. " Jiyeon blush as a red tomato and make Kai chuckle from her cuteness. " Would Seo Jiyeon be Kai's girlfriend? " Kai asked and pinch Jiyeon's nose, making the fans squeal louder. 'We were being watched?´ Jiyeon choke on her salvia as she turn to the people surrounding them and bite her lips. " Aww, you're too cute. " Kai said and pinch Jiyeon's cheek as Jiyeon couldn't find the right words for him. 


" Take your time but remember, I got your first kiss and I won't be able to return it back. " Kai stand up and ruffle her hairs. " If you say yes then come up to me and lock your hands with my, if you say no then say it straight to me. I won't say anything to your decision. " Kai wink and left Jiyeon alone. 


" Why does it hurt so much? " " Is there any medicine to cure my heart? " " God, god why are you destroying the love of my life like this? " Where ever Jiyeon goes after the lunch incident, she spotted guys and girls sulking. They were too depress and unfocused to even notice her as she walk past them. ` Is being with Kia hurt them this much?´ Jiyeon asked herself with a disappointment look and dropped on her seat with a sigh. " I didn't know that Jiyeon have a little thing for my Kai. " Mrs.Kim's teasing voice interrupt with a smile and cause Jiyeon to blush a little. Mrs.Kim, was Kai's mother after all. " D-does the news spread that fast? " Jiyeon pout and face palm. 


Mrs.Kim, laughing at Jiyeon's cuteness nod. " Yes my dear, you know, I would be more than glad to accept you as my daughter-in-law. " Mrs.Kim wink at Jiyeon and giggle. " I-I... " Jiyeon blush and bite her lips. `I'm sorry Kai, but this is for everyone' s good sake.´ Jiyeon gulped at her thoughts and frowned. She know it was not a good thing and something that Kai would love to hear.




Jiyeon know that she couldn't accept the king of the school, Kai. He has so many fan girls and too good looking for her. Kai at least deserve some prettier girls and they are going off to college, people will change, they will move. Every one will go to their own separate way and most importantly, didn't she told Mrs.Kim that she's not interest in guys much? She told Kai's mother that education and helping others come first, she can't just go differentiate from what she had say. 


" Ahh I'm thinking too much. " Jiyeon pout and close her locker after helping Mrs.Kim with grading homeworks and assignments again, as always."  Thinking about me? " there came Kai's voice again. `Kai, why Kai and now?´ Jiyeon frowned and turn to Kai. `Come on Ji, it doesn't hurt to reject. You have been rejecting more than a 100 guys. ´ Jiyeon gulped and take a step closer to Kai. " K-Kai, I think...I think we should remain as--- " With the word remain,  Kai shake his head with a little frown and place his index fingers on her lips, stopping her from continuing. 


" It's too fast for you to give me your answer. I can wait, no matter if it's years or generations. " Kai said with a smile that it was too obvious to not notice it's a fake smile and pull his hand back. " B-but Kai-- " " Don't rush yourself okay? Take your time. " 


" I-I don't want you to waste yourself and stop looking for your girl, the right one for you. Sorry Kai, I-I can't accept you. " Jiyeon said, clenching on her fist. It was way harder than she have thought. 


3 minutes of their silence, staring at each other, Kai finally spoke. " I'll come look for you in a year again. " Kai sigh sadly and turn to walk away leaving Jiyeon with a little tears. She was confuse and lost. She didn't get her feelings at all. `I don't like Kai, why am I sad for not accepting him? ´ Jiyeon sniffed and walk to her class with her math book. 




" She reject you? " Luhan ask with his brow raise, trying to bite back his smile in happiness. " If she reject you then she will be rejecting us all too. " Sehun sigh and lean his head on Kris's shoulder. " It's okay, Kai. She might not be the one." Suho said, trying to cheer Kai who is sulking on his seat. Exo was happy that Kai got rejected but heck they all feel bad too. Kai is like a brother to them. 


