{ Prologue }

{ The Masquerade }
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“Are you sure that you have to leave so soon?” Kibum asked his parents with a look of uncertainty. His parents had just informed him that they would be taking a trip to a Kingdom in an attempt to start a trading business. He was fine with it at first, but when he was told that they would be gone for a month or two, he grew worried.

“I mean…what if something happens?” His mother laughed softly at this.

“Don’t worry, honey, we’ll be back before you know it,” She said with a light smile. “It won’t be so bad.”

Kibum bit the inside corner of his cheek, thinking. Was it bad for him to worry? His mother was so calm when she spoke, and it seemed as though she wasn’t concerned on what could happen to her, or her husband. Maybe she pushed the thoughts away, and Kibum's concerns so that they did not worry her if she were to think of them. Then again, his mother was a strong woman. Hardly anything ever fazed her.

“Still…you’ve never been gone for so long before,” He said almost quietly. His right hand began to fiddle with the left sleeve of his shirt, as he always did when he was nervous, "I'm just worried something bad will happen."

His father noticed this, and he placed a firm hand on his son’s right shoulder, “If it will make you feel better…we are not going alone. A few of our finest guards will be coming along as well to make sure that we are well protected."

 Even this didn't seem to comfort Kibum, but he decided not to pester his parents further. He knew they would just make up excuses on why he should not be worried.

The prince slowly nodded at his father's words, glancing downward for a few seconds before looking up at his parents. “Anything else I should know…?”

 A moment of silence passed before his mother let out a small gasp. “Ah! Yes, now that you mention it, we do have some news for you.” She cast a glance to her husband, who stared confused for a few seconds before he grinned.

Yes, of

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