" She kiss back though. S-she blush around me too. I don't find her blushing at other guys and hell, she won't even let a guy kiss her. " Kai said with a sad tone of voice and hug his backpack like a little upset kid. " I hate to say this but Kai, I'm happy that she had rejected you. " Tao smile and jump in happiness. " You try to say a word of something that involves with confession and to her, I will kill you Tao. " Kai warn through gritting his teeth and change his mood immediately. " Woah woah, does that mean you didn't give up on her yet? " Chanyeol asked in surprise and lean closer to Kai. Was this really the first time that Kai will take a girl serious? 


" Never in life, never in a second. Every single year I would asked her and do the same thing. " Kai said confidentially and sigh, going back to his depressing self. " , that mean we won't have a chance? " Sehun cursed and roll his eyes. " Before that, Kai may I please sleep with Jiyeon first? I mean she's y, hot, beautiful, damn and her fine body are good to sleep with--- " " What did you say? " Kai grit his teeth and got up from his seat, grabbing Tao's collar. " Aish, he passed the test. Lets all give up on her. " Kris run his fingers through his hair and announce annoyingly. 


While on the other hand Mrs.Kim watches Jiyeon, who didn't bother to move when she announce it was lunch time.  " Jiyeon-ah, what's wrong? " Mrs.Kim asked and patted Jiyeon on her back gently. " Mrs.Kim...." Jiyeon called with a depressing tone and sighed. " Did you reject Kai? " Mrs.Kim asked as Jiyeon nod and cause her to chuckle. " So you don't like him? " Mrs.Kim asked with her brow raise. 


" It's not like that, Mrs.Kim. " Jiyeon said softly and stop to take a deep breath before continuing. " I-I don't feel like I'm good enough for him. I-I'm not perfect as people sees in me, and I'm scare to fall in love with someone. I'm scared that one day one would leave another one and that person would be in deep pain. " 


" Aigoo, Jiyeon, before you think of any other things, think of how it can affect your life. When you're in love, cherish every single seconds of the moment, don't let what you think to destroy you. It can cause a big impact if you keep thinking of the things that doesn't exist or happen at the moment. You shouldn't think of the future when you're not in there yet. What your decision and what you do will lead you to the future. " Mrs.Kim said softly and Jiyeon's hair. " I know Kai well enough, don't worried, he only stick up to what he said and decide. " Mrs.Kim said with a smile. `Too late, I can't go back and take my words. Kai seems to be hurt by it ´ Jiyeon cry quietly and hug Mrs.Kim. 


1 years later


Jiyeon, her beauty, it has never stopped attracting people. Every where she goes, that beauty will be the attention of people and her innocence will lead the people's heart to her. Such a kind girl in a young age. Jiyeon bite her lips and fix her hair into a messy bun, sitting on a white chair. 


" Can you please tell me what flowers I should give to my girlfriend? It's her birthday. " the door was pull open and show a guy with a nice outfit, looking as if he's going for a date. " Her birthday? " Jiyeon smile and turn to the guy. " J-jiyeon? " Sehun let out a little gasp and point his index finger at Jiyeon. " O-Oh Sehun. " Jiyeon smile got bigger and chuckle. " You work here?  " Sehun asked and follow Jiyeon to where the rose area is. " Yeah, after graduating. This is my part time job. " Jiyeon said with a gentle voice as always. " Wow, you're still the same old Jiyeon." Sehun said, studying Jiyeon's beauty. " I hope so. I'm getting old and ugly. " Jiyeon sigh and turn to Sehun. " How long have you and your girls been together? " Jiyeon asked. " Just 3 months and no. You still look as beautiful as you use to. " Sehun said as Jiyeon chuckle. " Thank you. Does your girl like you to spend money on her? Or take her to a fancy restaurant? " Jiyeon question and makes Sehun shake his head. 


" Sorry, I don't mean to get into your privacy life. This is what we must do to give you the right flower."  Jiyeon smile. " Sooeun, my girlfriend. She likes nature, she prefer little things over big things and she doesn't like any fancy stuff like most of the girls and which I am glad that I have found the right one. " Sehun smile and blush at the thought of his girlfriend. " Okay, I'll get it done in minutes, please wait. " Jiyeon said and grab 3 white roses and take it to the counter. 


" Take your time. " Sehun smile and took out his phone, making sure to put his volume down, he sneakily took a picture of Jiyeon. " So Jiyeon-ah why only 3 roses, why is it roses, and why it is white? " Sehun asked and rub his neck meanwhile Jiyeon chuckle. 


" You guys have been together for 3 months, the 3 roses represent the month of you love being with her and she's always in your mind and heart. The color of the roses, white, it represents the pureness of you having for her. It's not dark and it's not pretty it's pure and beautiful. Roses represent love and to never let go. It's as if you are going to be with that person for forever if you guys held onto the relationship through thick and thin. " Jiyeon responded to Sehun's question and make him gasp with his eyes widened. God damn if he wasn't taken by his woman and Kai doesn't have feelings for Jiyeon, he would do anything to have her. " Well, here it is and if you wanted her to feel special speak out what your heart tells you. " Jiyeon smile and wrap a white string on the 3 roses. 


" Thank you very much Jiyeon. I really appreciate and I will come back again. Thank you a lot! " Sehun said as he grab the 3 roses and handed Jiyeon the amount of money. " Wait, Jiyeon-ah, are you single? " Sehun asked. " Yeah, the single forever Jiyeon. " Jiyeon smile at Sehun who give her a grinned and walk out with a widest smile. `Oh Kai, you're going to owe me. ´ Sehun grinned and send a photo of a girl to Kai. 


And within a minute, Kai immediately called. " Y-You've found her? Where is she? How did you find her? Where are you right now? Is she still the same? Send the address? Does she work--- " " Dude chill. " Sehun interrupt with a little annoy and satisfied tone. " Fine. " Kai finally sigh and wait impatiently for Sehun to say a word. " Hello? " Kai asked after a 30 seconds wait."  Still here. " Sehun chuckle and clucked his tongue. " If you don't tell me, I will kill you! " Kai grit his teeth and threaten Sehun who seems not to be bother by it. " Like you would. " Sehun scoff."  Oh yeah, really? Should I tell my dongsaeng Sooeun to break up with you and go to Luhan--- " " You shut up before I punch you. " Sehun growl and furrow his brow. God damn, he hate how Kai would always use his sister on him. 


" Tell me. " Kai chuckle and quickly asked. " The flower shop up the hill. She have been working there for a year and I guess, still single? " Sehun teased as he can feel Kai rushing to dress up. " Jerk, you will owe me a day to spend with Sooeun. " Sehun mumble and hang up since Kai was too busy trying to look nice for the girl he's longing for. 




It has been over a week since Sehun had visited the shop and Jiyeon couldn't help but think of her high school life. It sure is lonely to be alone but it's better to wait for the right one than play with the wrong one. Jiyeon sighed and drank her cup of tea, waiting for a customer. " May I get 365 white roses? " a voice came from ahead of Jiyeon and make her jump. 'As always' That person thought and smile under the mask. " 365 white roses? Oh my, she must be very special. " Jiyeon smile and try to her calm her voice from jumping. 


" Very special. " that person said as Jiyeon turn to face who it was. " That's wonderful to hear. " Jiyeon smile at the guy who have a black mask on and a black hat. " Does 365 roses represent the days? " Jiyeon asked and grab 3 large vases that contain 100 white roses. " Represent the days that she left me. " He said under his mask as Jiyeon let out a soft gasp and bow. " I'm sorry. " she apologize as the guy shake his head. " I'm going to ask her to be mine again. Last year in Senior high, she rejected me and then later I found out that she wanted to be with me but she didn't have the courage too. My mother was her homeroom teacher, and she's very close to my mother. " He said with a smile, trying to hint Jiyeon. 


`That sound familiar.´ Jiyeon bite her bottom lip and turn to look at the guy with a little confuse look. " She was the most beautiful girl that stole guys breath away yet she doesn't accept anyone. She is always kind and innocent even until today. " he said as Jiyeon gulped her salvia and quickly grab the other 65 white roses. " Her name was.--- " " P-please wait a minute for me to wrap these up for you. " Jiyeon quickly said and walk over to the counter with 365 white roses. " Her name was Seo Jiyeon. " He finally said and take off his hat, walking back to the counter. He wanted to be close to her so much. 


" And my name is ... Kai. " Kai said, taking off his mask and reveal his self. `K-Kai? ' Jiyeon gasp and stood shock with her eyes widened. 'You're still cute as always. You never changed.´ Kai smile and place his palm on Jiyeon's cheek. " K-Kai? " Jiyeon asked and smile nervously at him. His touch though. Jiyeon blush. " Are you smart? " Kai asked with a grinned and make Jiyeon shake her head. " N-no. " Jiyeon's answer were still even the same to him. Kai chuckle. 


" If you're not smart, what will a person say if he wanted to be with her the person he love? Letters start with W Y B W M F F? " Kai asked and Jiyeon's cheekbone to cause her to blush."  W-will you be with me for forever? " Jiyeon asked with her brow raise and blushing cheek. " Of course, my goddess. " Kai smirk and pull Jiyeon closer for a kiss. 


The way how her lips is still soft and sweet for him, Kai can never be more happy than he is at the moment. Kai nibble Jiyeon's bottom lips and grab her waist, pulling her against his chest. `It's now or never´ Jiyeon thought and reach her hand and lock hers with his. " Kai, would be you my boyfriend? Someone I love? " Jiyeon blurt out words and for the first time, Kai blush. " Woah baby, shouldn't I be the one asking you? " Kai asked and kiss the tip of Jiyeon's nose. 


" Yeah.... but you with words. " Jiyeon said chuckling at Kai who had his jaw drop. " I'll be Seo Jiyeon's only boyfriend and I'll be the great father for our future. " Kai said and embrace Jiyeon in his arm. " I don't remember saying anything about being a father. " Jiyeon blush and bite her lips before kissing Kai's collar. " Yeah but I say it since you say I with words. " Kai scoff and Jiyeon's hair while she snuggle in his chest. " How did you find me? " Jiyeon asked and pull from the hug. " Oh Sehun. " Kai shrugged and both of her cheek with his 2 thumbs. 


He had dreaming so much for this to happen and now that it finally did. Kai hoped it wasn't dream, Kai doesn't want it to be a dream.  Kai smile genuinely and tug pieces of her hairs behind her ear. " Sehun? Oh. " Jiyeon bite her lips and smile at the thought of Sehun."  No baby. You don't think of other guys and smile. You think of me and only me and smile, okay? " Kai asked as Jiyeon scoff and walk away from him, handling him 365 white roses. " Those are for my baby girl, Seo Jiyeon"  Kai grinned and kiss the tip of her nose again. 


" We're moving way fast on this relationship. " Jiyeon said and bite her lips, not knowing if she was sure. " Yeah but who care? We know each other since pre-school. But someone is always being shy and nervous around me that's why things were slow. It's okay though, I got her back and can wait anytime for her to be ready because this heart and love of my, it only belongs to her."  Kai said with his grinned and kiss Jiyeon's lips for more than seconds. 



3 years later 


" Kai what would happen if you have never kiss Jiyeon that day? " Sehun asked as the group of guys sit around a big table, drinking Soju. " Then one of y'all's is going to steal her. " Kai scoff and look at his gang of friends. " True. None of us would not go after her. " Chanyeol shrugged and smile to the thought of his new beautiful girl. " She's very beautiful though. " Xiumin pout and honestly said as Kai chuckle and shake his head. " What should we do, Baekhyun, and Kris? We're the only single guy here. " Luhan asked and circle his arm around Baekhyun's neck. " Clubbing. Let's go. " Kris shift his eyes to the window and spotted 9 girls making their way to the restaurant. " Yeah, bye. " Baekhyun nod and got up after Kris. " y'all ugly annoying taken guys " Luhan cursed walk out with a smirk meanwhile the rest of the gang shake their head and laugh. 


" Hey my beautiful goddess " Kai quickly peck Jiyeon's cheekbone and lips. " Hey Handsome. " Jiyeon smile and peck Kai's lips and his collar back. As for other hand, the other 8 couples are greeting each other with kisses. " Sehun, did you leave your boxer on purpose? " Sooeun asked and cause Sehun to blush meanwhile Kai grit his teeth and mouth something to Sehun, kicking his leg under the table. Sehun bite back his pain and let out an awkward laugh. " N-No baby, I must have forgot it that night. " Sehun rub his neck and rub his face on Sooeun's neck. " Excuse me, but we don't want to hear any privacy from the couple. " Hana roll her eyes and smile as Chen laugh and shake his head. " You should only mind our business and privacy too. " Chen said as Hana laugh and kiss him on his chin. 


" God damn Kris, how long will 3 of us remain single? " Luhan asked and roll his eyes after the 3 had reach the club and book a room. " That's the same I'm wondering about. " Kris hissed and stare at the ceiling."  Probably soon? Look we ain't born to be alone. " Baekhyun said and gulped his drink in one shot. " Hope that that is true before we all die. I'm already 25, yo."  Luhan curse under his breath and stand up, walking to the large glass window, looking down on the dance floor and study girls. From one to one, Luhan can only scoff. Either they dress ty or is one. " Girls these days, how can the gang find them such a perfect girl."  Luhan asked and drink his cup of alcohol. " I have to use the restroom. Be back. " Kris hic cup and walk out of the room meanwhile Luhan's eyes remain to look for a girl. 


" Don't worried, you won't die at such an early age. " Baekhyun snort and watches Luhan who remain speechless, staring someone down at the dance floor. " Beautiful. " Baekhyun heard Luhan whisper and heard him gulped. " Here it goes with Luhan finding his Ms. Right girl. " Baekhyun cursed as Luhan told him that he will be back, maybe, if he can and left the room. " ! " Baekhyun hissed and finish his cup of drink before standing up and go over to the window to look for Luhan. 


And there he was, Luhan being grind by a girl who is the most iest girl he have ever seen. Luhan whisper to the girl's ear and cause her to blush before she bite her lips and turn to kiss him tenderly. " If I'm don't envy then I'm jealous of Luhan hyung. " Baekhyun sighed and grabbed his keys, ready to leave. 


Kris, while in other hand is making his way to the restroom and spotted a girl on the floor, resting where the trashcan is. " Dude, you're in the wrong restroom. " Kris furrow his brow and his pant, ready to pee until the girl stand up and grab him on the arm. " You're y. " She said with a grinned and cupped his face before kissing him. 


" Kris is also busy doing with a girl too huh? " Baekhyun scoff and left to his car angrily. He came with 2 single guys to the club but he end up going back home being the only single guys. " Aish, these hyungs. " Baekhyun pout and drive through the dark alley. Driving in quietness, Baekhyun heard a girl scream out for help and before he knew, he had already dash to the direction and help. 


°    °    °

A/N ; Yeah, I feel like I'm rushing a little of the story, hehe sorry. Please tell me what you guys think and no, lol. This is not the end yet, there is more shots to come, stay with me until the next chapter. 

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this one shot only took me 1 day lol, but i have decided to update a day after the first chapter


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Chapter 2: God this is so cute! I love Kai and Jiyeon's love story ❤
B2utyTyah611 #2
Chapter 3: #10,11 please~~~
EXOxoxo3213 #3
Chapter 3: #10 or #5 please
KimFxz #4
Chapter 3: #12,10,9,1,2,11,7
AnneJongin #5
Chapter 3: #10 please~~~
Chapter 1: 200 from kai?! dang! && hahah poor other members
sunset_kpop_love #7
Chapter 3: #9 joosaeyo
Miss_Kimjongin #8
Chapter 3: Number 10.
Chapter 3: I chose #10